The Visitor

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MARION saluted at the receptionist when she passed by. They have known each other for a while. Barcelona is a big city but it is part of her jurisdiction. As an enforcer of the law, she and that woman manning the front desk had met a few times because of her job. This was not also the first time that she entered this establishment. She would rather bring her women in here than in her own home. Although she has been living alone since she was nineteen, she never took any woman home unless she is a girlfriend. She can count in one hand the number of women who step foot in the house she lived in. Women tend to associate a repeat or a deeper relationship when they saw where you live. Marion never wanted any woman to think that way. Besides, another person occupying the same space would create a much bigger mess, personal and emotional. At thirty-five, she already learned her lessons when it comes to women and relationships. She was burned once and she never wanted a repeat. She pressed number three when the elevator closes. It was after nine in the evening. Her work duty ended hours ago but since she was working on a case, she has to spend more time in the office or in the field. Somehow, the last arrest that they made was a huge case. They apprehended Alvarez, Barcelona’s notorious drug kingpin. They have been trying to pin him in illegal drugs but he has great lawyers and a lot of alibis. Nevertheless, last night caught him on the act that he will not be able to create any alibis that would bail him out this time. Her superior got the big fish. They got the big fish and jailed the culprit and the cops on the payroll. It was an embarrassment in the division that some of their own were on the payroll of the lawbreakers. However, some were compelled to receive from them. They work long hours for smaller salaries. Their job is more on passion and dedication but those will not feed a hungry stomach. It was bad enough that their uniform is tainted with a bad reputation. However, she and her superior were on the same page. They both refused to be on the lawbreakers’ side. They will uphold the law. She made a warning knock when she found the room she is looking for. The woman who opened the door gave her a glare. “What are you doing here, officer?” “Buenas noches, señorita.” “I’m having a great night, thank you very much.” Despite the long day that she had, she was able to laugh at the woman’s statement. “Can I get in?” The shorter woman huffed but opened the door. Marion occupied a chair in the small living area. She swore softly when she accidentally pressed on the tender side of her shoulder. She got the injury from last night. After she shot Yulla by mistakenly thought that she was part of the Alvarez men in the dark alleyway, she made a run for the two other men who were about to escape. She apprehended both of them but the other guy tried to fight and was able to push her on the wall. Her left shoulder was pressed on the protruding concreted. This morning when she showered, she noticed the discoloration and she has been enduring a slight throbbing. “Are you alright?” “Yeah. Anyway, I checked your alibis. The places you told me, you were indeed there. Although, I still don’t understand that you chose to run into a dark alley than went into a different direction.” “Does it mean if I’m off the hook?” The tourist’s eyes brown eyes brightened. “Yes. You can go anywhere you want.” “Thanks.” Yulla smiled widely when she said that. Damn. Marion said to herself. She’s gorgeous. “Are you going somewhere?” She asked when she noticed that the woman was freshly showered. A short dress was laid on the foot of the bed. “Maybe. I’m off the hook, right?” The tall woman stared at the other woman. Something is nagging her that there is more to this woman than she is telling. “Plan to wear that little thing on that dress.” Yulla glowered. “You have a perverted mind, sergeant.” “Maybe.” “Shouldn’t you be home by now? An old woman like you should be home at this time.” “Fishing, baby girl?” “You sound like a perverted old man.” Her laughter reverberated in the room. This woman has the power to make her laugh. “I’m single in case that you’re too shy to ask.” “I’m not interested.” “But I am. How long are you going to stay in Barcelona, baby girl?” The younger woman made a face. She remained standing and even crossed her arms in front of her. “I’m no longer under investigation, sergeant. I refused to answer your question.” Marion stood up. She made a few steps until she was standing right in front of the pretty but a little ill-mannered woman. She looked down. In her six-foot height, Yulla’s head reached her nose. Not bad, she thought. “Do you have somewhere to go, baby?” She saw the young woman swallow before staring into her gray orbs. “You should go, officer.” She smirked. “I have something else in mind. I’ve been dying to test a theory. I hope you don’t mind.” She breathed slowly. The sweet smell of her hair assaulted Marion’s sensitive nose. “What theory?” “You smelled sweet, baby girl. I wonder if you tasted as sweet.” “W-what?” Before the young woman could comprehend what is about to happen, she was pulled closer to the hard length of the tall woman’s torso. Her breath hitched when a warm mouth descended into her slightly ajar lips. Heavens. Marion gathered the woman in her arms as her mouth devoured her sweet lips. She disregarded the ache from her shoulder. She has been wanting to kiss the woman when she saw her in the hospital room last night. A tinge of worry rooted from her core when she saw the bandage in her left arm. To make the matter worst, it was she who shot the pretty woman. Flabbergasted, she deepened the kiss when she felt the other woman kissing her back. She pulled the shorter woman up. Her large palm went to the softness of her bum to balance her weight. Yulla crossed her ankle on top of the sergeant’s behind. She had met more beautiful women in her life but she never felt an attraction as strong as this. She was thankful when Yulla’s alibis checked out. The woman is out of the investigation. Marion never wanted to be involved in another woman being probed by her own colleagues. Coming here was not really part of her plan. She could just make a call and inform her that she can leave the city if she wants to. However, there was this nagging conscience that demands to visit the woman in the hotel. “Baby girl.” She whispered when she laid Yulla on top of the bed. She was hovering above the beautiful tourist. “Officer.” “I need to test more to verify my conclusion.” “Does it work every time?” “No, baby. I don’t need a lot of convincing.” “Oh?” Her lips captured the woman’s mouth once again. She smiled between their kiss when Yulla kissed back with the same fervor. Garments started piling up on the floor. The temperature rose despite the blowing AC in the room. Moans escaped their mouth. Marion worshipped every inched of the younger woman’s body. Yulla has smooth and flawless skin that deserved to be touched and cherished. She had women before but she never had this need to make sure that this woman should be gratified. She groaned when her digits touched the drench core of the woman under her. Her warmth made her crazy with desire. “Baby girl, open your eyes please.” She muttered. Yulla’s long lashes fluttered. She bit her lower lip when the tall woman pushed her digits inside her core. “Look at me, baby.” Dark brown eyes stared at her. She knew that her own orbs reflect the same lustful need. Yulla lifted her hips to meet her thrusts. Her hands were gripping the pillow under her head. All the while they were looking into each other’s eyes. Unable to contain herself, her face lowered down to take control of the woman’s other lips. Whimpered exited Yulla’s lips. It made the tall woman yearn for more. On the other hand, her already injured shoulder suffered more from Yulla’s nails. It dug into her brown skin as they sailed into the edge. The younger woman pulled her up for a kiss. Her mouth traveled from her lips to the length of her jaw towards the shoulder. Marion almost yelled in surprise when the woman below her bit the junction between her shoulder and neck. She sure knew that it pierced the skin and made her bleed. Kinky, huh? She trusts again when Yulla freed her shoulder. Marion heard the other woman groan when her second release approaches. The woman’s core gripped on her digits tightened. A few seconds later, Yulla squirted on her hand. Gasping for breath, she pressed her face on Yulla’s shoulder who liked her, breathless as well.  
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