Chapter Eight

1321 Words
Kiera POV*** This man was going to be the death of me. He was a cocky tall bastard that infuriated and interested me all at the same time. The way that his hungry eyes drank me in like I was a f*****g meal, pissed me off. His entire nonchalant demeanor ticked me off. Twice now, I had opened my mouth to speak my rejection but I couldn’t manage to say the words. Because you can’t deny the bond… Elari whispered in my head. The hell I can’t! If he thinks I’m just going to wait around to fall into his bed, he’s got another thing coming. I will never again submit to anyone and we have Koda to think about! Koda seems to like him, why worry? He’ll have the biggest bad wolf there is to look after him. I’d like to see Kristopher take him from us now. My attention snapped back to the man that was leering down at me like a man about to devour a warm meal. “I’m not accepting anything. Alpha Novak. I will never again be fooled by the likes of love and mate bonds.” I turned to walk back inside when a strong hand gripped my wrist. I hated the sparks that ignited my flesh where our skin touched. I hated the feel of his influence on my traitorous body. “If you will excuse me, I need to get back to my son.” I said with a pointed look, and walked away from him. His chuckling, only seemed to stoke the fires of my anger as I headed inside. My father had made his appearance. Standing on the grand staircase and eyed me with a most sincere expression. “I would like to welcome everyone and thank you all for arriving to celebrate the fourth birthday of my grandson, Koda. We all know that my daughter, Kiera returned from her absence and from Pack Red Wood. We have since, severed our ties with that pack following the severing of Kiera’s bond to her once chosen mate. I would also like to welcome our guests from the Shadow Haven Pack. We do look forward to future collaboration with our Lycan superiors. My daughter Kiera, has done well to tend to the training of our recruits, as our commander, she has led us to victory many times since her return and we expect many victories to come. For now, let us eat and be merry. In a while we will all wish our star little Alpha, happy birthday.” Always the doting father. My dad hated that I gave up my commanding position to be the Luna of Kristopher’s pack, and upon my return and to find that I would bear him a grandson, he was over the moon. My father has played his part of the perfect grandpa, and I loved him for that. However, he was a little much sometimes. Koda found me as I walked back into the ball room. He still had a little bit of pasta sauce on his cheek. I grabbed a napkin from the table and dabbed at his cheek. He heard the music from the orchestra pick up and took his little gentleman stance and offered his little hand. “Mommy, can I have this dance?” My heart instantly melted. “You can have all the dances my little cub.” I told him. He grinned towards me, and I scooped him up into my arms and held out one of my hands for his and danced with my son in my arms. I even swung him around a couple of times, causing him to erupt in joyous laughter. I could never get tired of hearing his sweet little laugh. “Koda.” My son detangled from my grasp to do his best to stand under the gaze of the Lycan King. My supposed Mate. He clasped his little chubby hands behind his back. “Yes?” Koda asked with a soft smile. “Would it be okay with you, if I asked your mommy to dance?” “I think she secretly likes that idea!” Koda said with a grin. This little traitor. I said to no one but myself. Elari roared with laughter in my head and I wished that I could punch that stupid wolf. “Oh, but before that. One must not attend a birthday party without a proper gift. This is for you.” I watched my son’s eyes light up with delight as Bane produced a large black and grey stuffed wolf from a bag. The item was almost as big as Koda. Koda squealed in delight and hugged it to his chest. “I love it! Thank You. Enjoy your dance with mommy!” I watched as my son took his prize and ran off to show Alice. I caught her glancing between myself and Bane and doing her best not to snicker. She waved her fingers at me as to encourage me to take him up on his request. f*****g Traitor, all of them. Obviously, my odds were not in my favor. Bane took one of my hands in his. I felt the little sparks fly from the contact as he pulled me against him. My hand felt so small in his and his other hand rested on the small of my back as he began to sway with me back and forth to the music. I had to tilt my head back to look up at him. “So, upon our first meeting, I hadn’t imagined that you were the commander of White Fang’s army. It’s impressive.” “For a She-Wolf, you mean.” I said with a slight tsk of my tongue. “Not at all. I mean it’s impressive. We came to this pack specifically to meet the commander of White Fang. Your trained wolves are of the best of our allied werewolf territories. You are juggling a position that comes with many responsibilities, as well as taking on the role of a single mother and doting daughter, friend, superior and mentor. Most would have to find the time for certain priorities, but you take it all in stride, never being a stranger to those you hold dear. You make time for it all, that’s what’s impressive.” His compliments did not fall on deaf ears. I enjoyed the sound of someone recognizing me for my obvious talents. Kristopher never did. “I came to observe your warriors. I will be staying in your pack for a while, and so I feel that we will have plenty of time to get better acquainted. I will not force you into anything, but I would like to understand my mate. You can’t deny me that can you?” He asked. “I guess not, but I’m not just going to fall into your arms and ride off into the sunset like some hopeless omega.” Bane chuckled at my response. “I wouldn’t dare to assume something like that. I will win you over in time, but until that happens… I want to know everything about you. The mate bond makes me want to feel you, powers my attraction down to my soul, but I want your adoration and your heart. I will have it, but I am a patient man. Shifters are slow to age, and I have all the time in the world for you.” He grinned down at me and I hated that it caused my cheeks to heat up. Bane dipped me during our dance, forcing me to look up as he held me there. As he moved to stand me up again, I caught the little happy look in his eyes. I hated the fact that my heart lurched in my chest, I wanted his attention and I hated myself for it. Goddess, I was doomed.
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