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ROME Finally, after much confusion, we located the nurse’s office, where the nurse is quick to attend to the injured girl. I volunteered to stay with her while Astor, Marcello, and Noah went on to class. I didn’t do it because I wanted to be here. Rather, I did it because I had no choice. I recently discovered that she was my mate, the one given to me by the moon goddess. I couldn’t bring myself to tell the boys that I had found my mate. It was wrong of me because we agreed not to keep any secrets between us. Still, I was confused by the situation because everything was moving so quickly. The series of events had to be more than a coincidence. It started with my father making some calls to get me into Golden Claw Academy, then my friends being excited about the seemingly normal school. Then day of our resumption, a girl was pushed down the stairs, and unfortunately, or fortunately for me, she just happened to be my mate. Someone out there was trying to play games with me, and maybe it was entertaining for them, but not for me. I wasn’t having a good time, and I wondered if she felt the same way. The lady on the bed’s slight moan drew my attention and I watched her slowly open her eyes. I get lost in her eyes when they meet mine: those gray eyes filled with pain. I felt a strange feeling inside me as she averted her gaze from mine. “Who are you, and where am I?” I scoffed at her query. “Considering you’re someone who has spent years at this school, that is a lame question to ask,” I replied, my hands folded across my chest. “You know, answering the damn question wouldn’t hurt you, but what did I expect from someone like you?” The girl snarled, her voice laced with venom. My jaws tightened. She was arrogant and sassy, and for a brief moment, I wanted to believe the words of the strawberry-blonde girl who had called her a monster, because she was acting like one right now. “Do you realize that saying a simple thank you will not hurt you?” I asked, using her words against her. “I didn’t ask for your help, and no one told you to help me. You could have just left me where you found me!” She yelled, her voice tinged with anger and pain. “You were pushed down the stairs, and no one came to your aid. My friends and I decided to help you, and this is your reaction? Are you a monster?” At my question, she gasped and started to stutter, “A mon-mon-monster?” “Forget it…,” I said, “You can keep your gratitude to yourself. I’m out of here.” At this point, I stood up and walked toward the door. I'm pissed and surprised that someone like her is my mate. Who the heck does she think she is, acting like a spoiled, rude girl? To me she was nothing, and I wouldn’t have been concerned about a girl I met on the first day of school if it hadn’t been for the damn mate bond. As I walked to class, I cursed under my breath. As I entered the classroom, I noted that fortunately, the lecturer was not yet present. With a thank you, I sat next to Marcello on the seat the boys saved for me. “How was it? Did you find the answer to whatever it was that drove you to ditch your best friends on the first day of our new school for a lady?" Marcello smirked as he asked. I rolled my eyes. “The most painful part of staying behind is that she was sassy and lacked manners. She didn’t even thank me for saving her ass, and even dared to think something ill about me. I truly wanted to..” I stopped. I didn’t want to say the words on the tip of my tongue, so I clenched my fist and hoped that gave them my answer. “What made you stay? I told you we should leave, but you wanted to be the hero,” Noah pointed out. “I had my reasons,” I replied, hoping none of them would ask me any more questions, but that didn’t happen. Marcello and Noah continued to question me, and although Astor had his earphones on, I knew he could hear every word of the conversation. "What were your reasons?" Noah questioned. “I wanted to know why she was called a monster and why the students were mistreating her.” I gave him a phony answer to his question, which caused Marcello to burst out laughing, drawing the attention of the class to us. “You, Rome Maleek, want to know what is wrong with a stranger? We would have believed you if we didn’t know you. You’re the type of guy who doesn’t give a fvck when people are fighting beside you, but now you suddenly care about a strange girl. Why should we believe you? Are you trying to win her over so you can fvck her?” Marcello questioned with a smirk on his face. That damn signature smirk never left his lips, even in dangerous situations. Even during a crisis, he managed to maintain the smirk. He was the most powerful of us all and happened to be the Dark Moon Pack’s future alpha. I’d always wanted to be the one to smack that smirk out of his face, but no matter what I tried, the smirk only grew wider. “Oh my!! Is that true?” At my silence, Noah screeched excitedly and said, “Your silence says it all!” “Damn guys!! That is not true. The only reason I stayed back is because she is my m-m..” I stuttered, unable to get the word ‘mate’ out of my mouth. “Your what, Rome, and when did you start stuttering like Astor here?” Marcello questioned, disgusted. “My mate!” Finally, I screamed out and drew gasps of shock from all of them. Astor, who was wearing headphones, took them out of his ears. Noah, who had looked excited moments earlier, was confused and asked, “How is that possible?” “Beats me. I wanted to learn more about her, in hopes that I would figure out why I was meeting my mate now when I had been waiting for her for years.” “How about now? What did you decide?” Astor spoke for the first time since the conversation began. “I’m going to reject her and be done with her for good.”
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