Chapter Two

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Kristopher POV I hated leaving her after an argument. I loved Kiera with everything in me, but the woman could hold a grudge. Part of me knew that it was wrong to blame her for our problems in the pup department, and I would never want to resent her for her lack of fulfilling that goal, but each time that test comes back negative, I get angry. I want to accomplish this goal in my life with my wife and Luna by my side, but things were getting complicated. This pregnancy business was driving a wedge in my marriage. My father had already requested I reinstate the concubine law in our pack. It was an old law that was far out of practice. They would utilize omegas or higher ranking wolves to use as breeding stock to produce prominent heirs for a pack when the Luna couldn't produce. It was thrown out, because of the damage it caused to someone with a bond. I couldn't imagine hurting Kiera like that. Someone with a bond, fated or chosen. Someone that was spoken for, to betray their bond to sleep with someone else... I have heard how painful that can be for a person to get betrayed. It happened to my little sister. Amelie's husband was unfaithful. She described the pain as gut-wrenching, like her insides were being ripped out of her stomach by blunt tools. I couldn't even imagine the suffering she had gone through. We arrived at the Black Grove Pack later that night. It was getting dark, but the Alpha and Luna were expecting us. I walked in with my Beta, Mitchell. My Gamma, Alice, was bonded to my wife and mate, Kiera and was behind to protect and help her with her Luna responsibilities. My Delta, Alex, was with myself, and Mitchell as we made our way into the packhouse to discuss business. The second I entered, I could smell a strange scent. The smell of lavender and roses hit my senses right away. It was so strong that it was nearly nauseating, but in a good way. It fueled my senses and my wolf was alert. I hated to think about it, but I knew exactly what it was. Hunter knew what it was too. He was already leaping around happily in my head screaming and howling at the top of his lungs. Mate! I walked in and tried to ignore the smell that was overcoming each one of my senses. Kiera, keep thinking about Kiera. She's your wife, you can't betray her. I repeated this mantra over and over until walking up to meet with the Alpha and Luna. Alpha Rodrick was the first to greet me. "Kristopher! It's good to see you, old friend. We've set up the guest room for your stay. Anyway, I don't think you've met her. This is my mate's sister, Serena. I turned my attention to the female with long red hair. She was breathtaking, of that I could not deny myself. She was beautiful. she had long scarlet red hair and a pair of emerald green eyes with peculiar flecks of gold in her eyes. I drank her up, staring at her and covering every inch of her body, taking in every natural curve all at once. My wolf howled in delight, despite our mutual love for Kiera. A fated mate was something that we could not deny our attraction to once we saw her. Hunter, we can't do this to Kiera. We have to reject her. I love Kiera and her wolf too! You stupid human. But.. this one.. this one is perfect! Look at her! Look! I'm going to reject her, Hunter we can't.. We can have both, if you just listen to me! Do you want to be weak, you i***t?! I settled my business with Alpha Roderick. We discussed trade and overall business and collaboration between our packs. I would meet with this girl after dinner. I haven't spoken to her yet, so I figure that rejecting her won't be hard at all. Or, at least... That's what I keep telling myself. Every second that I wait, the more my resolve will weaken. If I'm not careful, I'll betray my wife and mark this girl. That's not something I can have. Kiera. I love Kiera. I keep telling myself this over and over in my head until I have found my resolve. I can't make my wife suffer. She could give us an heir... Hunter kept dropping hints all the way through dinner. I could barely concentrate on eating with the hungry way she continued to stare at me. I know she saw Kiera's mark on me. Anyone could smell my wife's scent lingering on me. The lavender scent washes over me again and again and I find my resolve weakening. I can't. I reminded myself once more. Kiera. "Alpha Kristopher? Can we talk outside?" The soft voice sounded like velvet to my ears. Perfect, everything was perfect. This was definitely going to be harder than I thought. I walked outside on the far balcony of this massive house to speak privately with my fated mate. "I know you have a wife." She started things off very open and bluntly. "Yes, I do." I told her, it was an honest statement. "Your wife is your luna. I'd understand if you had to do it, but please don't reject me! I've waited so long for a mate. I don't know how long you've been together, but do you think it's possible to give me a chance?" Tears were flowing freely from her green eyes at this point. I was already feeling bad about what I was about to do. I grabbed her shoulder to make her face me. I could feel sparks running through my body from the contact. This was the hardest thing I would ever have to do. "What's your name?" I asked her in a stern tone. "S-serena. S-serena Am-Ambrose." She hiccuped between her sobs. I hardened my resolve to state the words, but when I opened my mouth nothing came out. I can't.. I can't f*****g do it. I'm so sorry, Kiera...
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