Chapter Three

1068 Words
Kiera POV I was a little lonely without my husband home. I won’t lie about that. After he left, I got dressed. I tied my long hair up into a ponytail, and slipped into a cute cold shoulder royal blue top, a pair of dark denim jeans and slipped on my comfortable converses. I headed downstairs to the dining area to eat lunch. Alice had already made a plate for me and was waiting at the table for me when I got there. “I took the liberty of having the Omegas prepare this for you, even though it’s a little early for lunch, I knew you’d appreciate a burger.” I couldn’t help but smile in her direction. Alice was the pack Gamma. However, when a pack had a Luna, the Gamma was bonded to them through a different type of mark. The exchange of blood on the Pack’s stone tablet will bond a wolf to another in friendship between Gamma and Luna. It can also be used to increase or decrease a person’s rank in the pack. In my time as a wolf, I’ve seen Omega’s rise to delta or even Gamma status and I’ve also seen strong warriors be demoted down to Omega status for crossing the line with their Alpha. I on the other hand, am from a different pack. I was born with my status, and it’s heavily woven into my blood. The one and only time I ever touched the tablet is when I took my oath as Luna and used it to bond myself to Alice, the day she became my Gamma and my friend. Alice was slightly shorter than me with medium length sandy brown hair. She had light skin, caramel brown eyes with little flecks of gold and was quite pretty, despite being mateless like her brother, Alex who served as Delta. Alice always dressed conservatively and in dark colors seeming to favor dark designer shirts with black jeans. During formal events Alice dresses well, I always wondered why she didn’t simply choose a mate. It must be so lonely waiting for the one fated to you. I sat with Alice and I practically inhaled the burger and fries she had made for me. I didn’t really notice how hungry I was until I took that first bite. We finished with lunch, and headed to my office to focus on my Luna duties for the day. “How is the building project going for the new playground on the school?” I asked as I looked over the budget for our ongoing projects. “Good, actually. We expect the construction to be done by the end of the week.” Alice responded. “Perfect! We can send extra people to the work site on the housing project for our Summer Haven refugees. Kristopher, has already integrated the surviving members to temporary housing until it’s complete.” “Speaking of which, Luna. I did as you asked and had a job fair set up for the adult members to find employment. This afternoon.” Alice told me as I scrolled through mine and Kristopher’s personal spending accounts. By dinner time, I had already taken care of most of my duties for the day. I had some steak and potatoes with a few assorted vegetables and a glass of tea. I was curious as to why I hadn’t heard from Kristopher yet. It was getting dark outside. I was headed upstairs to the second floor when I felt a searing hot pain go through my chest. The first wave was intense, I gritted my teeth and held onto the railing to steady myself. The second pains came through my abdomen. It felt like a knife digging into my chest and stomach. It was almost unbearable. “Luna!” I heard Alice call to me from the bottom of the stairs. The next wave of pain made it impossible for me to take another step neither forward nor backward. “It hurts.” I mumbled as Alice called a few of the omegas to help. “Our Luna is unwell! We need to get her to the doctor as soon as possible!” I sat in a bed in our hospital wing as Doctor Logan looked me over. She ran a series of tests, I completed a few samples for her to take. It was so odd. I was in so much pain, but then right as I entered the exam room… it was over. All the pain was gone. I bit down on my bottom lip, scared she was going to tell me that it’s all in my head or worse, that I was dying. “Your blood pressure was sky high when you arrived, which happens when we are in pain. Body temperature rises so does blood pressure levels. No one can doubt that you were in extreme pain, but just like magic, everything has returned to normal. I can’t see the cause of this. I can’t determine what would have triggered an episode like this. Physically, you are very healthy. Well, there is something else.” “Something else?” I asked the doctor. “Yes. You’re about three weeks pregnant, Luna. Congratulations. I can’t seem to pinpoint if your strange pains were brought on by the pregnancy but we did several scans. I don’t think the two things are related at all and there’s no signs of a miscarry. You and your pup, are perfectly fine.” I went home after the discharge papers were signed. The only person I told about this was Alice. I wanted to tell Kristopher in person that we were finally going to have a baby. Elari had been eerily silent during my agony, escaping to the far recesses of my mind and whimpering. I suspect she knows something, but we haven’t talked about it. She did however howl in delight when we received news. I hadn’t shown any symptoms, so I didn’t suspect it at all. I went home and showered quickly before getting into bed. It was late now, close to two in the morning and I just wanted to sleep. I laid on Kristopher’s side, wrapping myself in the blankets and falling asleep to the soothing smell of his natural scent. It was funny, I never liked the smell of cinnamon and rain, until I chose to become his mate.
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