Chapter Five

1147 Words
Kristopher POV I can’t believe she actually left me. Kiera, not only rejected me, but she started divorce proceedings, turned in her title and actually f*****g left. Yes, it’s selfish to have a fated mate and expect your chosen to stick around, but I can’t help but feel sour about the whole thing. I can’t believe I got so mad at her about that stupid ring or that she actually put her hands on Serena for trying to defend me. The whole situation put a sour taste in my mouth. I could do little, but watch her leave and stand there in the doorway looking like a complete i***t. Four years of marriage, and she’s gone. Me and Serena… did Kiera feel it when it happened? Had I hurt her so much? Those eyes of hers. I’ll never forget the way she looked at me. She looked at me like I was a monster. Like she hated me. Does she regret meeting me? Choosing me? My chest felt tight. I feel like I lost something precious. How could I have ever thought that my Alpha and absolute powerhouse of a Luna would ever step aside for my Omega mate. She’ll never come back here again, I’d be an i***t if I ever assumed as much. “Serena.” I turned to look at my mate. She seemed happy that Keira had left, and that didn’t make me feel better about the situation. “Yes, Kristopher?” She asked with a bat of her thick eyelashes. “My situation with my ex-mate does not concern you. If you ever speak badly of her, I won’t tolerate it. I’ll do my best to be a good mate, but you are not to make me regret my choice in choosing you. You’ll make a good Luna, you have to. I need an heir so get your ass to the bedroom. I need to blow off some steam.” Serena turned and headed upstairs. I was about to follow when our pack doctor came walking through the door of the pack house. Dr. Logan had a solemn look on her face. I didn’t know what was going on. “Alpha, I’ve heard that our Luna has left us, is that true?” She asked. “Yes. I met my mate and we are getting divorced, what of it?” “Luna Kiera was admitted last night for severe pain in her chest and abdomen. It was so severe that she couldn’t walk. Upon further investigation, we found that she is carrying.” “Carrying what?!” I asked, hoping she was wrong. “Alpha Kristopher, Luna Kiera is pregnant.” *****Five Years Later**** Kiera POV It has been five years since I left the Red Wood pack and left my old life behind. Kristopher has tried to contact me many times, but I have changed my phone number and changed my name. I moved back to my hometown, within the confines of Pack White Fang. Nearly four years ago, I gave birth to my son. Koda. It might be dumb, but I named him after the little cub on Brother Bear. He is after all, my little cub. He is so smart, and so sweet. I love him to bits. I don’t need a mate, he’s all I need. Koda resembles my father more than myself. He inherited most of the Tate genes, which I am happy for, but I’d love him either way. He has soft dark curls and a pair of mesmerizing blue eyes. He has little freckles on his little chubby face that I love so much. I don’t think of Kristopher any more, and to be honest. I’ve no interest in telling him about Koda. The man didn’t care about me when I was suffering from his betrayal. He doesn’t deserve to know Koda, if he did, his only interest would be to drag Koda back, name him as an heir and force him to take the responsibility of being Alpha one day. Koda is my baby, and I’d never force him to be anything he didn’t want to be. Though, I do fear the day he asks about his dad. It’s now Tuesday morning. I was sleeping, before a pudgy little hand began touching my face. “Mommy! Wake up!” He said. I roll to sit up in bed and look down at a cute little man in his little wolf pajamas. “Pancakes! I want pancakes!” He demands in a huff. “Is that how we ask?” I ask, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. “Sorry, mama. Can we have pancakes?” I grin and pull him into bed with me and tickle his sides. Koda erupts into a fit of laughter as he tries to wiggle out of my grip. “No! It’s monster mommy!” He says, laughing. I grin and look down at him. “Mommy wolf is gonna eat this little cub all the way up!” I say with a little growl and nibble on his cute little fingers. It’s about that time that the door opens and Alice walks through. “Little cub, your breakfast is waiting downstairs. I told you to let your mommy sleep.” “But…” “No buts, mister. Let’s get dressed and go eat breakfast. I’ll drop you off at daycare. We should let mommy get up and get dressed. Mommy has sleepy hair.” Alice said with a giggle. I looked over at my dresser mirror and let out a soft groan. “You’re right!” I exclaim and get up and hit the shower. I get myself cleaned up and pulled my hair into a bun. I pulled on a light blue cold shoulder top and a pair of denim capris, and slipped into my sneakers. I headed down to have breakfast with my son. I arrived in time to watch Koda wolf down the rest of his pancakes and took a plate with omelet and hash brown from Alice and began eating. Koda was dressed in a dark Tshirt with a little bear design and a pair of dark jeans and sneakers. He was still small and had to have a booster to sit at the table with us. “Alright little cub, time to go to daycare. Say bye to mommy.” Alice said softly. I slid away from the table to catch him as he jumped into my arms. I gave him a strong bear hug and kissed his chubby cheeks. “I’ll see you at home. Be good for Miss Jensen!” “Bye mommy!” I watched as my son and Gamma left the dining room, setting off for daycare. I had my own duties to deal with, so I finished eating and headed back upstairs to my father’s office.
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