Part 8

1180 Words
“ I'm not find her anywhere but I got her from people who have experienced the disturbance of ethereal beings, aunt. ” Eadred answered a question from Yolanda. “ Are you sure she can overcome the disturbance of the spirits in this house? ” this time it was Alfred who asked. “ Oh, I'm not sure about that, but I heard some people say that this shaman is really good at driving away all the spirits. ” Eadred said. “ Never mind, let's try it first, who knows she can drive away the subtle creatures in this house. ” Grace said looking at them all. “ You all sit down first! ” The shaman said, Yolanda, Alfred, Grace and Eadred just followed the shaman's orders without saying anything. They sat on chairs arranged in a circle between them. “ Hold each other's hands, strengthen your spirit. Whatever happens, don't let your hand grips slip away! ” The shaman said again, they followed the shaman's words and held each other's hands. when the shaman wanted to start her curse spell suddenly something terrible happened to the shaman, the shaman was possessed by the demon causing Grace, Yolanda, Alfred and Eadred to be shocked and Eadred fell off the chair because of the strong demonic power which caused their handhold to weaken. When the body of the shaman floats up. “ HA HA HA!! YOU GUYS THINK YOU GUYS CAN AGAINST ME?!! NOT THAT EASY!!!! ” The demon that possessing the shaman spoke in a very grumpy and frightening tone. “ YOU ALL WILL DIE!! HA HA HA HA!! ” Said the demon again, less than five minutes the shaman woke up from being possessed, this means that the devil had left the shaman's body and the shaman's body fell to the floor by no means. The shaman looked very scared and ran out of the house, Eadred tried to catch up with the shaman. “ No!! I can't bear it!! I can't stand against them, they are so strong!! ” The shaman said to Eadred with a loud shout. Grace, Yolanda and Alfred are perplexed to see the strange behavior of this shaman. While Jett, who had just returned from the office, accidentally saw the shaman, they almost collided with each other but Jett managed to avoid it, he was also confused to see the shaman's strange behavior who ran like being chased by a ghost. “ Who is that woman? ” Jett asked them all. “ She is a shaman. ” Alfred answered Jett's question. “ Jett, apparently there are spirits in our house, I only found out this afternoon. ” Yolanda tried to tell Jett, but Jett didn't believe it, for him it was nonsense. “ It's impossible! I can't believe it, it's impossible that our house has a ghost?! ” Jett tried to deny his wife's words. “ It's true Jett, this house does have a ghost! ” Alfred also acknowledged the truth from his daughter's words about the house they live in now. “ No! It's impossible dad, if it's true that this house has a ghost, where is the proof?! ” Ouch, this Jett is really looking for a trouble! How dare he ask for proof. “ As you wish if you want to believe what we say or not! But what is clear is that I saw with my own eyes that the shaman was possessed! ” Yolanda said, she was a little sad because her husband didn't believe what she said and what she saw. “ Ah, don't believe all that, it must be just her trick only. ” Jett said as he walked into the house. Now that the day has turned into night, the situation is shown in Courtney's room where the two sisters are relaxing, Grace was seen covering Courtney who was lying on the bed. “ Good night Courtney ” Grace said goodnight to Courtney, Instead of saying good night to Grace, Courtney said this to Grace... “ Sis, please accompany me to sleep here, I'm scared! ” Courtney pleaded with Grace with a pounding heart and hoped that Grace would hear her plea. “ Courtney, how many times have I told you, you have to dare yourself to sleep alone! Don't follow your fear too much! ” Grace advises Courtney because she is tired of hearing Courtney's pleas. “ But... ” Courtney seems like it's hard to accept advice and rejection from Grace. “ No buts!! You should get used to sleeping alone tonight! There's a walkie talkie isn't? If you're scared try talking to me through that thing, ok? ” Grace said firmly to Courtney as she left Courtney's room and turned off the lights, Courtney was forced to sleep in a state of deep sadness and fear. The clock in the house now showed the number 3 in the morning, everyone in the house was now sound asleep including Grace who was sleeping alone in her room, while the girl was lulled into a dream, suddenly her walkie talkie sounded like Courtney wanted to talk to her. She took the walkie talkie which she placed on the table next to her bed. “ What's up Courtney? Why haven't you slept yet? ” Grace asked yawning. “ Grace, I can't sleep, I'm scared! ” the little girl said. “ Enough, just sleep! try to close your eyes and don't be afraid of anything, I already want to sleep! ” Grace said. “ But Grace... ” “ Go to sleep right now, Courtney!!!! ” Grace said without giving Courtney a chance to finish speaking. Suddenly Courtney's walkie talkie flew towards Grace and hit Grace's forehead, the walkie talkie seemed to have been thrown by someone from inside Grace's room but it was definitely not Courtney who threw the walkie talkie because the little girl was already sleeping soundly in her room. Maybe it was the spirits in the house who threw the walkie talkie at Grace because they were angry at Grace for talking like that to 'Courtney'. Grace sighed as her forehead hurt from the impact of the walkie talkie. She saw that Courtney's walkie talkie was on her bed. “ Why is this walkie talkie on my bed? ” Grace spoke to herself, she tried to pick up the walkie talkie but suddenly a black shadow appeared on her left side, Grace screamed in shock at the scary black shadow, she tried to cover herself but the blanket was pulled down then she pulled the blanket back but the result is still the same, the blanket is still pulled all the way down. Grace began to get tired of this 'game', she tried to get her body up but the ghost appeared in front of her face with a very ugly and creepy face. “ Arggghhh!!! ” Grace screamed as she ran out of her room and into Courtney's room, Courtney was still fast asleep unaware of what was happening to her sister. Grace jumped up on Courtney's bed and ended up sleeping with Courtney that night.
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