Chapter 3

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—Kira's POV— "OH MY GOD !!!!!" I screamed. "I know you from somewhere, you look really familiar!!!!" The mystery man & I screamed at the same time. We both looked at each other shocked, he just looked so familiar, they all did. "МАМА!!!! ПАПА!!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs, so that my mom and dad could hear because they're in the kitchen. Translation: МАМА!!!! ПАПА!!!! Means MOM!!!! DAD!!!! In Russian. "Why are you screaming, Kira?" Dad asked confused while mom came behind confused too. "Who.Are.They???" I said with a very serious and angry face that no one has ever seen. "They're The Messina's and you already know that" my mom answered instead of my dad. "Why are they so familiar? You said i was best friend with Damon, then why can't i remember him if i last saw him when i was 10 years old, i wasn't that young at that age! I.NEED.AN.EXPLANATION.RIGHT.NOW!" I lost my temper, i couldn't handle it anymore, it felt like my parents and Damon's parents too, they were lying to me, or better say they were lying to us. "I want to know too, y'all have been lying to the both of us, haven't you?" Damon said with confidence and rage at the same time. "Listen kids, we told you that there are some secrets that you both will discover when you get married, but you can't find out right now, it should be at least after a few months. So please, just suck it up right now, and you both will get to know the truth in a few months because i am sure that you both will remember by yourselves." Alfonzo said with a 'don't try to ask anymore' face. "Let's leave the both of them alone for sometime, they need to get to know each other, after all they're getting married soon" Alfonzo said, as my parents nodded and they all went outside. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I looked at Damon after they all went outside. "What do you think they're hiding from us?" I asked Damon. "I don't know, but i am sure as hell that i am gonna find out and soon" he said with determination in his voice. "me too, we should do something and try to get them to tell us" I said in a questioning yet determined tone. "Yeah, we should" he said with a mischievous smirk plastered on his face. I was looking at him confused at why he was smirking but he just kept on smirking and looking at me. —Damon's POV— When I first saw Kira i was busy with why she was really familiar, but i didn't get the time to look at her completely. She was looking really hot with her short black dress, black heels, and her very simple makeup, and her skin looked really smooth and soft. I was lost in my own world while checking her out from head to toes, that i didn't even hear her calling my name. —Kira POV— I have been calling Damon's name for the past minutes and he isn't answering, I waved my hand in front of his face and... "DAMON!!" I screamed. "W-what?" He asked shocked. "You zoned out" i replied while looking him in the eyes. "Sorry" he said as if it's his first time ever saying the word sorry. "You know, if i didn't knew better, i would've said you were checking me out" i said as i was now the one whose smirking. "And what if i was checking you out?" He replied as the smirked again. Ugh, only if i could get that smirk off his face!!! "You're the flirty type, aren't you Mr.Messina?" I asked still smirking. "Addressing by last names, aren't we Angelo?" Translation: Angelo means Angel in Italian. I chuckled and went towards the balcony as he followed me from behind. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ AFTEER DINNER We just finished eating our dinner, and Damon and i ignored our parents the whole time because we are really mad at them. A few minutes later, Sin and Dmitri appeared. "Mr. and Mrs.Messina, welcome to our house" Sin said as he shook hands with Pearl and Alfonzo. "Hi, nice to meet you Mrs. and Mr.Messina" I heard Dmitri, but my attention was on Sin's Actions. Sin was looking at Damon with rage in his eyes as if he was threatening Damon just by looking him in the eyes. "Damon" Sin said while he was sending death glares to Damon. "Sin" Damon answered while smirking as if he was expecting Sin's actions. "Not so nice to see you again" Sin said as I looked at him confused. Does he know Damon? If he already knows him, that means he remembers him, then why can't i? "Sin, why are you treating him like this?" Dad asked Sin. "You don't expect me to be lovable with him when he is gonna marry my sister soon" Sin said as he sat next to me while Dmitri sat next to mom. "It's not a problem, Papà, I already knew that this would be his reaction" Damon said with all confidence. Wait- did he just call my dad, Papà? "What did you just call my dad?" Sin asked, anger taking over him. "I called him Papà, after all he's gonna be my father-in-law soon" Damon said teasing Sin, damn, this boy knows how to push all of Sin's buttons. "Damn, you really know how to get on my nerves" Sin said while sighing deeply so he could calm himself down. My parents and Damon's parents just looked at the both of them while laughing silently. "You can't do anything about it, i know you too well Sin and you're aware of that" Damon said while giggling. Damn, his giggle made my heart, he really is so handsome, especially his smile, it's breathtaking. "That you do" Sin replied as all of us laughed together at the both of them. "You two have always loved to tease each other since you were little kids" Alfonzo said, still giggling. "But we met when I was 13 and Sin was 15." Damon was confused about why his father said kids. "Yeah, what he meant that we were young when we meant" Sin replied. "Yep, that's what I meant" Alfonzo said immediately after Sin. Something was off but I just brushed it off because we were having fun and i didn't want to ruin the moment. "Excuse me for a bit, i am going for a walk near the lake" i excused myself and went near the lake for a walk because i felt a bit suffocated. —Damon POV— "Excuse me too, I'll be coming back in a bit" i said as soon as Kira left for a walk. I followed her and I saw her near the lake, her heels on the grass and she was walking while the waves of wind were brushing through her hair. I went from behind her without her noticing me and pushed her into the lake. "DAMON, YOU PIECE OF s**t!!!" Kira screamed at the top of her lungs. ———————————————————————————————————————————————— Why is everyone lying to Damon and Kira? How do Sin and Damon remember and know each other while Kira doesn't? Are Damon and Sin really close so that Alfonzo said that they 'always' love to tease each other? How will Kira react to Damon using her into the lake? Keep reading Mafia's Weakness to find out... Hope to see you in the next chapter. Dont forget to follow me on i********: & Spotify @daniellawrites_ Follow me on w*****d @MelanieAtwood Follow Damon & Kira on i********: @damon_messina_mw and @kira_ivanov_mw
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