Chapter 4 - Found

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  *Him* Tony was still squatting by the fire staring into the flames as he was listening to the girls conversation. "Told you dickhead, you never listen to me..."  Lance said haughtily. Tony sighed as he watched the girl fidget. With his sensitive hearing it wasn't hard to listen in on her conversation. "Dad!" Her tone had turned urgent and Tony's ears twitched to the next sentence that was spoken. "That's it. I'm getting on the Alphas jet and I'm coming to you. "  The girl then looked back towards him and he pretended not to hear but the girl knew he was a wolf and indeed he did hear it. A woman's voice was the next to speak. "Oh...what's his he from school...or?"  Lance was getting agitated. "For f**k sake, get rid of this girl she's giving me a headache" Tony blocked him out and went back to listening to her conversation. "Um....his name is's..."  At this point Tony got up and stalked quietly behind her and clearly spoke at the phone "I'm a rouge."  The girl gulped, the phone went quiet then there was an almighty growl. "A WHAT!?" The girl had the phone away from her ear.  "Persephone get your arse back to that hotel, stay away from him! I'll be there soon." He then hung up on her. She sighed.  "Ahh....why did you say that?" She screeched at him. Tony rolled his eyes. " Because. I'm not good for you. You need to realise that."  She looked at him with a face full of anger. "That's for me to decide! If it wasn't for you telling me, I wouldn't have known you were my mate! And now you want to reject me!?" She started crying then before he could react, she ran away.  Tony growled. "Jesus....." Then Lance piped up and snarled "thank god for that! She's gone."  Tony went back and sat down and stared into the fire, and then a thought hit him. Many bad things could happen to her out there.  "Shit.. " he kicked dirt over the fire, hurled her bag over his shoulder and raced off after her.  He followed her sweet scent. She hadn't gotten very far. She sat curled up in a ball in the bus shelter, still crying. He approached her gently. "Ummm.. " She mumbled to him. "Go away...." He sighed and sat down next to her. "Look....uh... I''s your stuff" for the second time, he handed her her bag. She snatched it and then put her head back on her knees hugging her bag to herself.  They both sat in silence. A bus came and went. The people who got off looked at them before heading off in their own directions. Tony couldn't take the silence anymore. "I'll take you back to your hotel...Which one was it?"  She finally stopped crying and looked up at him sniffling. "I can't... sniffle....remember what it's called....sniffle..... but it's near the convention centre" He gave her a handkerchief because he could no longer stand her snot coming out of her nose.  "Ok, it won't be hard to find it then." He got up and dusted his clothes off before holding out his hand to help her up.  She just stared at his outstretched hand. Before getting up herself without his help. Tonys outstretched hand then dropped by his side. He put both his hands in his jeans pockets and started walking.  "Wa...wait for me!" She yelled. She stuffed his now snotty hanky in her pocket and ran after him.  She was not looking forward to facing her father. They walked along the streets in silence. Their shadows stretching into each other on the sidewalk.  Tony kicked a stone along with his sneakers. His hair was annoying him so he brushed it up and put it in a ponytail.  His grandmother's ring on its gold chain came out from underneath his tshirt. He fingered the ring. For years he studied it's details.  It was a white gold Edwardian ring with leaf filigree around the sides, with a round clear moonstone offset by a tiny diamond and pearl on either side.  His grandmother gave it to him before she died. It is a ring that he was supposed to give to his mate, but after everything that has happened to him, he decided that he didn't want to bring a women into his chaotic life, but here was this little girl that the moon goddess has put in his path, he didn't know what to make of it. Clearly Lance didn't like her.  "Oi dickhead, I never said I didn't like her, I just said I don't need her. There's a difference."  Tony snorted, and the girl looked at him as she quietly followed. "Are you cold?" He tucked the ring back underneath his shirt. Was this little girl worthy of his Grandmother's ring? He took off his jacket and put it around her shoulders. "So.... Penelope..."  "My name is Persephone..." She retorted. "Sorry... Persephone...what brought you to Montreal?" Persephone replied in a stoic manner. "I came for a school excursion, today was our last day before we were supposed to go home.I was returning to the hotel from the Botanical know...." She gestured between the two of them. "I got....lost..and you found me..." Tony sighed for the upteenth time. "Look, I'll be frank with you, yes we are mates, but are we suited to each other, no. I'm a rogue..and you have a pack....your father wouldn't like me, and I have a complicated past...."  Persephone touched his arm and soft tingles shot through her fingers, at her touch Tony stopped and looked down at his shoes. "I'm not good for you. Your hotel is a block that way. I have to go."  He moved his arm out of her grip and turned around. Persephone went to stop him but the voice of her father halted her.  "PERSEPHONE!" She turned back around, but he was gone. She went running towards her dad. "Daddy! He's gone!" And she started crying....
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