Chapter 5 - Awkwardness

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*Her* Calista took her lunch break last. She did so in order for the lunch room to be empty but for her. She needed all the aloness so she could speak to her mother. She took a deep breath as she knew this was going to be a hard conversation. She swallowed a lump in her throat as the phone rang. On the third ring her mother answered.  "Hello honey, how are you?" Her mothers happy tone played down the phone. "Hi mum. I needed to talk to you about something." Calista squirmed in her chair. "Oh...sure. What's so serious that it has you worried?" Her mothers tone changed to be concerned. "Um....I think...I kinda...found my....destined one...." Calistas mother was silent before she let out a happy squeel. "Oh my baby! I'm so happy for you! When I met your father, I couldn't keep my hands to myself..." Calista was mortified. "Mother! Eww...." She took another deep breath. "So what do I do?" Calistas mother breathed a sigh.  "Honey if your magic reacted to him, you'll soon feel a connection to him... you'll be drawn to each other. I suggest you give into him. After all our mother earth has gifted him to you for a reason. Give him a chance."  Calista was at a loss. Did she really want her destined one to show up now? She thought maybe her mother had a point. Destined ones are exactly that. Destined. Calista resigned herself. She knew because he was a wolf he will find her again. So she thanked her mother and hung up the phone. She had suddenly lost her appetite. On her way back to the nurses station, another nurse passed her but not before saying  "Mr Braveheart has been discharged. His file has been put with the rest of your patients folders to write your notes."  Calista turned around to say thankyou but her co- worker had all ready moved on.  In the last hour of her shift, Calista was just doing the last bits and pieces before handover. She had finished her notes so now, she was just settling her patients for the afternoon shift.  She kept glancing at room 5. But she knew he was no longer in there, she suddenly felt lonely.  *Him* Alvaro awoke to the warm afternoon sunshine. He shook out his fur and slowly wandered back to the tree that contained Nicholas clothes.  On his way back he followed his nose towards a patch of wild flowers. They were in all bright colours. Alvaro mind linked his human. "Hey bozo, do you think these will be acceptable for mate?" Nicholas was asleep in the back of his mind, but at Alvaros probing, he was startled awake.  "s**t what's the time?" He was anxious all of a sudden but then realised Alvaro had gathered a hole bunch of flowers in his mouth. He praised his wolf. "Well done Alvaro. Mate is a fairy so she should be happy with whatever flowers." They made it back to the tree before Alvaro gave control back to Nicholas. He placed the flowers gently at his feet before he shifted back in his human form, Nicholas rolled his shoulders before getting dressed again. He picked up the flowers, and fished his phone out of his pocket. He called a taxi, checked the time and headed back to the hospital. The taxi pulled up out front and Nicholas paid for his fare. He got out of the taxi, waved it off and then looked at his watch. It was nearly end of shift for his mate. He headed for the staff car park and followed his nose.  There were many cars but as he got closer to a red hatchback the smell of orchids got stronger.  "Found it! Mates car!" Alvaro barked in excitement.  They leaned on the car and waited for her. Five minutes had passed. Alvaro was getting antsy, Nicholas tried to calm him down.  "She will be here soon." Nicholas took some deep breaths. Then her delicious smell hit his nostrils. Nicholas stopped his pacing and turned around and there she was.  Calista had finished her shift and was tired. Some of her hair had fallen out of her ponytail and became frizzy. Nicholas couldn't help admiring her as she walked to her car. She hadn't looked up yet.  She was fishing in her bag for her car keys. When she finally found them and looked up, her steps had stopped.  Nicholas put a smile on his face. Calista got over the shock of seeing him and continued walking. As she got closer Nicholas presented her with the flowers. "Umm...for you..." Calista thought this was very sweet and blushed. "Thankyou..." He put his hand behind his head and rubbed his neck in shyness. "So....can we start over? I'm Nicholas...."  Calista cut him off "Hi, I'm Calista, and I know what you are, can you please leave me alone for now? this is a lot to take in." Hurt flashed over Nicholas' face before he cleared his throat. "I can't do that. I've waited years for you, so I'm not going anywhere without you." Calista didn't know what else to do so she got in her car. Nicholas was quick, he opened the passenger door and dived in before she could do anything. Calista huffed. " Get out, please. I just want to go home and shower." Nicholas chuckled. "Fine with me, I'll come too."  Calista sighed. She knew she had no choice. She was not going to shake this annoyingly cute lovesick puppy anything soon. She buckled her seat belt and started the car and headed for home. The atmosphere in the car was awkward. Alvaro was nagging Nicholas to say something, anything to get their mate talking so they could learn about her.  "So...your a fairy...huh?"  Calista looked sideways at him. " yes and your a wolf." Nicholas chuckled "Touche"  The conversation went back to being silent again. Calista had obviously had enough so she said to "When were get to my place, since you invited yourself, we will play the question and answer game. Got it? For now I'm going to listen to some music?" She then turned the radio on to fill the silence as she drove. Nicholas looked out the windows. Alvaro was getting excited. Yapping in happiness. Nicholas was getting a headache with all his excitement. "Alvaro...settle down" "No! We are going home with mate!"  "Yes but we can't scare her away. Remember we have to take things slowly." Alvaro scoffed. "Says the one who jumped in her car! And refused to leave her..."
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