Chapter 2

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STILL FLASHBACK!!!!!! —Sin's POV— I've seen Kira cry a lot of times and she always have breakdowns from time to time, and i have always been there for her, but when i heard that dad forced her into an arranged marriage with Damon Messina her childhood best friend, her first crush, her first love which she doesn't remember, i lost it, i completely lost my temper because i know that she won't talk to us anymore if she remembers him. ~~~~~~ I waited for Kira to fall asleep in my arms so I could go down and talk to dad. ~~~~~~ "What do you think you are doing, huh?" I said as soon as I went down to the living room where mom and dad are sitting. "I know what i am doing, even though i broke her heart by breaking my promise, but she'll thank me later when she remembers everything" dad replied with all confidence while i just laughed psychotically at his words. "You think she'll freaking thank you? Well, you are really wrong. I know Kira more than anyone in this world, and i am completely sure that she won't even look at you after she knows the truth, and most importantly is that she won't talk to me anymore because her favorite and most supportive brother stabbed her in the back and has been lying to her for 11 years" i said as tears were streaming down my face at the thought of not talking to me anymore. "You think that I'll be happy if that happened? Of course not! But she has to know the truth one way or another, and even Damon has to know the truth so i talked to Alfonzo about it and he said that marriage is the best way, and i agreed because they can't stay like that, they need to remember each other" Dad broke down too and started crying. "Oh my god, you two sto crying! You two need to be strong for Kira. And Sin, you know that you father is right, they need to remember each other" mom said trying to calm us down and trying to convince me that Kira and Damon getting married is the best decision. —Kira POV— I woke up in Sin's bed and heard screaming from the living room, then I remembered that Sin said that he'll talk to dad about the marriage and I am sure that this is them screaming. I ran downstairs and i heard mom saying "And Sin, you know your father is right, they need to remember each other" "Who needs to remember-" I couldn't complete my sentence as I noticed dad and Sin were crying. "папа! Sin!" I said as I ran towards Sin first because I am still mad at dad. "Pourquoi pleures-tu, Sin?" I asked in French for my parents not to understand. Translation: Pourquoi pleures-tu means why are you crying in French. "rien, ne t'inquiète pas pour moi" Sin replied as he kissed my forehead. Translation: rien, ne t'inquiète pas pour moi means nothing, don't worry bout me. "s'il te plait dis-moi, tu sais que je m'inquiète beaucoup pour toi" I said as tears started streaming down my face too because I can't see Sin crying, it literally breaks my heart into a million pieces. Translation: s'il te plait dis-moi, tu sais que je m'inquiète beaucoup pour toi means please tell me, you know i worry about you a lot in French. "C'est vraiment rien" Sin added as he got up from the floor taking me with him upstairs to my room. "I accept getting married to that Damon, but never think that I'll be his slave or that he'll boss me around" I said before going upstairs with Damon. "Thanks, принцесса, and they are coming at 8, so you have and hour and a half to get ready" Mom shouted from upstairs and i simply didn't reply because i sure as hell will be late. END OF FLASHBACK!!!!!!!!! —Kira POV— Well, that is what happened and now i am currently doing my makeup and it is already 8:15 and my mom has been calling me to get down for the last 30 minutes . ~~~~~~~~~ It's currently 8:35 and i am going down right now. ~~~~~~~~~ "Good evening, Mr. and Mr.Messina, I am Kira Elle Ivanov, nice to meet you" I said with a proud smirk on my face. "Good evening, my daughter, please call me Alfonzo" Alfonzo said as he shook hands with me. "My god! Kira, you've grown so much!" Pearl (Mrs. Messina) said as she brought to a really tight hug while i was frowning and thinking about why she said that i have grown so much. has she seen me before? She seem so familiar, and i feel like i know her since a long time, but I've never ever seen her in my life. I just pushed away all of my thought away and smiled. "Thanks" i said as i broke the hug. "I'm sorry if I took you by surprise but it just have been so long since I've seen you" she said again. "You said that i grown up so much and then you say that you haven't seen me since a long time, what do you mean by that? I have never seen you before, but you do feel familiar. Can you please explain?" I said in an angry yet a determined to know tone. "Uh-" she was about to speak when her words got cut off by someone, but she sighed in relief as soon as she heard he voice and it was as if she was really thankful that she dint get time to speak. What is she hiding from me? "Sorry I'm late, but there was a problem at work" i turned around to see who is the owner of the voice and.... "OH MY GOD!!!" I screamed. ——————————————————————————————————————————————— Why doesn't Kira remember Damon? Why Sin ha been lying to Kira for 11 years? What did Pearl mean when she said that she haven't seen Kira in so long? And why did she sound as if she was hiding something? Why did Kira scream when she saw the person that came? Keep reading Mafia's Weakness to find out... Hope to see you in the next chapter Dont forget to follow me on i********: & Spotify on @daniellawrites_ Follow me on w*****d @MelanieAtwood Follow Damon and Kira on i********: @damon_messina_mw and @kira_ivanov_mw
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