Safe At Last

917 Words
Novah wakes up, not realizing she had fell asleep. She looks around the dark room, holding her breath. Its when she realizes that the house is dead silent and fear creeps in her mind. She shakes her head to clear it and stands up. Taking a deep breath, she turns the doorknob to find it unlocked. She begins to shake with fear that it was a trap. As she opens the door, she can see the moon shining into the hallway just like in her dream. Sighing, she walks slowly down the hallway, feeling like she's being watched. Trying not to panic and scream, she continues when she feels someone's hot breath on her neck. Just as she's about to turn around arms wrap around her to hold her tight. Novah screams, trying to fight out of the tight arms holding her. Before she can scream again, a familiar voice whispers in her ear. "No, its ok, I've got you now. Novah, stop, please!" She freezes and turns with a gasp. He was the most beautiful thing she'd ever seen. Max stood there with tears falling from his eyes and a smile slowly creeping on to his face. She let's out a sigh as she runs into his arms throwing her arms around his neck. She finally let herself cry and it felt good to release it all. It was finally over and she was safe. Reluctantly, she pulls a way as Max leads her outside to an ambulance.  Once off the porch, Melissa runs out of the black SUV next to them and wraps her up in a tight hug crying in her hair. "Oh my gosh, No! I'm so sorry." she says as she pulls back to look at her. Novah was covered in bruises, blood and dirt. Her hair was matted on top of her head. Her face was cut up and bruised like someone had punched her repeatedly. All her nails were broken down to the pink and the same goes for her toes. It looked like she may have a broken finger or two and her clothes were dirty and torn. Melissa's hand covered her mouth as it hit her, Sam had probably raped and beat her. Now she was worried about the baby in her friend's belly. Shaking her head she helped Max walk her to the ambulance and then helped her step up into it. Max hopped up to join her as the EMTs hooked her up to monitors and put an IV in her arm. Once everyone was sure she was stable, they prepared to leave for the hospital. Once it was just Max and Novah, she relaxed and let out a sigh. "How did you find me?" she asked him, looking him in the eyes. Max still had tears running down his face. She had an eye that looked like every blood vessel had popped because it was blood filled and swollen. "Sam had opened up to Melissa when he first moved here." Max began as he shook his head. "I guess last year, Sam had lost his girlfriend, Kasey. No one ever found her body but everyone suspected Sam was involved. They just couldn't prove it." Max ran a hand through his hair and continued. "All the pressure from the cops prompted Sam to move into the city, where he met Melissa and she looked a lot like Kasey, so he had to get a job with her." he began to rub her hand as he finally looked her in the eyes. "That's where he met you and fell for you because Melissa had talked you up to him. She's been kicking herself for all of this. I really think she blames herself, No."  Novah could only shake her head at it all. Melissa was not to blame for this. Sam was just a very sick and disturbed man. He needed help and to be put away where he couldn't hurt anyone else anymore. Tears fell down her face, realizing  she probably could've died in that house but it was over. She was safe and happy to be back with Max. She let out a sigh as she let her eyes close and fell asleep not scared to let the darkness take her. The steady beeping of the machines lulled her to sleep but this sleep felt different. It was almost like her body was getting heavier and heavier. As the heaviness got worse, the beeping slowed more and more. All of a sudden she heard a lot of panicked voices all around her. She wanted so badly to open her eyes but she didn't seem to have the strength to.  Max was in her ear and she could hear the panic creeping in his tone. "Novah? Novah! Open your eyes baby! Please, open your eyes for me!" Max started to scream in her ear. Then a sob escaped him as he squeezed her hand. "You can't leave me, Novah!" She was so confused because she wasn't going anywhere. As the confusion got worse she heard the EMT yelling. She focused on his voice harder. "Turn the lights and sirens on! Her vitals are dropping fast!" he let out a frustrated sigh and continued. "Now! Let's go!" As his words registered in her brain, Novah now knew why she couldn't open her eyes, she was dying! Panic set in as she feared for herself and her baby as the beeping was barely loud enough to hear now.
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