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ROME This wasn't what I was expecting when they decided to surprise me with the news. They had made it seem that changing schools was the best and we would have fun. With their description of the school, one would think that Golden Claw academy would be better than our previous school, but it seems it was worse and I already felt the urge to break free and leave the three of them behind. I hated everything that has to do with ranks, making it seem difficult for someone to be able to associate with the lower class. Not that I care about the rank's position as I was the future alpha of River Bed Rose, but that doesn't make me despise those that treated the lesser rank wolf with hate. They were termed bullies to me and I despised them, and unfortunately for me, I had found myself in one that I couldn't escape from all thanks to them. Still, the guys were super hyped about the school, signed and even given our respective classes, so any tantrum I threw wouldn’t change the fact that we were already students, and today was our first day at this school. Astor and I patiently waited outside the administration office for Marcello and Noah to finish their interview so that we could all enter together. Although I had a lot on my mind about being dragged here all because of the guys' code, I couldn't just leave my best friend as we had sworn to be with each other till our college days were over. “So guys, we are officially in," Noah's loud voice startled me from my thoughts and I rolled my eyes, just as always, Noah was always loud and super hyped. He was the one who brought up the idea of changing schools when we were in our third year and almost entering finals. I didn't know how he had managed to convince my parents and that of the rest, but I got the shock of my life when my dad informed me about changing schools and told me it was the best. I still thought it wasn't and wanted out up till now. “Are you still hyped up about this entire school thing?” I asked Noah and he smiled. His eyes widened in excitement and I couldn't help but scoff. The others weren’t saying anything either, but I could tell they were just as excited. It wasn’t showing because of their personalities, so it was just me who wasn’t into it. “Still not convinced yet that this school is worth it, right?” Noah asked, and I shrugged. “I’m not sure, man, it feels pretty normal to me. I don’t understand why we had to relocate just to attend another regular college,” I voiced my displeasure. “We all agreed to have fun and always cheer each other up no matter where we find ourselves, so let’s just ignore the location of the school, and also stop debating if the school is good enough, and let’s all just have fun,” Marcello said, and we all gave our various forms of okay. I still wondered if I was going to have fun in a school like this where it reeks of so many bullies and classes. “Because you’re a goddamn b***h!” screamed a female voice from the other side of the hallway, followed by a loud thud of something or someone rolling down a staircase. “Did everyone hear that?” Noah asked as he unconsciously moved toward the source of the noise. We arrived on the scene in a matter of seconds. “Oh my gosh, guys!!! Someone fell!” Noah screamed and ran to help. The scene was provoking. A student had just fallen from being pushed and everyone was staring as if it was an everyday sight, some were even filming the entire thing, but no one offered to help this poor girl. A prestigious school, indeed. One of the many reasons why I hated this school and wanted not to be part of it. Still in thoughts, something drew my attention. I could perceive a pheromone that disconnected me from my reverie immediately, a pheromone that only attracts one given mate, and I could feel my wolf Ghost getting restless in my head and the only word he kept repeating was that of ‘mate’. Nothing had prepared me ever for finding my mate in a school that I wanted out but now I have found a reason to have to stay in this hell hole. The sound of someone's feet brought me out of my reverie as I saw Noah walking towards my mate. Noah wrapped his arms around her waist and helped her up. She had bruises on her knees and ankles and couldn’t stand well due to her weakness, so Noah had to support her. The worst part was that, despite seeing us reach out to help her, none of these students were willing to assist as well. Instead, at a time when their fellow student was in pain, they murmured about how attractive we were. I clenched my hands in anger as I felt disgusted by their attitude. Not only were they heartless, but they had decided to hurt someone given to me by the moon goddess. “Can you all still consider yourselves humans after this? Not even in your wildest dreams. You’re all monsters,” I yelled at the students that stood there watching. I was filled with range. “If we’re monsters, then she’s a bigger monster,” A blonde girl with a smile on her face said to me. She was standing on the fourth step, her hands folded across her chest, and her smile seemed genuine and unforced and was truly evil. “So you pushed her?” I asked, returning her smile while walking slowly toward where she stood on the staircase. “She might be a monster, but looking at your reaction, I can tell she has never inflicted any physical harm on you, nor has she done that to any of you, so who is the perfect description of a monster in this scenario?” I finally went to where the smiling Blondie stood. “Guys, she’s unconscious,” Noah, who had been holding my mate while we waited, said, and everyone’s attention that was previously on Blondie and I was quickly drawn back to them. On my first day of school, instead of going to class, I was going to the nurse’s office, and not only that, I had found my mate. What could be more weird than this? Marcello took her from Noah and carried her sideways in his hands. Her face dropped onto his arms and became more visible as soon as he carried her in that manner. I recognized her as the face of MS cosmetics, and if this was true, she had to be the Cromwell heiress. Marcello began walking out of the hallway the same way we had entered, and I could tell he was pissed by the way he walked. Astor had his headphones on, but I bet he heard everything and was angry. Noah was the only one who wasn’t affected by what we’d just witnessed. He was probably the only one who was enthusiastic about the school, so he had to see everything in a positive light. “This is like one of those high school drama TV shows where the richer and hotter girls bully the poorer and less good-looking girls,” Noah said, smiling to himself. “The TV shows you’re referring to are all scripted, Noah. The bruises and injuries are all makeup effects, and the latter, which is death, is only in the movie, but we just witnessed live bullying, and the injuries aren’t makeup effects. She’s unconscious and could die right now, and guess what Noah, it’s not a script, it’s f*****g real.” we all stood, startled at the person who spoke. All our eyes were on him. We were surprised because he had his headphones on the entire time. Yeah, it was Astor who spoke. “And for a fact, Noah, she’s not less. Look at that face and tell me if she’s less, she’s the goddamn face of MS cosmetics for a fact, that’s her personal achievement, and above all, she’s the sole heiress of Cromwell Enterprise. The entire school pales in comparison to her,” he said. He was speaking for all of us because, despite the fact that this was a rare occurrence, he was right. “And even if she was less, no one deserves to be hurt because of their background,” he concluded, his soft calm voice returning making it difficult to hear what he said. I only heard what he said because I was right beside him, but the other guys didn’t. “Guys, you know we have no idea where the nurse’s office is, right?" I said, realizing that we had been walking in circles while following Marcello, who seemed to know where he was going, but I seriously doubted it was the nurse’s office. Besides, I wanted us to get to the office on time, and get her treated while I remained with her. I wanted to know her. I wanted to know more about her and everything she likes and above all, I wanted to know why now. I have lost hope of ever finding my mate ever since I turned eighteen and she was nowhere to be found, but now in a weird scenario, my mate was pushed down the stairs. What was the moon goddess playing at?
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