Chapter 3 - Mates?!

1060 Words
  *Her*  Persephone had blacked out, but she had retreated to the recess of her mind. Her father's wolf started licking her face. "little one, you need to contact your father. He's worried about you, you never returned to your hotel....your teachers freaked out and called him..." "Hmm...Alvaro...." She groaned but then opened her eyes. She was on her back on a cold floor staring up at a concrete roof. She sat up and her attention was caught by movement to the left of her.  There was a rugged man kneeled by a fire.  His hair was all disheveled, he had rough facial hair. His muscular frame hidden by his black t shirt and jeans.   He ran his fingers through his hair before gruffly saying "your awake. Are you hungry?"  Persephone was still staring. "Look, I won't hurt you. I mean...I can't hurt you."  Persephone looked down at the leather jacket that was covering her. She pulled it closer to herself, before whincing at the pain in her head and throat.  "Here, be careful it's still hot." The man gestured towards the can of soup he was holding out to her.  Her stomach rumbled, so she was glad to take what he offered.  "Th...thankyou..." She stammered out. Then they fell into silence. For some reason Persephone felt comfortable with this man, she couldn't figure out why.  "So...your not from around here are you? I didn't know what else to do so I brought you with me...What's your name by the way? I'm Anthony but I go by the name Tony. " In a meek voice "Persephone, but my friends call me Perry for short. It's my Dad's pet name for me"  "Huh...." Tony smiled. "Cute" he said to himself. "So....ahhh....that black wolf that saved me...was you?"  Tony stared at her. "You know about werewolves?"  Persephone giggled. "ha ha yeah. I am one. Well at least I will be when my wolf wakens when I turn eighteen, I'm actually a hybrid. I'm also a witch so...." She left that sentence hanging as Tony was trying to process it all. He cooked his head to the side as he asked. "How old are you?"  "I'm 17. I'll be eighteen soon though." She replied blushing. "So you don't know about mates then?"  Persephone took a gulp if her soup now that it had cooled down.  "Of course I do. My Dad's mate is a fairy. They have a great relationship. I have younger twin brothers and  A sister to prove that."  Tony looked down at his shoes. "But you don't feel it?"  Persephone was confused. "Feel what?"  Tony looked into her eyes as he said "the pull....the mate pull..."  Persephones eyes widen in shock. "M...m..mate pull? We're mates?!" She screeched.  Tony pounced on her clamping her mouth shut. "Sshhh...." Where his hand was over her mouth she could feel little tingles. 'is this the sparks that mates have when they've found each other?' she thought.  Tony was very close to her. She was able to have a better look at his face. He had beautiful Hazel eyes but something in them was dangerous.  Tony released his hand. "I'm a rouge. So I don't exactly want the world to know where I am. This is my makeshift den."  "Oh...." Persephone then became concious of her situation and the danger.  Tony sighed. "so who's Alvaro? You were calling his name before you woke up."  'is he jealous?' Persephone thought to herself. "That's my dad's wolf. Since I was five, I've been able to mind bond with him. Part of me being a witch I guess. My mum had cursed my dad and his wolf was forced out by that. Everyone thinks that the moon goddess made me his temporary vessel because of that, and now he's able to come and go as he wants to." She said tapping her temple. Then it dawned on her. "Crap....I have to call my dad...." Persephone suddenly remembered that Alvaro entered her mind to check on her. "Here....I picked your stuff up. Those bastards had strewn it everywhere."  He handed her her backpack. She unzipped it. Her camera was still in one piece. Her note books where all scrunched up and some pages torn.  She found her phone. It now was sporting a c***k across the screen. She was still able to use it though. It had many missed calls and messages on it. She decided to ignore them for now and just ring her father.  She stepped away from Tony to make her call. On the third ring he answered. "Persephone Braveheart, where have you been! You had me and Calista worried. Your school called...."  "Calm down dad. Alvaro told me. "  Her father sighed from the other end of the phone. "Haaa, at least your safe you've checked in with me. Where are you? Why didn't you go back to the hotel? How come you weren't answering your phone?"  "First of all, yes I am safe. I'm not sure where I am, but I can make my way back to the hotel. I...just got a little bit lost is all....and my phone was on silent."  "Ok well you better hurry and get back. I'll tell your teachers that your ok."  "Thanks Dad. Oh...and..." With those words her dad was on high alert again. "What is it Persephone?" He growled. "Don't freak think I may or may not have found my mate...."  "WHAT!" He roared. "Don't freak out she little girl found her mate!" He shouted into the background. There were whistles in the background. Persephone slapped her hand to her forehead.  "Dad!" She exclaimed embarrassed. Persephone started to get worried. She looked back towards Tony then back to her phone call again.  Persephone heard her step mother, who must have been at her dad's shoulder listening. "Oh...what's his he from school...or?"  "Um....his name is's..." She didn't ask him his age. In fact at that point there wasn't much she could tell them about him. He came to stand behind her. "I'm a rouge." He said so clearly, but Persephone gulped. The line went quiet on her dad's side before an almighty growl was heard. Persephone had to hold the phone away from her ear less she go deaf. "A WHAT!? That's it! I'm getting on the Alpha's Jet and I'm coming to get you." 
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