Chapter 4

984 Words
—Damon POV— "DAMON, YOU PIECE OF s**t!!!" Kira Screamed. I gave her my hand to help her get up, she held onto it but instead of getting up, she snatched me into the pool with her and now i was all wet. "KIRA!!" I screamed but she just kept on giggling. "Kira, is Damon with you?" My mom asked Kira as she was searching for me. "Oh s**t!" I cursed under my breath as Kira said... "Don't worry, I'll tell her that we fell into the lake" she whispered back, and then screamed... "Yes, he's here with me" "Alright, we're all coming to talk to you guys" my mom replied. I guess they're all gonna see us both wet. Oh, freaking hell! Sin is gonna see us like that and he's gonna lose his s**t, I'm not in the mood to handle his anger sues right now. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ I just got out of the lake and i was helping Kira out, as we heard our parents approaching us. "Are you both wet?" My dad asked as he looked at us with a 'what the hell' look. "Uh, yeah, we fell into the lake" Kira answered while fixing her dress. "I don't buy this bullshit, i know that you both didn't fall" Sin said from behind while glaring at me with fire in his eyes. Kira and i both looked down feeling embarrasses, what are we supposed to say now??? "да ладно сынок, ей 21, а кроме этого ничего не случилось" Andrei said but i didn't understand a word because i don't know Russian. Translation: да ладно сынок, ей 21, а кроме этого ничего не случилось means Oh, come on son, she is 21 and other than that, nothing happened. "Sin, du weißt schon, dass ich nicht so eine frau bin, und genau wie mein vater sagte, ich bin 21 und kann tun und lassen, was ich will. So oder so, mach dir keine Sorgen um dein verdorbenes kleines Gehirn, es ist nichts passiert." Kira added in German after Andrei thinking that i don't understand German but she's completely wrong, but she made me smirk by what she said. Translation: du weißt schon, dass ich nicht so eine frau bin, und genau wie mein vater sagte, ich bin 21 und kann tun und lassen, was ich will. So oder so, mach dir keine Sorgen um dein verdorbenes kleines Gehirn, es ist nichts passiert MEANS Sin, you already know that i'm not that kind of woman, and just like my father said, i'm 21 and can do what i want. Either way, don't worry about your corrupt little brain, nothing happened. "Ugh!!!" Sin said as he went inside. "Sie können alles tun, was Sie wollen, huh?" I said while the smirk is still plastered on my face. Translation: Sie können alles tun, was Sie wollen, huh? MEANS You can do everything you want, huh? "Oh shut it" Kira answered with an annoyed tone as i just chuckled deeply. "Alright, we came here to talk to you guys, not for y'all to start talking in German. and us sitting watching you like statuses not understanding a word" Andrei said. "Right, what did you want to talk about?" I replied. "We wanted to tell you that the engagement party will be held up next week on Sunday" dad said with so much excitement. "Okay" Kira and i said at the same time. "You two aren't gonna complain?" Mom asked shocked at our responses. "Nope, I'm cool with it, after all he's not that bad" Kira said which put a smile on my face. "Yeah, I'm cool with it too, after all she's not a spoiled brat" i said as she smiled too, and now we're both smiling like maniacs. "That's good to hear" Andrei said. "Что вы ожидали, кроме этого ответа? Я уже говорил вам, что они снова влюбится с их первой встречи.." Yelena said in Russian which i again didn't understand a word. Translation: Что вы ожидали, кроме этого ответа? Я уже говорил вам, что они снова влюбится с их первой встречи MEANS What did you expect Andrei except this answer? I already told you that they would fall in love again from their first meeting. "Мы не влюбились" Kira said with anger. Translation: Мы не влюбились MEANS we didn't fall in love. "Excuse me, i am going to my room" she said and started heading inside, but then.... "See you around, Messina, it was lovely meeting you" she turned around and looked me in the eyes as she said those words which plastered an ear to ear smile on my face. "See you, Angelo, an it was lovely meeting you too" I said as she smiled and headed inside. "I'm really sorry for her behavior, but it was just something that I accidentally said" Yelena apologized which i just replied with "it's not a problem" I turned around to my parents and said "I'll be going too, i have to stop at the club a bit there is a problem there". "Alright, stay safe son" Mom said. "It was nice seeing you again, papà and mamma" i said as i headed to the main door to head to the club. ——————————————————————————————————————————————— What did Kira go through that made Sin so overprotective? Why does Damon keep calling his mother and Father-in-law papà and mamma? Why does Damon only knows Sin and Kira's parents without knowing Kira? Why did their parents made Damon meet all fo the family members but Kira? Keep reading Mafia's Weakness to find out..... Hope to see you in the next chapter. Peace out✌?
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