Chapter 5 - Kidnapped

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*Her*  She wiped her tears and then looked up at her father. She was still being hugged by him. He had a straight face but at the same time he was concerned.  "Perry, I am so mad at you at the moment." Then he sighed. "But I'm also glad you are safe."  Persephone gulped and stopped crying. She rubbed her eyes and looked up at her father. "Dad, I'll explain everything..." Nicholas let go of his daughter before putting his arm over her shoulder and led her into the hotel foyer. "Let me get checked in first. Since you were missing, your teachers have already organised the other students to return home. You'll be coming home with me."  Persephone took one last look behind her and whispered to herself. "He's gone..."  Following along quietly behind her dad as he checked in and got a key to his hotel room, they went to the elevator. Once it arrived on the ground floor it opened, letting some people out, Nicholas grabbed Persephone and stepped aside or else they'd be trampled. The people that stepped out of the elevator were rude and didn't even excuse themselves. Once it was empty, Nicholas took a breath on and out and then stepped into the elevator and Persephone followed. The doors closed onto awkward silence. Persephone was looking down at her shoes and was startled when her dad spoke up. "Ok start from the beginning"  She gulped. "Well....I was at the Botanical gardens....and I kinda lost track of the time..."  Her dad chuckled. "You and your damn plants..."  "Ah anyways....I was rushing to get back to my hotel when four men...uh...rogues came out of nowhere and.... Her father was getting mad by this stage. "Was HE one of them?" Persephone swore she could see steam coming out of his ears. " actually...he saved me" she said timidly.  Her Dad turned to face her. "A rouge, is a rouge. Simple. Stay away from them they are trouble"  Persephones face fell. " He is my mate dad..."  Her dad was taking a stand, he squared his shoulders. "How do you know that for sure? You're not yet eighteen, your wolf hasn't surfaced yet. Do you really take his word for it?!" His voice was getting louder with each word. Persephone shuffled from one foot to the other.  She was sure she felt a connection to him.  "Dad...I felt it....the sparks...."  "Enough PERSEPHONE! I don't want to hear anymore of it. You will come home with me, and that's that."  Persephone still had Tony's jacket on, and so she pulled it tighter around herself, taking comfort in his scent and thought to herself "I hope we somehow meet again...." Both looked up as the elevator stopped at the fifth floor and a big set guy stepped in. He was wearing jeans, a white tea shirt and a red flannelette shirt. His hair was in a neat crew cut and he had pierced ears. He also had a scar above his left eye. He had a Duffel bag slung over his shoulder. He ignored Persephone and her dad but knew they were there. When the elevator came to their floor, Persephone and her dad got off and headed for their designated room. Little did they know they were being watched. Nicholas touched the keycard to the rooms lock and it lit up green. He opened the door, stretched and yawned.  Persephone was still following along behind him, moping. She dragged her feet as she walked to the couch and flung herself over it.  Nicholas accessed some peanuts from the minibar and tossed a chocolate bar to Persephone.  "Cheer up Perry, tomorrow we'll go home, and everything will be back to normal. I've already let your teachers know I found you." He patted her on the shoulder and then went to the bathroom.  Persephone sighed and started to mumble to herself. "If he is my mate, what'll I do? He'll be a whole other continent away from me...."  She rolled off the couch and touched her head. It wasn't sore anymore so she took the bandages off. After turfing them in the bin, she decided she would go down to the buffett downstairs and have something decent to eat. She left her father a note before she tiptoed out the door.  She made her way along the hall to the elevator again. She pressed the button, started to hum a tune and waited for it to reach her floor. It made its metallic ping before the shiny silver doors opened and she stepped in. She pushed G for the ground floor. She leant against the back right hand corner, the shiney mahogany panels reflecting her image, the soft elevator music lulling her into staring off into space. As the elevator stopped, she snapped back to her senses and shook herself out.  She left the elevator and had the eerie sense that someone was watching her. Her heart rate spiked and she quickened her steps. She knew if she reaches the restaurant there will be other people around and she should be safe. She went and grabbed a plate to fill with food. She steered clear of seafood and just had chicken and salad.  She sat down to eat and took her time. She downed a glass of water but then she needed to use the bathroom. She got up reluctantly and made her way towards the ladies room. She pushed open the door and there were older ladies gossiping as they put on makeup. They didn't take much notice of her. She closed the stall and did her business. The gossiping ladies walked out because it had gone quiet.  Persephone flushed and made her way out of the stall to the sink. She looked at her reflection. She was tired and had bags under her eyes. She splashed cold water on her face. She turned the tap off, dried her hands and then she left the bathroom. She sighed as she knew she had to go back to her dad.  Just as she walked out of the restaurant, her dad called her phone. "Perry, where are you? I hope you haven't run off again."  Persephone sighed. "No dad. I went downstairs to get something to eat, I left you a note didn't you read it? Never mind. I'm actually on my way ba..." Just then a hessian bag was thrown over her head and she was hit from behind. Last thing she heard before passing out was her phone collapsing on the floor and her dad yelling. " Perry.... PERRY ARE YOU THERE!! DAMN IT!" 
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