Time To Heal

1363 Words
Max sat slumped in a small chair, sleeping. His snoring had woke you up and she smiled. She looked down to see his hand near hers so she reached to squeeze his hand. His face, as he jumped awake, was so funny to her. He pulled his hand away to wipe his eyes trying to wake up. After stretching he finally smiled and leaned in to kiss her forehead. She noticed he looked so stressed and tired, but he still gave her a smile. It didn't match his eyes and she didn't like it. "Hey, No. How do you feel?" She frowned feeling confused, as she looked around to see she was in a hospital bed. Frowning, she turned back to look at him. "Yeah, I feel fine. I'm tired and sore but that's all." Max nodded and smiled slightly. "That's to be expected baby." he said, as he rubbed her thigh. Still confused, she tried to sit up more but Max and the pain in her stomach made her yelp in pain. She laid back down so the pain would stop. She lifted her gown as Max's hands reached to stop her but it was too late. A long bandage was taped across her lower stomach. She lightly touched and it was like a light bulb turned on in her brain. "The baby!" she gasped, turning to look at Max with tears in her eyes. "Where is my baby?! What happened?" The monitors began to beep faster and louder. As she was about to ask again, a nurse runs in. "Novah, calm down. You need to relax, please?" the nurse said with a concerned look. Novah shook her head, she wanted answer and she wanted them now. "No! Someone better answer me right now!" The nurse cast a look at Max who shrugged. "Stop it! Talk to me!" The nurse place both hands on her shoulders to push her back to lay down. "Okay, I'll explain everything but you HAVE TO CALM DOWN!" Novah nods, as she takes a deep breath to try and relax. That made the nurse smile sweetly and take a breath. "As you were on your way here, your body began to shut down. Do you remember the ambulance ride here?" she asked as Novah shook her head. "Okay, I didn't think you would." she says as she pats Novah's foot. "You came into the ER and you had flatlined. That means your heart stopped. So we rushed you into emergency C-section to save your baby." As the words were spoken, a sob escaped Novah's throat. The nurse held her hands up to stop her before she panicked again. "Your baby is doing very well for how young he is." Novah raised her eyebrows. "Did you say he?" she asked as she turned to look at Max, who had a grin on his face. "Yes, I did. Now if you stay calm and don't rush things, I'll take you to see him. Deal?" The nurse said as she put her hands on her hips. Novah quickly nodded, smiling. As the nurse was helping her sit up, someone knocked on the door. Max stood and opened the door. In waddled Melissa with a pained expression. She hadn't even looked at the bed yet but once she did she squealed with excitement. "Oh my gosh!" she screamed as she rushed to hug her but Max stopped her. Looking at Max, annoyed, Melissa back up and sat down. "Oh, yeah, your stomach." Melissa said as she patted her leg. "How do you feel, No?" She shrugged and smiled. "I feel like I went 2 rounds with a shark and lost, badly." Everyone laughed at her words. Novah laughed too but soon gasped in pain. As she did they both stood hands hovering over her. She smiled as she waved them away. "It's okay, I just can't laugh right now." she said lightly chuckling. They all spent the next few minutes catching up as a heavy set man lightly knocked on the door as he walked. Max's face went stern and his jaw started to tick. Novah placed a hand on his arm, as she turned her attention towards the chubby guy. "Can I help you, sir?" He looked at her for the first time with a shocked expression. "Yes, ma'am. I was coming to see if you had woken up yet." he said as he pulled a notepad from his shirt pocket. Max stood up then and was shaking his head. "No, not right now." he said sternly as he pointed at her in bed. "She just woke up and is trying to stay calm so we can go see our son." Max says through gritted teeth. The chubby pushes his lips tightly together and nods. "Max, I get it. Okay? If we're going to be able to put him away for a long time I have to get her statement now before it gets foggy for her." Now Novah understood the tension.  She lightly pushed Max's arm, trying to make him sit down. Clearing her throat, she turned her attention towards the cop. "I'll answer whatever questions you have, sir." Max was about to open his mouth in protest as she put a finger to her lips hushing him. He gritted his teeth harder as he sighed in frustration. Novah nodded, encouraging the cop to continue. The cop clears his throat as he writes something down. "Okay, so how do you know Sam?" he asked. Novah smirked, weakly. "We worked together. I've only known him for about two or three months, myself." The cop writes what said down and looks back up. "Why do believe he took you? Or did he tell you why he did it?" She nods again. "He believed my our son was his and didn't want Max anywhere near me." Slowly remembering what she was told before she blacked out she takes a deep breath. "I also do believe it stems off his missing girlfriend, Kasey." As she said the name, all eyes were on her. The cop raised an eyebrow. "Did you say Kasey?" Novah nodded as she moved to get comfortable again. "I remember when I was there that I had seen a cage in the corner of the room he would take me to."  Novah says, as she shivered remembering that room. "In the cage were women's clothing, that weren't mine. So I'd assume her remains are in that cage." The cop nodded again as he wrote all of what she said down. "I know this is hard for you, but I have to know what happened when you was with Sam." Max reached over to squeeze her hand, knowing it was going to be hard to talk about. She took a deep breath trying calm down as the monitors beeped faster and faster. She knew her nurse was going to come in and get mad again. It didn't matter how many breaths she took, it didn't help as flashes of what he did to her rushed forward in her brain.  Sure enough, her nurse rushed in and glared at the cop. "I told you she wasn't well enough to talk to you." She yelled as she crossed her arms across her chest. He was about to protest, when she pointed out the door. "No, I don't want to hear it detective. Get out! Now!" He put his notepad and pen away as he looked at Novah, nodding. "I'll come back later, okay?" Before she could agree the nurse cleared her throat. "I suggest you call and ask me first." He nodded again as he was pushed out the door and the nurse slammed it behind shut behind him. She hurries over and injects something in her IV. "This should calm you down, honey." she said, patting her shoulder and walking out. Max looked at Melissa pointing to the door. "I'm going to walk her to her car and I'll be right back." he says, leaning in to kiss her lips. "Get some sleep, No." That's the last thing she remembered before her eyes closed and she was back in the darkness again.
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