Chapter 6 - Giving him a chance

1166 Words
*Her* Calista pulled into her driveway. She was a little apprehensive about what to do with her tag along. Her mother said she should give him a go, so she was going to start with getting to know him. She was a little angry that he had invited himself to her home, but for now she chose to bear with it. She turned the engine off, grabbed her bag off the floor, and gathered the flowers that had somehow managed the trip home at Nicholas feet, after he pushed his way into her car. She checked them over, none were crushed, so she was thankful. Things given by mother nature shouldn't be abused. She was about to open her door, when Nicholas already did it for her. Calista was startled. She thought to herself 'when did he get there' but then remembered he was a werewolf and had quick reflexes. She shook out her thoughts and mumbled "thankyou" before getting out and then searching for her keys, all the while Nicholas was following her every move. Calista pulled out her keys and unlocked her front door. She put her keys in a bowl on the stand next to the door. She walked into the lounge and dumped her handbag on the couch. Calista was getting nervous as this is the first time she's brought a man home. She didn't know what to do, so instead she told him in a shaky voice; " yourself at home, I'm...ah just going know...take a shower." Calista seriously thought he was going to follow her to her bedroom too, but as she walked away she saw him move to sit on the couch and wait for her. She sighed to herself. "Thank goodness for that." As she got to her room, she kicked off her work shoes, and undressed, throwing her work clothes in the hamper to wash later. She walked into the bathroom, turned on the hot water and as it was heating up she took off her bra and stepped out of her underwear. She tested the water and adjusted the cold tap. The bathroom soon filled up with steam, and she stepped into the shower, wincing as the water first touched her skin. She was soon lost in her thoughts as washed herself with her favourite body wash. "What was she going to do with her Mr Wolfie?" She had to admit he was kind of ruggedly handsome with his scruffy hair, and subtle stubble. She was remembering his muscled arms and started to wonder what the rest of him was like. Suddenly she was horrified with herself for where her thoughts went. "Oh my God!" She shook herself, then reached for her shampoo. She needed a distraction so she started to sing 'Build me up buttercup' as she lathered and rinsed her hair. She was still humming the tune when she got out of the shower. Putting the towel around herself she waltzed out of the bathroom to her closet. She got a simple pink tee-shirt and black cotton mini shorts. She grabbed her towel up again, and her hair brush off the dresser and braced herself to face her wolfie. She didn't find him in the lounge. He was however in the kitchen, cooking something on the stove top. She looked at the bench and found that he had chopped up things to form a salad. And was currently frying some meat patties. He turned around. "Are you hungry? I'm making burgers." Calista was gobsmacked, she was starving. "Smells good." She reached around him to get some plates for them both and proceeded to place them on the counter. She stood leaning against the bench top watching him cook. *Him* While she was in the shower, he decided to make himself useful. He went to her kitchen, and looked in the fridge. She had some tomatoes and lettuce in there, so he took those out. He then went through her freezer to see what meat he could find. There was some beef mince, so he decided to make some burgers. He was in the middle of cooking them, when he smelt her enter the kitchen. He turned around and asked if she was hungry. As she stood there staring at him, he looked her up and down. She was wearing skimpy shorts, but her legs were sexy to look at. He cleared his throat as she said that what he was cooking smelt good. He turned back around to cook the remaining burgers as she set the table for them both. As he was serving them, he asked her "hope you didn't mind me using your kitchen?" She looked at the plates as she said "not at all." As they sat next to each other eating, the room was silent. Nicholas wanted to talk to her but he didn't know how to start the conversation just as he looked up and said "so..." Calista had also said "umm..." It was another awkward exchange. Nicholas just watched as she fidgeted before she gestured towards her hair brush. "I'll just brush my wet hair as we eat. Excuse me." Alvaro gave himself a smack in the face with his paw. "Smooth, bonehead." Nicholas huffed at him "what else was I supposed to do? She is just too pretty, I didn't know what to say." He was interrupted with his conversation with Alvaro as Calista accidentally brushed her elbow against his arm as she brushed her hair. Nicholas had finished eating so he got up and cleared his plate into the sink. He watched in fascination as Calista brushed her beautiful curly hair. Nicholas got up the courage and asked, "so the twenty questions thing? Can I start?" Calista put her hairbrush down. She pushed her now empty plate forwards and said. "Sure" Nicholas swallowed. "So when is your birthday and how old are you?" Calista looked at him and calmly said. "June 29th, and I'm 25. You?" Nicholas looked at her as he stored her answer for later. "October 30, and I'm 30." As he tried to figure out what next to ask her, she got up from the table and took her plate to the sink. She then put the kettle on, before asking, "Tea or coffee?" Nicholas watched her nimble frame move about the kitchen grabbing two cups and a teaspoon. "I'm more of a coffee guy, white with two sugars, please" Calista made them both a coffee. Nicholas watched as she picked both cups up and started to walk out the kitchen. Puzzled, he asked "where are you going?" She turned around and gestured towards the living room. "Are you coming? I think for the hard questions we should get comfortable." She winked at him as she strolled out the door. At this point Nicholas was glad that she couldn't see into his mind because she would have seen Alvaro wagging his tail in excitement just like a little puppy….
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