Caging A Monster

1061 Words
As Melissa began to me Max and herself a plate of food, Sam walked over sitting on the stool across from Melissa. She kept ignoring him and would only talk to Max which made him cast a sideways glance at Sam. His jaw as locked and he could see it ticking with anger. Sam looked like a caged animal ready to pounce on Melissa and it sent a chill up his spine.  Max clears his throat getting everyone's eyes on him now. Taking a deep breath, Max looked Sam in the eyes. "Why are you here, Sam?" Max looked at Melissa, who's bottom lip quivered, on the edge of tears again. Sam smiled then, loving how his presence made them scared and curious. "Well, as much fun as I'm having with Novah," Sam paused to see Max gritting his teeth and he smiled inside. "but I had to come see how close you were to finding her." Sam turns to look directly at Max, who gave nothing away. It irritated Sam that he couldn't read Max's face. Max shrugged under his stare. "Every lead I've followed turned out to be a dead end, Sam. Trust me if I knew where she was, you would've known by now." Max says, squaring his shoulders. Melissa looked between them, you could almost taste the macho masculine crap in the air and it mad her angry. Taking a deep breath, she slams her hands on the counter. "Stop it! Both of you just quit it!" Both men turned to look at her in shock from her outburst. "This isn't a pissing contest. This is about Novah!" Taking another deep breath she turned to Sam. "Please, Sam, where is she?" she says as her voice cracked with emotion.  She could see Sam's face soften from her words. "I've always admired your courage and fight for your friend, Melissa." he says, as he reaches to put a hand on her hand. Melissa watched him reach to touch her and she moved her hand away. "No, Sam. We were friends but now," Melissa paused choosing her words wisely. "now we're just in an awkward spot." Sam actually dropped his head in defeat. He never wanted Melissa to hate him. He could remember when he opened up to her about what happened at the farm that made him move to the city. He could feel his heart breaking as he looked up to see tears forming in her eyes. She looked so much like her that it was crazy. Melissa watched as Sam spaced out staring at her. She knew where his mind went because she knew she looked like her. That's when it hit her and she almost cried. She knew where Novah was but she couldn't let Sam know that she figured it out. Instead she leaned towards him despite Max's hand on her shoulder trying to stop her. As she leaned in Sam looked at her as if she was someone else and she used it to her advantage. "Sam, honey, it's ok. I forgive you." Melissa says as she puts a hand on his hand. Sam looked at her hand then looked back, with tears in his eyes. "Kay, is that you?" Max looked between them so confused.  Melissa begins to nod as she rubs his hand. "Yes, Sam, it's me and I forgive you. I know you didn't mean to hurt me." Max is still confused, when he notices Melissa slowly motioning him to walk behind Sam. He nodded and began to walk around the counter to get behind Sam. He can see the gun sticking out of the back of his jeans. He pauses to look at Melissa who is nodding urging him to keep going. So Max takes a deep breath and pulls the gun from Sam's waist band, making him turn around in shock. He looked at Max like he'd forgotten he was there. Max points the gun at Sam as he c***s the hammer back on the gun. His hands are shaking with every emotion he'd been holding inside. Melissa quickly runs from the room taking her purse with her. She runs into Max's room locking the door behind her. As she as she hears the lock click into place she turns and runs into the bathroom locking that door as well. Once she stops to breath, she takes her cell from her purse and calls the cops. "Hello, Yes my name is Melissa. I'm calling because the guy, Sam, who kidnapped my friend Novah, is here." The police ask her where she's at and she gives them the address and hangs up. She begins to shake hoping the whole thing would be over soon. Max orders Sam to get to his knees and to his shock, Sam listens with no fight. Sam begins to sob uncontrollably. "She forgave me, Max! Kasey said she forgave me!" Max had no clue what just happened or what Sam was talking about but her didn't care because soon he'd have Novah back home in his arms. He couldn't wait to hold her because he was never letting her go ever again.  Max was snapped out of his thoughts as his door is kicked in. "Freeze! Put the gun down, now!" a voice screams at him. Automatically, Max sets the gun on the counter putting his hands behind his head. In runs a bunch of cops and the detective on Novah's case. "Well, well, well. We've been looking for you Sam." the detective says with a smile. "Where's the girl, Sam?" he asks, making Sam look at him. Sam just turns cold and says nothing. Everyone sighs, as Sam is then walked out in handcuffs.  "Max, if he doesn't talk, I don't think we'll ever find her." The detective says, as he places a hand on his shoulder and turns to leave. Melissa runs in, out of breath. "Wait, detective, I know where she is." Everyone turns to look at her with huge shock filled eyes. "What?" Max says as he walks to help her sit down, wanting her to explain. Once she's sitting down she explains to everyone how she knows and where to look for Novah. Max let's out a sigh and smiles. It's almost over and he's so excited but scared of finding her in whatever condition Sam left her in.
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