Chapter 5

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—Kira's POV— It has been 2 days since meeting Damon and all i have been thinking about is him, and i can't get him off my mind. Jackson also said that I have been really distracted and not paying attention to work. Well let's put that all aside, and focus on me getting ready because i am going to the club with Jackson and we're going toko party so hard till we become numb and can't stand anymore, but we have a problem which is Jackson's friend which invited himself and we couldn't say no to him but he's really annoying, he's always hitting on me, talking dirty to me, and trying to get me to fall for him which will never happen. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I just arrived at the club named 'KITTENS' to meet Jackson and Daniel his annoying friend, well it's my first time coming here, i usually go to 'DARK ANGELS CLUB' but we're trying this new club,and Jackson even said that this is a strip club which i hate because i prefer regular clubs but I fell for Jackson's famous puppy eyes and agreed. "I am sorry ma'am, i can't let you in" The bodyguard which was standing at the door told me. "You're talking to me?' I asked "Yeah, i can't let you go in" he said with confidence. "And why the hell not?!?!" I asked while anger was taking over. "Because this club is 23+ and you're only 21" his reply literally made me angrier. "Look man, i'm just here to have a fun night, Alright?" I said while sighing because i am losing it. "I said i can't let you in" he replied in an annoyed tone. "Listen here boy, i have several anger issues and when i get angry i can't control myself and I've already put a few people in coma because of my anger issues, so i suggest you either let me in or get me your Boss RIGHT NOW!!!" I screamed the last part. "Geez woman! I'll call my boss, but trust me it's useless, he won't let you in" he said as he dialed the number and put it on speaker. "What?" His boss answered but his voice was on familiar. "I am James, from strip club number 14, and we have a little problem." "what is it?" The guy on the phone asked. His voice was too familiar, but then I remember that this is Damon's voice. "Wait, your boss is Damon Messina?" I whispered to the bodyguard. "Yeah, why?" He asked "Tell him it's Kira and that i want to talk to him" i sighed "Boss, there is a girl named Kira and wanted to come in but she's just 21 and now it looks like she knows you and want to talk to you" he explained while i was glaring at him because he could've just said that Kira wanted to talk to him, but no, he had to give a full explanation. "Give her the phone immediately Nd trust me when i say that I'll deal with you later when i come" Damon said, as the guy gave me the phone. "Nice to talk to you again, Messina" i said with a smirk. "Always nice to hear your voice, Angelo" The word Angelo just melted my heart. "Alright, enough of this, tell your 'I'm big bad guy' to let me in before i release my anger one him and trust e he'll end up in come, or worse, dead, so tell him to let me get in, i have people waiting for me inside" i said as soon as i got back to my senses because i was melting when he said Angelo. "Don't worry, he'll let you in. Talk to you later Angelo, but, can you please give him the phone?" Damon said as i handed the phone to that big dude. —Author POV— "Take her to VIP lounge number 7, it's the best one and she gets the best service, and if i know that she payed a penny, you're dead" Damon threatened the bodyguard which send chills down his spine. "Sure, boss" he said as he ended the call. —Kira's POV— The big dude ended the call with Damon and he told me to get in and and t o say my to the bartender and she'll assist me and everyone with me to the VIP room that Damon told him to take me to. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jackson, Daniel, and i just entered the VIP lounge. "Sup, angel" Daniel said which disgusted me. "I.AM.NOT.YOUR.ANGEL!" I said. With disgust and anger in my voice. "Daniel, we are here to enjoy the night, please don't ruin it so please stop flirting with Kira" Jackson said as he pulled me to the dance and he then left and went to dance with a girl while i just danced my a*s off" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I've been dancing for the last 10 minutes, and now i am heading to the bar to get something to drink. "Please give the strongest shots you have" I asked the bartender. As soon as she put the shots n front of me, Daniel came. "What are you drinking, baby?" "Get out of my face because i won't hesitate to kick you" i said with an alarming tone. "Oh, come on, baby, i know you want me too" he said trying to seduce me. "Ok, i have had enough of your s**t" i said as i payed for my drinks but the bartender didn't accept so i told her to take it as a tip for her. I went to Jackson and told him that i am going, he didn't want to let me go alone at first but then he accepted but he insisted to walk me outside so i can get a taxi because i didn't come in my car. Jackson walked me outside and i went to stop a taxi. Suddenly, i bumped into something really hard. "Why the hell are you standing here like a statue?" I said with a annoyed tone. The guy turned around and...... ——————————————————————————————————————————————————— Why can't Kira get Damon off her mind? What will Damon do to the bodyguard since he din't let Kira get in? Who is the mystery guy which Kira bumped into? Keep reading Mafia's Weakness to find..... Hope to see you in the next chapter. Peace out✌?

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