Surprise Door Bell

1038 Words
Novah didn't know if it had only been hours, days or weeks since Sam had taken her but she hoped Max came for her soon. She'd had to endure so many of Sam's sessions that her mind and body were hurting. He seemed to forget on a few occasions that she was pregnant and needed a reminder to not be so rough. As soon as he remembered, he'd run his hand over her stomach kissing and talking to the baby. It was almost enough to make her throw up but she had to play nice if she wanted to get some sleep.  As she lay on the make shift bed Sam had given her, she closed her eyes and wondered where Max was. Was he close to finding her? Did he have no clue at all? She hoped he found her soon and saved her from this monster who took pleasure in her pain. Max sat on his couch with his head in his hands. Every lead he had followed up on was a dead end. He was still waiting for the private investigator to get back to him on all the info about Sam. There had to be something from his past that would help him find her. God only knows what he's doing to her. He just hoped that when he found her it wasn't to late to save her life. As his mind began to wonder and have dark images dance in his mind, his doorbell rang. Max stood up and slowly walked over to answer it. It was probably Melissa, again, to come check up on him and to ask if he'd found anything yet. He opened the door to see Sam standing there with a smile on his face.  Max can't help but stand there in shock, as Sam pushes past him to walk into his place. Sam takes the time to look around, this time, and realizes how much money Max must have. Sam let's out a whistle and says, "So how much money do you really have, Max." Sam spins around with his hands in the air and continues. "I got to know cause I know artists don't make this much." Max's jaw begins to tick. "Where is she, Sam?!" Max yells rushing towards him. Sam just smiles, hold his hands up in front of his body and gives Max a pouty face. "Now, Max, do you really think I'm going to tell you that just yet? Come on, man! Let's have some fun first before you get so serious." Max's jaw falls open, did Sam really think this was funny?! Max's blood is boiling with anger. Sam could see the look of hate in Max's eyes and he loved it. "Now, Max, don't do anything stupid or she'll pay the price for that." Max closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Sam didn't realize that he just gave him hope. He said she'd pay for it, that meant she was still alive waiting for him to save her. Just as Max was about to walk forward, his doorbell went off again. Max turned with wide eyes to look at Sam, who now had a gun pointed at him. "Who is that, Max?" Max held his hands up as he shook his head. "I don't know. I'm not expecting anyone." Sam used the gun to motion Max to get the door. Max slowly turned around and walked to look out the peek hole. He closed his eyes as soon as he seen her. Melissa stood there with take out in her hand smiling at the door. Sam cleared his throat to get his attention. Looking over his shoulder, Max says, "It's Melissa, Novah's friend. Let me go in the hall to send her away." Sam shook his head. "Please by all means, let her in Max." Max can see a smile forming on his face and it almost mad Max sick to his stomach. "Leave her alone, Sam. She also pregnant and it's a high risk pregnancy." Sam shrugs clearly not understanding the issue. "So her seeing you may put her and her babies in danger!" Sam shrugs again, motion with the gun to open the door. Max can feel his eyes about to pop out of his head. Sam has really gone off the deep end which made him fear for Novah and their baby even more. Taking a deep breath, Max opens the door and can see Melissa noticing Sam. She drops the take out bags as she rushes past Max glaring at Sam. "You son of a b***h!" Melissa screams, as Max grabs her arms to stop her from getting any closer to him. "Where the f**k is she? I can't believe you did this, Sam!" Melissa screams as tears run down her face.  Max looks to see that Sam had put the gun away as he opened the door, but the way he was looking Melissa up and down made him push her behind him. The dark look in Sam's eyes made Max feel like he wanted to do something to her and he wasn't going to let him. Melissa is still struggling to get around Max, when she finally looks Sam in the eyes as he licks his lips at her. She gasps, realizing what he was trying to imply. "You make me sick, Sam, and you're out of your mind if you think I'd let you put so much as a finger on my body." Melissa says, as she turns and grabs the take out bags off the floor. Max smiled smugly, as Melissa ignored him and grabbed the food. Max even chuckled a little because Sam's face went from dark sexy guy to what just happened face. It was funny the effects Melissa's hormones had on people these days. Max reached to help her and she smiled warmly at him as he did. Again, Sam's face was amusing. He must think all women worship the ground he walks on, well he finally met his match with Melissa. Melissa had this you don't phase me attitude anymore. Basically boiling down to unless you was Novah or himself, she ignored you for the most part.
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