Chapter Seven

1068 Words
Bane's POV***** Fate was a funny thing. My mate was indeed a werewolf. She was a pretty thing. Long dark hair laid in nearly perfect curls down her backside. The thing that impressed me most was those eyes of hers. I had never seen eyes that color before. Not quite blue, and not quite green. A teal color that made me want to drown myself in the unique orbs that continued to stare up at me. She wasn't a weak wolf either. She held the aura of an Alpha wolf. When I heard the small voice, it drew me down to the little boy that stood at her side holding her hand. She had a son. Where was the father, I wonder? Would I have to tear any sham of a mate apart to claim what was rightfully mine? My attention wandered to the right and left sides of her neck. There was nothing there. If she had been mated, whatever it was.. Seemed to be long over by now. The small pup's question caught me by surprise. I couldn't help but laugh at such a blunt but innocent question. This kid was both adorable and hilarious. It really made me wonder who he belonged to and why they would be willing to part with their son. Maybe his father died, you ass! Obsidian growled inside my head. Doesn't matter. She's my mate and if she happens to be his mother, I will claim him too, and he will call me dad instead. "That depends, is this your mother?" I crouched down, to be more to the boy's level. "Yes. I don't have a dad, or at least I've never seen him. I'm open to taking applications for a replacement." The boy replied, and I couldn't help but chuckle. Goddess, this kid is too much! "Introductions in order. That's the proper way that we men do business, yes? My name is Bane Novak. I'm known as the Lycan King. So tell me, little man. What's your name?" I asked. I carefully watched my mate from the side of my eyes. Watching the different expressions cross her face. Interest, confusion, surely not repulsion. I took that as a sign of hope. "My name is Koda Kershal Tate. This is my mommy. I call her mommy, but I heard someone call her Kiera once. So mommy must be her stage name and her real name must be Kiera Tate." I watched as this Kiera pinched the bridge of her nose in frustration. "Koda.. it isn't a stage name or even a fake name. I'm your mom. Look! There's Alice with some snacks for you. How about you go with Alice, and I'll talk to the strange King about your request?" She asked. "Okay! Alice! Wait for me!" The little boy hollered at the tops of his lungs and ran off to greet a brunette with a small plate of food. I wasted no further time. I wanted to talk to my mate alone. I took her hand and led her out the large double doors to the outside balcony. She laid her hands on the railing and turned to look at me. "I want to start off by saying that I have no intention of bringing anyone new into my son's life. I don't need a mate or even want one. You can understand that, right? Surely, the Lycan King can understand why I wouldn't want to run off to his barbarian village and be his little Luna, right?" I roared in laughter at her response. I can't believe that I met my mate and the first thing she tries to do is deny our bond and reject me. It was cute, but I definitely wasn't taking no for an answer. "What's so funny?" She asked, irritation was evident in her expression. She turned to look up at me and crossed her lovely arms under her chest with one of those stern looks that one would expect from your own mother. "Look, is it about the fact that you already have a son? He's absolutely adorable! I have no problem becoming a replacement father for him. If it's because you've been hurt in the past.. Well. Let me make things easier for you. I am a man, more man than any mate you had before me. I'm not so dumb to throw away such a precious treasure." My mate took a step back, she looked taken aback by my answer. I let out a soft chuckle. "I have waited a little over a decade for my true mate. No other woman could ever satisfy me. I won't be playing pretend with some chosen mate. I only want what is meant for me. The goddess has decided that the person is you. I don't know your story, nor you mine. However, I am fully prepared to take every bit of baggage that you carry. I won't shy from you, never be unfaithful, and will devote myself to you. I have plenty of time to learn everything about you, and I won't be accepting any rejection from you. I will not back down on that stance. I will absolutely f*****g die on this hill." I grinned at her. "How do you ever hope to win me over? What if I don't want to be mated to you?" She asked, clearly amused by my response. "I will level entire villages for you. Kill for you, die for you. How could you resist such a devoted individual? Don't lie, little wolf. I know you want to accept me just as much as you want to resist the bond. I know you are hesitant to accept, but I promise that the wait will be more than worth it. It will make victory so much sweeter to me. Speaking of sweet..." I closed the distance between us and tilted her chin up to look at me. I nuzzled my face down into the crook of her neck and inhaled her scent. "I have never smelled anything deliciously as sweet as you." I said softly. I heard a faint little gasp escape her throat. I could hear her heart beating wildly in her chest. It was like thunder to my ears. Oh, little wolf... I am definitely going to eat you all up, I chuckled to myself. This is it, I told myself. We have our mate.
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