Chapter 14

1033 Words
Once outside I prayed silently in me that we would not come in contact with anything that would delay our journey to the hospital. Not like I was afraid of any creature or something but I just wanted to rush Douglas as fast as I could to the hospital three kilometers away. I covered Douglas with a coat, he lay at the back resting on Eva's laps. I assigned her to take care of him as I drove although he was unconscious. I didn't really know what was happening to him right now, his medical state. "Is he breathing?" I asked Eva with a confused voice. "No, he isn't." My heart grew more panicky. For some time now I didn't know Eva was crying silently behind. Horror greater than that from the sight of demons, dragons and great evil powers sparked inside me and ran across my spine. The white light from a distance signaled Annah Merson Memorial Hospital. It's named after one of the greatest female medical doctors from Vienna. She lived a great, outstanding life and left a unique legacy. For this, this prestigious hospital has been named after her. What a great honor. I want to leave even a greater legacy than this! The emergency attendants noticed the car driving crazily into the residence of the massive hospital, the best in the entire country and one of the best in the continent. The outside was painted in plain white, with the sides grey. Flowers with a medical-enhancing scent were planted all around the building. I inhaled the scent and felt much in love with it, had I been a patient, it would boost my state. I wished Douglas was conscious to take some of the healing scent into himself. Tears streamed down my cheeks as the attendants took him out of the car and into a stretcher from where he was rushed into the entrance of the hospital and out of sight. My car door was still open, so I moved to close it. I wept for a while with Eva, we couldn't bear the grief. Slowly I pulled her hands and walked towards the entrance of the hospital. We needed to go inside and see for ourselves what's going on. I was more than curious to know if Douglas was going to breathe again, my mind told me he would. How true was this? Never had I doubted what my mind told me but I doubted this. The future appeared before my very eyes and the image of what I feared most appeared before me as well. I had left my celestial habitat and had fought so hard to reach where I was, it would be a misfortune to lose at this point. Eva stared into my eyes, tears were still in her eyes but it told me something like 'Everything would be alright.' It was my turn to be encouraged. I had been the one comforting her before now, I was unavoidably in the same shoes as Eva has been before. Her words swamped a wind of courage and hope into me. We were asked to wait in the waiting room. "A doctor will approach you soon about the condition of your friend." The receptionist said before walking back to her position over the desk. I found a chance to laugh at myself, or should I say what the young receptionist said 'your friend.' Pandora had blinded almost everyone's eyes with her evil rule that she couldn't recognize the prince or I, the wolf queen. I sank down at the metallic chair in the room. There were about five people waiting in the room but they weren't close to us. The room was spacious so we each had enough space for ourselves but I sat close with Eva. Her head was lowered in grief, I wrapped my arms around her shoulders. Eva sobbed. "The doctor will be here soon to inform us of Douglas' condition, I hope he'll be fine." The last phrase of my statement didn't come out of me with full conviction. Everyone would say that, some would greatly believe it but I wasn't in such a position now. "How are you sure he'll be fine?" Eva asked the question I wished to avoid the most. I said this when I wasn't even sure of it myself. How would I be able to defend my words when I myself doubted it? "He'll be fine, just have this at the back of your mind. Don't worry." This' the only statement I could say further. We spent the rest of our waiting in silence sobbing, curious and having great memories of the past. "What's the time?" I just had to say something to fill in the gap of silence between us. Eva raised her head slowly, pressed the side button of her smartphone and it came up instantly. "9:48 PM," she repeated after the writing on the screen. "Well, it's getting late. We'd be in bed normally if this didn't occur." Eva sighed regrettably. Her mind would surely go to the luxurious bedroom of mine which she was more than eager to spend the night in. "This' temporary, let's forget about all leisure and face what is right in front of us!" I was amazed at what she replied. I didn't believe she'd be more enthusiastic than me. I felt inwardly ashamed. "That's true," I couldn't fail to admit. "Hmmm!" She exhaled heavily. We were thrown into mental darkness once again. I was motionless until the cry of a baby attracted me to it. It felt so sickening how babies are born while others, adults, were dying almost in the same proportion. Whenever each of my children dies, especially at a tender age and haven't fulfilled the destiny they were created to, I get feeling really bad. "Here, the doctor is coming!" Eva's statement rekindled that shock of electricity in me. I had been waiting for this opportunity for an hour or so, but now this moment is right in front of me. Just a few seconds and few of his steps before me, I'd be having the verdict. I wonder who it will favor. Pandora or I?
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