Chapter Six

1180 Words
Bane’s POV As a Lycan Alpha, I’ve got it made, or so people would like to think. We Lycans are superior to wolves and it’s said that we descend directly from the moon goddess herself. The resemblance between us and our normal shifter kin, are few. We too are wolves, but we’re stronger, bigger, and command a bigger force and many of us, with special abilities. My pack is the last complete Lycan pack existing in the United States. Other members of my brethren, have either integrated into human society or live life as a rogue. The northern werewolf packs are the last that respect our culture, our lineage and our ways. I am Bane Novak, but I’m known to other shifters as the Lycan King. It’s a little known fact that those of us that haven’t met our mate in our pack, are fated to werewolves, or possibly another species. Unless there’s an off chance of a Lycan living somewhere else, but those instances are quite rare. I’ve always dreamed of a strong woman to make into my Luna, but I would accept my mate if she was a purple fairy, at this point. I’ve waited nearly a decade for the chance of meeting my fated mate and I will accept her without hesitation. Of that I am certain. My pack is called Shadow Haven. We are a large compound of elite Lycan warriors of men and women, with shadow or dark abilities that come from the Goddess herself. Our wolves are mostly black in color, larger than traditional werewolves. My personal beast is named Obsidian. He is strong, as I am, with an even shorter temper than I. Our personal beasts are sometimes a perfect reflection of our own personalities or that which compliments our human counterpart. It is nearly dinner time. I’ve been working on some paperwork for the betterment of my pack. My beta, Joel makes his way into my personal office. I don’t mind the distraction, but there is much I still need to do. “Alpha, we have a meeting tonight with the White Fang Pack. Their Alpha has accepted our offer to have some of their warriors trained under our leadership. You want to keep the northern kingdom strong and allied, Alpha Kershal, and his daughters are the best way to make the north an allied front. Tonight is the perfect opportunity. They’re having a party.” “A party?” I asked, a little surprised. “Yes. It’s his grandson’s birthday.” “Of course. Notify Alpha Kershal, that we’ll be making a personal appearance. To discuss business, inspect the members in a more relaxed environment, it’ll be fun.” I told my beta as he made all the necessary arrangements. Kiera POV**** “I’ve set the ballroom up for tonight’s party. It’s not every day that my only grandchild turns four years old. I’ve taken care of everything. I know you wanted something simple for Koda, but I’m an old man. I have a grandson. I want to spoil him.” I couldn’t help but laugh at his statements. “Dad. You act like you’re this old decrepit geezer, but you’re only fifty one. You don’t look much older than thirty-five. If you want Koda to have a big birthday bash, I can’t deny that. As long as he’s happy, and you’re happy. That’s all I care about.” “I’m glad you feel that way. Because I have some guests from the Lycan Pack coming to inspect the men in their natural habitat. Before you start, it’s the Lycan King and his Beta. I already informed them to bring something nice for our special little guy. Besides, when is Koda ever gonna get the chance to see a Lycan in person? He’ll love it and before you start worrying, Koda will be perfectly safe.” My father said with a chuckle. By the time that the final arrangements were in place, Koda had been picked up and so did the massive cake that he requested. I made my way up to my room. My father just had to make a big formal event out of this. I showered. Curled my hair and pinned my long lengths halfway up. I had always attempted to cover the tattoo on the top of my right shoulder when I lived in that other pack. The white wolf with large fangs always peeked out on my shoulder. I dug through my closet for a dress. I decided on a sapphire sequin gown with a halter neckline. It had multiple different shaped lengths that cascaded down to my ankles. I bought the dress for the last Alpha Summit, but didn’t end up using it. I slipped into the garment and fastened the string top. I bent down to buckle in my matching heels and went to the bathroom to touch up my lip gloss one more time. “Wow! Mommy looks like a princess!” I grinned at my very handsome little man who stood in my bedroom in his little navy suit with his cute little bowtie. I had to resist the urge to kiss his little cheeks. I took a moment to gel down his little curls and cleaned my hands. I carefully dried them and offered my hand to walk him downstairs to his party. I held one side of my gown as I headed downstairs to the ballroom. Koda was absolutely beaming as all the people congratulated him on his big day. My heart fluttered from the happiness that was plastered all over him. I loved my little boy to pieces. The scent hit me like a mountain of bricks. Ensnaring my senses all at once. Sandlewood, and something sweeter… Lavender. What was that? Elari suddenly came to life inside my head padding around and doing flips and howling happily. Mate! We have a mate! I was far more curious than interested. Then an absolute mountain of a man made his way towards me. He had dark hair, tapered short on the sides. Clean shaven, broad. Tall, muscular, manly. He made me feel so small. He was so damn beautiful it was hard to look directly at him and those eyes. Long eyelashes and stormy grey eyes that seemed to pull me in to look at his perfectly chiseled features. All of that was tucked into an elegant black suit. He was more wolf than wolf. A Lycan. And not just any Lycan… The Lycan King. I gulped, suddenly intimidated by his presence. My attention to this man did not escape the notice of my son. “Wow, you’re really big mister! Are you my daddy?” I could have died right there on the spot. The serious look on the man’s face faded as his deep voice broke into the sound of such musical laughter. Elari was delighted with this turn of events. I could only feel dread. Yes, I’m definitely doomed if this man is my fated mate. Well, the Moon Goddess must definitely have a sense of humor.
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