Part 5

897 Words
At this time Grace was seen standing in front of the house dressed in full school uniform and holding two walkie talkies that she had just bought three days ago through the online application. " Courtney!! '' " Courtney, come here for a second! " Grace called Courtney. Courtney who had already woken up and showered and is was playing in the living room immediately came to Grace. " Yes I'm coming " Courtney responded. " What are you calling me for, sister? " Courtney asked because she wanted to know why Grace suddenly called her. " Nah take this, this one is for you and the other one is for me. " Grace gave one of the walkie talkies to Courtney. Courtney took the walkie talkie that Grace had given her. " Try it first " Grace said, Courtney who still didn't understand anything just followed Grace's words and said 1,2,3 up to two times. " But what is this thing? " Courtney asked, what a innocent girl! " This is the Walkie Talkie that you always see on TV, if you are afraid to sleep in your bedroom alone or in danger, you try to talk to me through this thing. " Grace explained the use of the walkie talkie to Courtney, the little girl seemed to understand to Grace 's explanation. " Oh, is that so? " Courtney asked, understanding. " Yes, now I want to go to school first, bye!! " Grace waved her hand at Courtney as she walked over to her bike. " Bye! " Courtney returned Grace's wave as she watched Grace start riding her bike and leaving the house. A few minutes after Grace left, Jett and Yolanda showed up. The couple approached Courtney, Jett kissed Courtney's smooth cheek, he loved that little one so much, and so did Yolanda. " What are you doing, baby? Has Grace gone to school? " Jett asked the cute little Courtney. " Yes she just left. " Courtney replied. " Yolanda, I have to go now, if you need anything just contact me huh? " Jett said while kissing Yolanda's forehead and lips, Courtney just watched what her parents were doing without saying anything. " Courtney, dad go to work first, don't be naughty stay at home with mom and grandpa, listen to mom and grandpa okay? " Jett ordered as he kissed Courtney's smooth forehead and both cheeks again. " Okay dad, be careful. " Courtney said, Jett immediately got into his car and immediately drove out of the house. A few minutes after Jett left, Alfred showed up. " Have Jett and Grace gone? " Alfred asked. " Yes dad, they just left. Where are you going, dad? " Yolanda asked because she was curious to see Alfred dressed a bit neatly. While Alfred was wearing slippers on his feet. " I want to go for a walk around this area for a while and get some fresh air and get to know the neighbors here. " Alfred answered Yolanda's question and then looked at Courtney's face. " Courtney, do you want to come with me? " Alfred asked Courtney and was immediately answered by the little girl. " Yeah I want to come with you. " Courtney replied. " If that's the case, put on your shoes quickly. " Alfred said, Courtney immediately took the shoes she put on the shoe rack and put them on. " Yolanda, be careful sitting at home alone. " " Okay, dad. " Yolanda answered as she saw Alfred and Courtney walking out of the house. After they were out of sight, Yolanda immediately entered the house and headed to the kitchen for drink coffee, she took a sip of coffee. After arriving at school and putting her bike in the bike place, Grace went through a corridor to enter her class, there were many students hanging out and walking along the corridor that Grace was passed through. Suddenly Grace looked at a guy who also looked at Grace precisely and mysteriously, Grace felt a bit strange seeing the man in front of her that. " Why are you looking at me like that? " Grace asked the guy. " I'm Eadred, you're the new resident of the empty house on that acacia street, right? " Eadred asked. " Yeah, why? " Grace asked back, she was weird to see the behavior of this guy she had just met. " Be careful, the house is not just any house. That's a haunted house! " Eadred warned Grace. " Wouldn't a house that big have ghosts? Nonsense! " Grace denied Eadred's words, she did not want to believe in the guy. " It's up to you if you don't want to believe, you just wait and see. But there is one thing I want to tell you, the house has been uninhabited for decades, that's because every resident who lived there died in a tragic way! " Eadred said earnestly as he left Grace standing there thinking about something. " If I think about it back, it's true with event what had happened at home. " Grace said to herself. " But is it true that the house that my family and I live in now has a ghost? This can't be happen! I have to ask that guy again! " Grace said again.
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