Chapter Nine

1355 Words
Kristopher POV*** It had been five years. I was hurt when Kiera left, but after discovering that she had not only left, but concealed a pregnancy. Hid my heir from me? I was more than pissed. I constantly wondered what he was like. What did she name him? Was it a boy even? Did they look like me? My wolf had constantly blamed me. He constantly reminded me on a daily basis, if I had rejected Serena. We would have our mate and our pup at our side. It's not that Serena and I haven't tried to have pups of our own, but after three different miscarriages, I have stopped all attempts at putting her through that again. I have a child, but my ex-wife is keeping them from me. To make matters worse, her father's pack.. White Fang has cut all ties with us and will no longer collaborate with us for any purpose after what I did. Kershal was pissed at me, and he had every right to be. I knew that, but I deserved a chance to meet my child. I deserved to know them. I lost much that day. Now that I think about it, my dutiful wife, my pup, a Gamma and Delta pair. How could I have ever been so foolish as to think that she would stand idly by while I took my fated mate to my bed to make an heir. Irony is very bitter and a part of me thinks that I deserve this. My parents are breathing down my neck about seeking out Kiera and forcing her to hand over my heir. Human parents co-parent, but my kind isn't like that. I am an Alpha and if she has no interest in being with me, then she should give me my child. I need to train them to be the next Alpha or Luna, especially if it's a boy. This whole situation has me on edge, the worst part was that I can't even seem to locate Kiera. Everything has been dead silent for years and Kershal Tate won't talk to me, let alone tell me where I can find her. She's either there in the pack up north, or she's in her sister's pack, but the point is.. Somewhere out there, Kiera is living her life with my child at her side. I turned my attention to the door of my office, as it opened. Serena came walking in with a nearly see-through red babydoll nightie. She had that lustful look on her face, and while my body instantly responded, I didn't want it to. I wanted to resist, but our bond couldn't be denied. I couldn't sit here and brood over my lost mate forever. The goddess had to have paired me up with Serena for a reason. Perhaps this is all a punishment. Perhaps she knew. She knew I was going to f**k it all up. I shut the laptop down as Serena straddled my lap. Her cherry lips crashed against my own, and I was unable to resist her advances. She was a terrible Luna. A complete airhead, obsessed with shopping. She wasn't a good fighter, and was a lower-ranking wolf. She was so jealous of everyone and everything that came near me that I was unable to take her places. I mourned what I had lost, but I knew that my wolf loved hers, and I couldn't resist the attraction I felt for her. Sometimes, you simply have to roll with the hands you are dealt. After several hours of intense pleasure, I left my mate in our bed. She was sleepy and sated, as was my desire for now. I got myself cleaned up and headed back to the office. I have struggled to sleep soundly lately. My thoughts were consumed with thoughts of Kiera and our child. The more I thought about it, the more obsessive I became, I often contemplated malicious thoughts towards my former mate, then later relenting to softer sentiments over the time we shared together. Hunter was pissed. He wanted to tear Kiera apart by taking with her all our chances to raise our pup. I doubt she even told them about me. That kid is probably out there with no idea that I even exist. That was just the sort of thing she would do. She cut off all ties to me and took her child, taking this responsibility upon herself. Does she think that I would ever allow harm to it? I have no idea. Each day I become more consumed with my anger and the overbearing screaming from my parents doesn't help at all. "Red Wood needs an heir. That new Luna of yours has failed to produce. You have an heir, but you f****d up with Kiera, and she has no intention of handing over that child to us. You need to bring that b***h to heel. You have to make her hand him over and allow him to live here. It's his duty as your son to be the heir of Red Wood!" This was the fifth time we've had this conversation. Every morning is the same lately. Shortly after breakfast, my father burst into the office and starts to rant and rave about Kiera and the future she has robbed from our pack like she's some sort of villain. Lately, i've found myself believing him. "Since you're such a p***y. I've taken matters into my own hands!" This part was new. I growled towards my father. "What did you do?!" "I've contacted Alpha Kershal of White Fang. If he doesn't force Kiera hand over that child... We will be going to war with their pack! The council of Elders has already signed their f*****g death warrant. You're so complacent and won't do what needs to be done like a real Alpha. I made the choice for you! White Fang has allies but so do we. We'll bring them to heel and we'll get your son back." "Dad, we don't even know if it's a boy." I tried to reason. "Yes we do. I have a friend that's got a sister in the northern allied territories. They did some digging for me. Here's what I know about my grandson. His name is Koda Tate. He is located under the protection of White Fang, and he attends a daycare there. They are having a party tonight to celebrate his fourth birthday. He has to be yours. Oh, the picture came through." My father scrolled through his phone and showed me a picture. The image of a beauty I could recognize anywhere. It made my c**k harden just looking at her. She still had that effect on me. My beautiful little Key. There was a boy holding her hand in the picture. He was the spitting image of his spiteful mother. Still, a son. A son that was mine. I had a pup. "Redwood has demanded that they produce the boy in the next three months, or we will be gathering our allies and attacking their pack and dragging him out forcefully." I flinched as the door to my office slammed. This was not how I wanted to handle this. I didn't want to war with her just to see him. I didn't want to go about it this way. My father always underestimated Key. She wouldn't give him up that easily and if he thought this would be easy? The White Fang pack had some of the fiercest warriors that we've ever seen. They were a force to be reckoned with as Allies. I hate to imagine the casualties we would suffer if it comes down to war. We can't hurt her. We still want her. I agree, my precious little Key. Our mate is great and all, but Key... Key is stronger and better at everything. It didn't take magic to make me lust for that fiery little wolf of hers. We have to get her back! I won't do this unless I can have Kiera and this Koda with her. I want a family, not just my son.
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