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XYRA “Who the fvck is he?" I asked no one in particular as I stared at the closed door, too stunned to speak. I didn't know what happened when I passed out but I can recall I perceived his pheromones, which were soothing and calm, but in all of this I wasn't the least happy about everything that had happened earlier on. I wasn't expecting to find my mate amid this chaos, not when I had already thought all this while that my mate was Xander. I thought the pull and connection I felt towards him was as the result of the mate bond and so I decided to give him my heart and everything, but then I realized that it wasn't it, there was no pull, no connection, and worst of all, no mate bond. It was all in my head. He didn't feel exactly how I felt for him, it was just a game for him, and while to me, I was in love with him, if I hadn't seen the video with my eyes, I wouldn't have believed that Xander would cheat on me or worse still, not feel the same way I had felt for him and now the Moon Goddess is giving me someone new, how the heck does she expect me to forget the hurt and just go with the flow of whatever she toss my way. Besides, that should be an issue right now. My main concern was how I was going to face the entire students knowing that my secret had been exposed to them. I was just an omega and I knew soon my fate would be like every other omega present in the school. My family rank wouldn't be able to save me from the unknown I would be encountering every day. I wondered how my life would end. I had never thought my life would be in shambles in a day, the life I had built, and just in a day, someone I had called a friend had stolen my perfect life, ruined my life, leaked my family secret to the entire school and then claimed my boyfriend. “If you are awake, Miss Cromwell, you should head to class. You don't want to miss the first day of class, right? You have to keep your grades high,” the school nurse informed me, and I faked a smile. Honestly, I didn't know how to face the students now that they knew my secret and now that Diane had taken the position of queen bee from me. I didn't know if I would be treated like every other omega or worse than them, since I believed they would think I had lied to them about my identity. I didn't want to go out there, I wanted to remain here, but knowing Mrs. Lee, she would never allow it but still, it was worth the shot. “Nurse Lee, can I stay in here and rest for a while? I don't want to go out there and face the school and the students for now," I pleaded. “Is anything the problem, Miss Cromwell, you can talk to me?" she asked and I fake a smile yet again. I was glad she didn't know what was wrong. I believe if she did, her judgment towards me would change and I wasn't ready to be judged. “Nothing, Mrs. Lee, I will be heading to the classroom now," I told her. I was about to leave when she called out to me. “You are forgetting your medication, Miss Cromwell. Don't forget to take them when your leg starts hurting and also try not to apply too much pressure on your right leg, okay? If you do, your ankle won't get healed on time. Do have a nice day" she said, and I thanked her before heading out. Deep down I prayed that the hallway wouldn't be packed with students, I just wasn't ready to face them right now. I was already humiliated for today and I wasn't ready to be humiliated anymore. I needed to find where to hide, a place I would be safe till the end of the day and then the driver would come pick me home. Then I would be able to tell my parents that I needed a change of school. I decided to go to the library. The library woman was good to me and if I should tell her I needed a place to just be left alone, she would permit me as long as I don't do anything to cause awareness. I limped towards the library and just as I predicted she granted me access, she had a look of pity on her face and I knew she must have seen the articles. I faked a smile at her before limping to a spot on the east side of the library where I knew students wouldn't want to come because this section was packed with boring books that most students wouldn't like. I still wasn't with my phone. I wanted to read the article and watch the video over and over again. I knew soon the disciplinary committee would take down the article and the video and Diane would be punished, but that wouldn't take away the stigma it has caused in my life, it won't take away the fact that I have been exposed. I sat on the floor close to a bookshelf and placed my head on the shelf. I couldn't stop the tears from flowing freely. I knew my life wasn't going to remain the same again and that it was going to be filled with hatred and torment from those who don't like me and most especially from Diane and her newfound minions. I rested my head on my forehead on my lap as more tears flowed down. “Here you can use this,” a voice said and I almost screamed out in fright when I saw a boy with headphones in his ears and a handkerchief stretched forward towards me. I thought I was the only one in this section, but nothing got me prepared to see someone new and strange in the library offering me a handkerchief to wipe my tears. Athena wouldn't stop pacing around and that's when it struck me, the smell of lavender. My eyes widened as the word escaped both our lips. “MATE!!"
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