Chapter 72: Reunion

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My flight arrives at night, and a car picks me up at the airport. "Miss, your father told me that they are on duty today, but your room at home is ready." "Don't take me to my parents' house, take me to my apartment. Tomorrow, I will go see my parents at the hospital first thing in the morning," I replied. "As you wish, ma'am." My apartment is closer to the hospital. I only acquired it a few months ago. It's a Penthouse with a beautiful view of the city. After forty minutes, we arrived, and the driver helped me with my suitcases. The place is furnished, and the decorator did a magnificent job according to my specifications. I enter the foyer and move into an open space housing the living room, kitchen, and dining area. I headed up the stairs to the second floor to enter my room. I place my handbag on the bed and start filling the bathtub. I crave rest and relaxation. Submerging in the warm water, I attempted to clear my mind. Although fatigued, I am eager to embark on my new job. Once I emerge from the bathtub, I change into silk pajamas and settle down to rest, soon drifting off to sleep. At 4 am, my alarm jolts me awake. Adapting to the time changes requires effort. I slip into workout clothes and head to the gym in my apartment, indulging in 40 minutes of cardio before a shower. After my routine, I selected black dress pants, a pink button-down shirt, and black stilettos for my visit to the hospital.  Grabbing my bag and car keys, I set off. Upon arrival, the hospital appears different due to the merger. The process of merging Diego's family hospital with mine has caused some chaos. I signed in at reception as I technically don't work there yet and then, took the elevator. I notice Diego, Daniel, Nícol, and Samantha entering the elevator as well, unaware of my presence, heading to the third floor. Observing Nícol's different uniform marked as a resident compared to the specialist attire worn by the others, I don't dwell on it. Exiting the elevator, I proceeded three floors up to my dad's office. I greeted his secretary. "Hello Julia, is dad in his office?" "Oh Dr. Andrea, it's nice to see you here. You haven't been here for a long time. Yes, your dad is inside." "Yes, I was focused on my studies, but well, I have to go. I'll go see dad." I enter the office and find him engrossed in documents at his desk. He looks up when he notices my presence and greets me with a smile. "My princess, sorry for not coming to the airport to pick you up." "Don't worry, dad. I understand you had surgery. It's okay." "How was your flight?" he asked. "Well, I wanted to inquire about the job proposal you mentioned," I said. "Honey, why don't you take a few more days to rest, and then we can discuss it?" "No, dad. I want to start working. You know I don't like being idle." "Okay, love. I wanted to offer you the position of heading the Pediatric Surgery department. Our previous head just retired." "I would be more than happy to lead the pediatric surgery department, dad." "Honey, there's something else I wanted to discuss with you about the merger." "Of course, I've already seen some surgeons and residents from the other hospital. Is everything going smoothly?" I inquired. "Yes, but Diego's father has proposed something. Initially, I thought it was far-fetched, but I understand his reasoning." I listen attentively as he seems uneasy about what he is about to say. "He wants you and Diego to get married so that everything regarding the merger stays within the family. I understand if you refuse." I was taken aback by Dad's words. I wait for him to reveal that it was a joke. After a few moments, I realized he was serious. "Dad, I currently don't have a boyfriend, and I understand the business aspect of this proposal to safeguard the investments of both sides. But Diego has been in a stable relationship for many years. I doubt he will agree, but if he does, I wouldn't mind going along with it," I responded. I am confident that Diego will never agree to such a proposition. "Yes, I understand, honey, but his dad is convinced he can persuade him." "I don't think it's okay, but if he accepts, I'll go along with it. For now, I'll let you continue with your work. I'm going to human resources to collect my credentials." "It's alright, honey. I want you to rest, but I know you won't listen to me." He hugs me, and I head to human resources where I receive my credentials and tour my office and the pediatric surgery department. During rounds, I think I see Nicol, but I focus on my tasks. I held a brief meeting with my staff to introduce myself as the new head of pediatric surgery. Some welcome me warmly, while others are less receptive. I informed them that I would cover today's shift. It's a ritual of mine to start this way. After leaving the hospital, I attended some pending business in the city, and returned to the hospital at night. Upon arriving at my office, I appreciated the spaciousness, the sofa bed, and the private bathroom. Changing into my coat, I proceeded to review some files in the room. When inquiring about the resident on duty, I discover she hasn't been seen, which surprises me given the gravity of the cases in the ward. Learning her name is Nicol, I don't dwell on it. As the night progresses, I receive an emergency call regarding a polytrauma case en route. Heading down to the emergency room, I entered the trauma room, picked up the file, and inquired, "What do we have?" There was no response. As I looked up, faces filled with surprise met mine. Before me stand Diego, Daniel, and Nicol. "Are you the pediatric surgery resident?" I addressed Nicol, who gazed back at me with displeasure, replying curtly, "Yes, it's me." "Well, then, please introduce the patient," I instructed her. "You have the file in your hand, can't you read it?" she asked. Her attitude really bothers me a lot. "I'm not asking you because I don't know how to read. Do not question me if I am capable of it. I do it because this is a teaching hospital. Furthermore, if your superior asks you to do something, you do it without questioning. I want you to check all the patients in the ward and provide a summary of each of them now. You haven't looked after them all day," I told her. "I was with Diego and Daniel," she answered. "From what I understand, they are in plastics and orthopedics, not pediatric surgery. If you do not want me to dismiss you from my service right now, you are going to do as I instructed," I told her. She glances at Diego, who doesn't dare to contradict me, and she reluctantly leaves. I address them. "The three of us can collaborate to reduce the number of surgeries, but I believe the fracture can wait. I just need it fixed," I said, turning to Daniel, as he is the orthopedist. "Yeah, sure, no problem," he replied. "Diego, would you mind debriding or managing the patient while I open the abdomen to address the internal bleeding?" "Yes, that's fine," he agreed. "Well, I'll meet you in the operating room." I leave the area to request an intern to assist me, as I doubt the resident will be willing, and arrange for an operating room. *** Diego's POV   We were in my office with Daniel and Nícol when we received a call from the emergency room regarding a multiple trauma case. Upon arrival, the first thing we check is the child. I request Nícol to summon the specialist. I understand that she is the new head of the department, and I don't want her to be upset.  When the specialist arrives after some time, I am taken aback to see my childhood friend. There is something remarkable about her as she ties her light brown hair into a high ponytail. When she looks up, I am captivated by her olive green eyes. God, she looks as stunning as ever, with her porcelain skin. She stands out in her navy blue uniform, and her face exudes a doll-like beauty. I hear her reprimand Nícol, and for some reason, I am simply happy to see her again. She gives instructions to Daniel and then turns to me, to which I respond with a simple, "Yes, that's fine."  I realize it pertains to case management, snapping me out of my reverie. An intern enters as arranged by Andrea to prepare the patient. As Andrea exits, I follow her, but I lose track of where she went. I received a message from Nícol, informing me that Andrea insulted her and seeking permission to enter the room to assist. It doesn't seem amiss to grant her request; after all, she is Andrea's resident. *** Andrea's POV   I entered the operating room to prepare for surgery and was surprised to find Diego and Nícol engaged in pleasant conversation while washing up. "Nícol, I'm surprised to see you here. I thought I had assigned you a task," I remarked. Diego observes us but remains silent. "Yes, well, you see, Andrea, Diego mentioned that I could assist him," Nícol replied. "Hmm. That's interesting. It appears to me that Diego is here as a Plastic Surgeon, not a Pediatric Surgeon, and you are a resident in my department, not his. Next time, before prioritizing Diego's directive over mine, you should reconsider your specialty," I assert. "Andrea, calm down. I told her she could join to learn, not because she overlooked your instructions. She wasn't aware you had assigned her another task, which she would complete afterward. Don't worry," Diego intervened. I proceeded with the surgery, choosing to leave the discussion there. I didn't want to engage in a bitter argument with the two of them. During the surgery, Diego performed his part, and I found it to be an opportune moment to evaluate my resident's skills. "Nícol, what are the steps involved in an appendectomy?" I inquired while examining the patient's abdomen for the source of bleeding. Receiving no reply, I looked up to find Nícol staring at me with an unfamiliar expression. "I simply wanted to gauge your understanding of the basics. Do you know the steps of an appendectomy?" I probed further, meeting her gaze as she faltered in response. This situation deeply frustrated me. I halted my actions and expressed my frustration. "You disregarded my directive to enter the operating room earlier, and now you can't even demonstrate knowledge of a basic procedure in your third year. You don't belong in my operating room. Positions here are earned, and you certainly haven't earned them." "Andrea," Diego interjected, catching my attention. "I apologize, Diego, but this is my operating room, and I set the rules on how to educate my residents. I don't tolerate insubordination. Nícol, don't force me to repeat myself," I asserted, prompting her to leave the room in anger. "Alright, let's continue. Please go fetch the intern; she will assist me." Diego remained silent, but I sensed his gaze filled with displeasure directed at me. After concluding the surgery and exiting the operating room, I heard Diego calling out to me. I turned back to listen to what he had to say. "Andrea, I understand you're new here, but I would like to request that you treat the residents with more respect." "Is that a general comment for all residents or just directed at your girlfriend? And don't disrespect her?  She's done it, and if you're unhappy with how I manage my department and residents, truthfully, it's not your concern. I don't interfere with how you handle your responsibilities, so I kindly ask you not to interfere with mine. If she is unhappy, she can always consider changing her specialty." "If you are upset with me and letting it affect her, I urge you to handle it more maturely," he expressed. "Diego, the world does not revolve around you. I'm sorry to disappoint you, but this has nothing to do with you. It concerns her. She is the worst resident in the department; she has had to repeat a few years. I am not her friend; I am her superior, and my role is to educate her and ensure the smooth running of my department. If she doesn't adhere to the rules, I won't hesitate to take action, even if she's your girlfriend." Diego remained silent, and I left without further conversation. The shift proceeded calmly, with Diego taking over the task that I had initially asked Nicol to do, albeit reluctantly.
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