Part 6

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After break time arrived, Grace decided to meet Eadred in the canteen to ask about the house he said was haunted and they are now hanging out in the canteen eating the hamburgers they bought. “ Eadred, how do you know about that house? ” Grace asked, she really wanted to hear an explanation from Eadred about the house Grace's family had just occupied, but Eadred didn't seem to be listening to Grace. Eadred just daydreamed, he remembered the words of his grandfather, Mr. Richard Stevenson who told him to approach Grace. “ Eadred!! ” Grace dispelled Eadred's reverie. “ What's wrong? ” Eadred asked looking at Grace's face. “ Why are you daydreaming? ” Grace asked back. “ Nothing, what did you ask earlier? ” “ Where do you know about that house? ” Grace repeated the question she had asked Eadred earlier. “ I know from the people who used to live there, they often experienced scary events until one of them died. ” Eadred tells Grace what he knows about the house's dark history. At Jett's house, Yolanda was seen alone at home, Alfred and Courtney had not yet returned from their walk. Yolanda who was relaxing in the living room suddenly saw the shadow of someone walking very fast on the second floor, the curious Yolanda immediately climbed the stairs to the second floor. She saw that there was nothing there. “I feel like someone passed by here? but why isn't there anyway? ” Yolanda said to herself. Suddenly the house bell rang as if someone was coming, Yolanda immediately went downstairs and went to open the door. A woman dressed as a maid stood in front of the door. Yolanda was a bit curious about the purpose of this woman coming here. “ Sorry, who are you looking for? ” Yolanda asked. “ I'm Annabelle, I'm looking for a job vacancy. Are there any vacancies here? Because I used to work here as a maid before. ” Annabelle said. “ Oh what a coincidence I was also looking for a maid, you're hired! when do you want to start work? ” Yolanda said, it's very nice to finally have a maid even though Annabelle's background hasn't been checked yet. “ Today is also possible. ” Annabelle, the strange woman with eyes like a doll answered. “ Oh, if that's the case, please come in. ” Yolanda invited the woman in and went to the kitchen. “ How much do you want your monthly salary? ” Yolanda asked looking at the woman's face but the woman didn't look at Yolanda's face at all, she kept staring straight ahead like a blind person. “It's up to you and your husband how much you want to pay me, I don't care as long as I get a job. ” Annabelle said. “ Can you leave me for a moment? I want to do my work first. ” Annabelle said again. Yolanda nodded and said... “ All right. ” Yolanda also left the kitchen and left Annabelle alone who wanted to do her first job in the house. It was now 2pm and it was time for Grace to come home from school. Grace was seen walking home with Eadred while carrying their respective bicycles, they seemed to be chatting about something. “ You and your family have to get out of this house quickly, he wants a victim! ” Eadred said to Grace. “ It's impossible Eadred, I can't possibly get out of this house as soon as possible because my dad really doesn't believe in ghosts, this superstition things. ” Grace said. “ It's up to you, but I hope you and your family should always be careful. ” Eadred advised Grace, Grace just nodded her head and then entered the house. After returning from school Grace fell asleep tired from doing many activities and school work. Suddenly she had a nightmare, Grace dreamed that she was in an old cemetery whose location is unknown and Grace saw a very scary red eyed woman looking at her, she immediately ran to get away from the place but she fell on a grave. Grace saw the name on the tombstone and wanted to get up but couldn't because she was drawn into the grave and couldn't get out. Grace was terrified and screamed for help. “ Arggghhh!! Helpppp!! ” Grace suddenly woke up from her bad delirium, she saw the situation around her room. “ Astaghfirullah al adzhim, just a dream! ” Grace said to herself while stroking her face, suddenly the door to her room opened by itself, Grace got up and walked out of her room. She went downstairs to the living room and laid her back on the couch. Then Annabelle, the woman with eyes like a doll appeared and brought a cup of tea. “ Have a drink, miss. ” Annabelle said. “ Who is asking for tea? ” Grace asked, suddenly she saw that Annabelle was no longer there and what was even more horrible was that what Annabelle brought was not tea but worms, Grace was so surprised and amused to see the worm in the cup. The time now showed exactly 9 pm, after finishing dinner with his daughter, son-in-law and grandchildren, Alfred sat down to rest in the living room for a while because he still wasn't sleepy yet. Meanwhile, the others were in their respective rooms. Suddenly Alfred could feel something passing around him, he could also clearly see the appearance of a creature not far from him. The appearance of the creature was very ugly with maggots coming out of its eye sockets and then falling to the floor. Alfred was horrified to see it, he read some holy verses of the Quran and the ethereal creature was invisible anymore. “ It's true what Grace said, this house is indeed haunted. ”Alfred spoke to himself. “ What do you say, dad? ” Jett who suddenly appeared there asked Alfred which made the old man a little surprised. Jett laid back on the couch next to Alfred. “ There's nothing, hmm Jett, I'll go to bed first huh? suddenly felt sleepy. ” Alfred said but there was no answer from Jett as Jett was seen daydreaming. Alfred got up and went into his room upstairs, suddenly Annabelle appeared again carrying a cup of coffee. “ Have a drink the coffee, sir. ” Annabelle offered Jett the coffee. “ Yeah thank you ” Jett replied. Annabelle who was still not looking at the people around her immediately left. meanwhile Jett took a cup of coffee that Annabelle placed on the small table in front of Jett. Suddenly a Cambodian flower that didn't know where it was come from fell on his shoulder, he took the Cambodia flower and put it on the small table. Jett's throat suddenly felt thirsty and wanted to drink coffee but suddenly Jett was surprised, he saw that what was in the cup was not coffee but a caterpillar! He put the cup back on the table. Jett tried to look inside the cup again but this time the caterpillar had turned into coffee again. Jett didn't want to drink the coffee anymore and he went into his room and slept with his wife who was already asleep.
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