5. The Question

417 Words
"What do you want, Owen?"   He sighs. "Look, Aurora, I know things are rough right now in our relationship and I'm sorry about that, but your mother called. You didn't tell her you were leaving?"   I shake my head even though I know he can't see me. "It's none of your business anymore."   "Babe, I care about you. That makes you my business. Can you please just let things go?" He asks, exasperated.   It's my turn to sigh this time. "No, I can't. I loved and trusted you, but you stomped all over it. You didn't stop to think about the damage you could've caused before you cheated on me and I'm done. I told you that before I left. I don't know if I can be your friend, but I do know that we will never be together as a couple again. I have to think about me for once," I stress to him.   When he gives me nothing but silence on the other end, I hang up. What I told him was the truth and I meant it. I need to think about me and that's what I'm doing. Well, for the most part.   I toss my phone in my purse and resume walking until I reach the frozen food section. I pick up a few frozen Italian dinners, multiple pizzas, brownie mix, and ice cream before heading to the self-checkout. On my way out of town, I spot a bakery and park in a nearby parking lot. I know Dad likes sweets and this place will be perfect for him. I pick out a few cake pops and cookies before paying.   I make it home about ten minutes later and see that Dad and the gorgeous man are still working on my car. I take the groceries into the house. As I'm putting them away in the fridge, I feel something at my feet. I can still hear the guys outside, so the feeling makes my hair stand to attention. Goosebumps rise on my skin and I slowly begin to turn around.   I clutch my chest as I jump and bump my head on the fridge door. Spade, my dad's cat, wiggles his tail and jumps onto the table like he didn't just scare the pants off of me. I gather a breath and let it out. "Crazy cat," I grumble and close the fridge.   Just then, Dad and Tucker decide to make an appearance, both with smirks on their faces. "What?" I question.   Dad shakes his head. "Nothin', baby. You get anything good?"  
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