Chapter 7 - Getting to know him

1040 Words
 *Her* Calista turned around and entered the loungeroom heading for the couch. She shivered as she wondered " What the heck is wrong with me? Why in the world did I just wink at him?!"  She put both coffee cups down and sat on one end of the sofa waiting for him to sit.  She picked up her cup and looked over the rim as she watched him sit down.  As he was getting comfortable, she said "So Mr Wolfie...." He interrupted her. " Call me Nick." "Ok...Nick. I know your age and date of birth, what's your favourite colour?"  She watched him as he answered "blue or red, depends on my mood, yours?" Calista said " Purple. So many beautiful flowers are that colour."  She watched him nod his head. She took a sip from her coffee as she thought of her next question, but Nicholas beat her to it.  "So what's your family like?"  Calista nearly choked on her coffee. " mum is a fairy just like me, and my father is human. That is why I'm taller then the average fairy. I'm an only child. "  Again Nicholas nodded, so she asked him in return what his was like.  "My mother had me when she was 16. I don't know who my real father is, because mum is human and was knocked up by her boyfriend at the time, my real father, then took off and left her. He must have been a wood because that's what I am. My step father is her mate and he's also a wolf. I have two siblings. One brother and one sister, they live in the Viribus pack."  Calista was interested in what he was saying so she asked why he wasn't in the pack with his family. By the look on his face after she asked that question, she got the feeling it might have been the wrong one to ask because a shadow had formed on his face. *Him* Nicholas didn't know what to say to that, because there obviously was a reason, but he asked Alvaro "is it too soon to tell her?" Alvaro sat up straight and wrapped his tail around his paws. He looked down his nose at Nicholas before saying "maybe start off from the very beginning and as you say things see how she reacts before going any further. I'm not sure how she will react to the news of our pup."  Nicholas nodded at him before, he realised Calista was waving her hands in his face. " Oh sorry. I was just talking to my wolf."  Nicholas noticed her eyes sparkled with curiosity. "My wolf is called Alvaro. He is just as interested to get to know you as I am."  Nicholas had noticed that Calista had sat closer to him, but he wasn't going to point that out to her otherwise she will back off from him again. So instead, he told her the truth. "I am a lone wolf. I'm not a rougue because I technically I have ties to a pack, that's the Virobus pack. But I choose to live among the humans because I just don't like the politics of pack life." Nicholas watched as Calista made an O with her mouth as she said "oh..."  He continued his story.  "Umm, before we get into any other specifics I have to tell you something, so don't freak out..." He watched as Calista blanched at that.  Alarm slapped his paw on his face. "Way to go bonehead..."  Nicholas blocked him out. He cleared his throat as he said " So...uh...firstly I was married before, but now I'm divorced..."  He started to panic as he seen that Calista had gone all quiet.  He swallowed a ball of saliva as he said the next part. " I also have a 5 year old daughter....." he closed his eyes, not sure of what to expect. Calista was still quiet. Nicholas peeked one eye open to see that Calista had gotten up from her seat. He opened his other eye to look for her. She had gone back to the kitchen and was leaning over the sink. He went to her, he could see that she was upset.  Calista turned to him and said in a strained voice "I don't know what to do with that information. I don't know why, but it hurts to hear you say those things." Nicholas walked up to her, he really had the urge to hold her and to tell her everything is OK, but he knew it wasn't. He knew it was going to be a big ask for her to accept him with his baggage, so instead he picked up one of her hands and held it, stroking the back of her hand with his thumb. He quietly said to her " I know this is a lot to take in but there is more to my story, if you are willing to listen. " he could see that his presence was calming her down, which meant that Calista was feeling the mate bond, so he asked "can we go sit back down where it is comfortable and I'll tell you my story. " He seen Calista nod so he led her back to the loungeroom so they could both be seated again. When they were comfortable he started with his story. " Five years ago....." *Flashback* Nicholas was in the city doing a delivery job for his alpha friend. He was puffing on his cigarette. Ignoring Alvaro asking in his head that something was going to happen today. And that's when he bumped into HER.  She was Vera. Someone who Nicholas thought was human. She had bumped into him, spilling his coffee all over her.  He puffed out smoke from his cigarette. Before he apologised and handed her his handkerchief.  She blushed before timidly introducing herself and offering to get him another coffee.  Nicholas sighed. He didn't have time for this. He wanted to finish his delivery and get back home. So he scribbled his details on a piece of paper and handed it to her, so he could be on his way.  Little did he know what was about to happen to him….
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