Chapter 73: The fiancee

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The next morning, I called all the residents and interns together early for rounds. Upon reaching the room, I noticed that Nícol was absent. "Does anyone know where Dr. Nícol is?" I inquired with her colleagues. They exchanged glances, unsure whether to respond, so I urged them to do so. "If you don't answer, none of you will be allowed into the operating room today." That was sufficient to prompt a reply. "Dr. Smith, Dr. Nícol usually arrives late for rounds," one of her colleagues remarked. "She wasn't on duty last night. How is it possible for her to be late?" I questioned. Looking around at the other Pediatric Surgery staff, I expressed my concern. "How is it possible that nobody reprimanded her? Such behavior is unacceptable." Another resident spoke up, further fueling my frustration. "She is Dr. Stevens' girlfriend; at this time, she is sleeping with him in his office." "Alright, let's proceed," I directed, visibly displeased. My day began on an uneasy note as I pondered how Nícol, possibly the weakest resident on the team, was being treated with such leniency merely because of her relationship with Diego. There were numerous changes needed to the program, and as the newly appointed leader, I was determined not to tolerate such behavior. Midway through the patient visits, Nícol joined in as if nothing had occurred. I watched her enter with a presumptuous demeanor that irked me greatly. "Nícol, how pleasant of you to join us today," I greeted her, my displeasure evident in a cold gaze. "Yes, my presence always brings joy, Andrea," she retorted. "Dr. Smith to you. Visiting rounds are a learning opportunity for everyone, and it appears you don't value it. I no longer want you on my rounds. Head to the emergency room immediately," I instructed. Reluctantly, she complied and left. After completing the visits and scheduling pending surgeries, I was interrupted by an emergency call. Rushing downstairs, I encountered a child with abdominal pain, presented to me by an intern. Despite Nícol's ongoing defiance, the situation escalated as the child's condition rapidly deteriorated, causing the monitors to sound alarms. "Nícol, place a central line on the patient," I instructed, but she merely glanced at me without taking any action. "Central line, you say?" she questioned. "Nícol, step aside. It's unbelievable that, in your third year, you don't know how to insert a central line. Call the operating room and wait for me. We need to get this child in there immediately," I expressed, visibly upset as I carried out the procedure. "Okay, I'll go wash up." "No, Nícol, you will not assist me. The intern will take over. I do not want you touching any of my patients," I asserted. "But this is my case, and a mere intern is not above me," she argued. "No, this is my case. I am in charge here. I informed you yesterday that a place in my operating room must be earned, and you have not done so. You lack proficiency in basic procedures and refuse to introduce patients to the intern, who, as you claim, is inferior to you. By performing his duties and presenting the case, he has earned the right to assist me in the operating room." This will not be overlooked. I successfully completed the surgery without major complications and transferred the patient to the ward.  Upon exiting the patient's room, I encountered Nícol in the hallway, and as Diego's father arrived, his expression soured upon seeing her. However, upon noticing me, he beamed and warmly embraced me. "Oh, Andrea, it's wonderful to see you. I'm delighted that you're part of our hospital." "Dr. Stevens, it's been a while. How could I refuse? I apologize for not stopping by your office, but I assumed you were occupied," I replied with equal enthusiasm. "My dear, I always make time for my future daughter-in-law," he proclaimed audibly for all, including Nícol, to hear. "I'd like to invite you to an art exhibition at a friend's gallery tonight, if you're available." "I'd be delighted to join you. I appreciate art, and perhaps I'll find something for my new home," I responded. "Excellent, see you this evening." As he bypassed Nícol without a second glance. Turning to one of the residents to monitor my patient, I noticed her intrigued expression, discreetly glancing at Nícol. It was clear she wanted to convey something. "Do you have something to say?" I asked. "Doctor, are you Dr. Diego's fiancée?" she inquired. "That's a personal matter. If you have no concerns about the patient, I'll be in my office," I replied. *** Nicole's POV   That damn Andrea has been causing trouble since yesterday. She thinks I'll just sit back and tolerate this. And to make matters worse, Diego's father seemed so delighted with her presence. He truly believes I'll allow Diego to marry her. I've worked too hard for her to take what rightfully belongs to me. I headed out to find Diego to demand an explanation about why his father was referring to Andrea as his daughter-in-law.  I found him with Daniel in the cafeteria. "Diego, I need you to clarify why your father is spreading the word in the hospital that Andrea is his daughter-in-law!" I exclaimed in frustration. "For heaven's sake, Nícol, can you lower your voice?" He appeared embarrassed, glancing around at the other patrons in the cafeteria. I realize I may be causing a scene, but at that moment, I am indifferent. "This isn't the appropriate place for this discussion. Come on, let's go to my office." *** Diego's POV   I am peacefully enjoying coffee with Daniel when Nícol enters, shouting at me. It's not unusual for her to create a scene like this, but I'm starting to grow a bit weary of it. This isn't the appropriate place to address the situation, so I asked her to accompany me to the office. "Nícol, please calm down. This isn't the way to solve things. My dad mentioned marrying Andrea because of the merger, believing it's best for both of us," I attempted to explain. "What are you going to do? This has to be a joke. How could you choose her over us after all these years together?" Nícol expresses in distress. "Nícol, I have not agreed to it, nor do I intend to. I'm unsure why my father continues to insist on this. Please, calm down," I comforted her as she began to cry. "Honey, are you attending the exhibition at your dad's friend's gallery tonight?" she inquires. Surprised by her awareness of the event, given its exclusivity, I responded, "Yes, I am attending. Nícol, how did you know about that? It's an invitation-only event for a select group of individuals." "Your dad invited Andrea, that b***h. Can I accompany you?" she pleads. "Nícol, as I mentioned earlier, it's an intimate, exclusive event. I have only one invitation, and my dad asked me to attend because it could benefit the hospital due to the attendees. That's why he also invited Andrea." "Yes, but I am your girlfriend, and in the future, I'll be the one you marry. I should be there," she asserts. "Nícol, if you prefer, I won't go either?" "No, you should go. That b***h won't keep you away from your hospital. Promise me you'll come to my place after the event, alright?" Nícol gazes at me seductively, trailing her finger along my chest. "And make it clear to her and your dad once and for all that she is not your fiancée." "Okay," I responded, giving her a gentle kiss and embracing her. *** Andrea's POV   Dr. Stevens sent the invitation to my office, so I left the hospital to go home and prepare. Usually, I have a simple style of dressing, but being aware of my societal role, I dressed meticulously for this occasion. I selected an outfit from the latest Burberry collection – a high-necked shirt with brand print and long sleeves, an A-line skirt with flares below the knee, and knee-high boots, all in beige tones. For my hairstyle, I opted for loose, straight hair and kept my makeup simple, accentuated by red lips. To complement the ensemble, I carried a white bag from the same brand. Upon arriving at the event, I spotted Dr. Stevens with his wife and Diego, who accompanied them. An artist approached me to greet me. "Good evening." Everyone turned to look at me, with Diego wearing an unfriendly expression. "Andrea, you look stunning as always. Let me introduce you to my friend Richard. This is Andrea Smith, the daughter of my current partner, whom I hope will soon be my daughter-in-law," Dr. Stevens introduced me. Diego appeared even more disturbed by his father's comment but remained silent. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Andrea. I hope you have a wonderful evening," Richard addressed me. "The pleasure is mine. Everything looks spectacular; the artworks I've seen so far are magnificent," I responded. "Thank you. Well, I'll leave you to enjoy the evening. I need to greet the other guests," Richard excused himself, leaving the four of us alone. "Andrea, my dear, it's been too long since I last saw you. You look stunning, like a doll," Diego's mother complimented me. "Indeed, Andrea radiates beauty and elegance, a rare trait not everyone possesses. It's a distinctive quality," Dr. Stevens remarked, looking at Diego. The atmosphere grew tense, prompting me to ease the tension. "Thank you very much, Mrs. Stevens and Dr. Stevens, don't flatter me too much, I might start believing it," I responded playfully. "I'm simply stating the truth, Andrea." Diego's jaw tightened, indicating his sudden agitation. I sense his grip tighten on my arm. "If you'll excuse us," Diego announces with obvious anger, "I need to speak with Andrea." He forcefully leads me away by the arm. As we distance ourselves, I jerk away to free myself from his grip, feeling the discomfort of his tight hold. "Hey, what's gotten into you?" I question. "I don't understand what game you and my dad are playing, Andrea, but I've made it clear that I have no intention of marrying you," Diego asserts. "I'm not playing any games, Diego. The marriage idea was your dad's, not mine. I understand his business motives – marrying would consolidate our positions as main shareholders, safeguarding investments for both our families. However, if we marry others, this dynamic changes. If you marry Nícol, it doesn't benefit your father because she's simply a resident without any connections beyond you. If, by chance, a divorce occurs, have you considered the implications? Your shares and those of your family would need to be divided, impacting your financial standing. Your father is a businessman, after all," I explained. *** Diego's POV   "Do you really want to marry me, Andrea?" I asked her, hoping that she has something for me. "Diego, as I've mentioned before, this is a business arrangement. If it's not you, someone else will come forward. I'm prepared to do whatever is necessary to safeguard the hospital. A loveless marriage is a minor concern; it wouldn't be the first or the last," Andrea responded pragmatically. She has always been resolute about her aspirations in life, often displaying a cool and direct demeanor with others, except for me – or at least that was the case a few years ago. We used to be best friends, and today she looks stunning in her outfit, exuding a natural grace that sets her apart. She doesn't need extravagance to captivate attention, and her red lips are mesmerizing. Since returning from abroad, something has changed within her. In the past, I used to pretend she was my girlfriend to deter other girls in college, occasionally sharing light kisses. But now, I find myself yearning to kiss her fervently and entertain other desires, while simultaneously resenting her perception of our relationship as purely a business arrangement. Her demeanor is starting to unsettle me. "Andrea, I cannot accept a union under those circumstances. I implore you and my father to refrain from labeling me as your fiancé out of respect for my girlfriend," I expressed earnestly. "Well, technically, I never referred to myself as your fiancée, and neither did your father. He merely expressed a desire for me to become his daughter-in-law, which, naturally, who wouldn't desire?" she remarks with a slight smile, further fueling my frustration. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I shall continue enjoying the evening." She departs without further discourse, leaving me standing there. While engaged in conversation with some business associates, I notice from a distance that Andrea appears to be engrossed in a pleasant exchange with a guy our age. He doesn't seem to be a mutual colleague, and for some reason, it unsettles me to witness her so cheerful and at ease with him.  To compound matters, I observed her leaving the event in the company of that guy. *** Andrea's POV   During the event, after exchanging pleasantries with Diego's parents and engaging in discussions about the artist, I had a conversation with Diego regarding the topic of actual marriage. That aspect of our interaction ceased to hold my interest long ago. My primary focus remains on my work and the hospital, as it holds paramount importance in my life. Regardless of whether or not I marry Diego, as I reiterated, it's purely a business matter to me. As I immersed myself in enjoying the artworks on display, a familiar touch on my shoulder caught my attention. I turned around, and oh, surprised, it's Miguel—thankfully, an old friend who, unlike me, is not a doctor. Don't get me wrong, I love my job, but at times, doctors can be egocentric, we love to talk about ourselves, which can become tiring for me. "Hey, Miguel! What a pleasant surprise to see you here," I greeted him warmly with a hug. "I didn't expect to see you here either, but you look stunning," he complimented. "Thank you, you're looking great as well," I returned the compliment. Miguel possesses a captivating charm with a dark complexion, striking dark eyes beneath thick eyebrows, and a well-groomed beard accentuating his lush lips. His physique is well-toned and sculpted. Our conversation continued for an extended period until we decided to depart together. However, we bid goodbye at the exit since both of us had work commitments the following day. We agreed to plan a meal together on another occasion. Overall, the evening turned out to be quite pleasant, I must admit.

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