The Sergeant

1720 Words
YULLA was about to reach oblivion when she heard the door to the hospital room open. Her eyes shoot open and saw a tall, lanky man coming in. The police officer that was guarding her stood up and salute at the person. The first thing that Yulla noticed was the full sleeve tattoo of his left arm. She cannot comprehend the design. He was also a mixed heritage between a black and a brown-skinned parents. She frowned when she felt her wolf become uneasy. Lala whimpered and seems on the edge. Yulla felt like she was sucker-punched when the newly arrived person turned to her. She sat up in the hospital bed in haste. The sleepy haze went out of the window. The world stopped moving for a while and momentarily revolved just between the two of them. She blinked her eyes when the lanky man said something and faced the policeman on duty. She breathed out. The lanky man is a woman alright. A butch to be precise and she did not like one bit the smirk plastered on her face at the moment. “Hello, señorita. I’m Sergeant Marion Dela Vega.” Despite the sighing and whimpers of her wolf, Yulla did not give in. The person in front of them has no idea what she is and who they are to each other. She stared at the tall woman. Her Mulatto features enhanced her light gray eyes that glimmered like silver in bright light. Her lower lip is slightly thicker than the upper one. Her copper skin is firm and smooth. And her hair was naturally black and in a buzz-cut hairstyle. “What’s your name?” The sergeant uttered in a deep voice. Gone was the girly shrill. Probably because she is tall and burly. Not heavily built but muscle in the right places. She blinked her eyes. She hoped to remove herself from a daze. Lala is screaming in joy in her head. The female police officer smirked. She must have noticed the once-over that she got from the person in front of her. Yulla cleared her throat. “Yulla Smith.” She responded before looking away in embarrassment. “I’m a tourist. And I’m glad that someone here knew how to speak English.” The tall woman chuckled. “You should learn the language. Why are you in warehouse 52?” “I got lost. I went out of the bar not far from where the shootout happened. I’m a victim. I’ve been shot by a policeman.” She answered with a bit of whining in the last part. “I’ve heard that before, too. I was the one who shot you. You were running. Who’s your boss?” “Boss? What do you mean boss?” Eyes went back to the attractive butch in front of her. The sergeant sighed loudly. It was clear that she was frustrated. “What are you doing in warehouse 52?” “I don’t know about warehouse 52. What I knew is that someone shot me! Whoever that person is, he has to pay for what he did to me.” “It was a police operation. Why are you in that place? It was far from any bar.” “I was walking out of the bar to get away from a man who was trying to harass me. I don’t know about your operation, officer.” “Nice try, señorita?” “Stop calling me señorita.” “My apologies, madam. What’s your name again? Can I have your identification?” “I lost my bag from running away. Anyone would when you hear a gunshot.” “Try again, baby girl.” She glared at the tall woman. “A decent woman will not run to a darken alley unless they have a motive.” “I’m telling you the truth! I’m a tourist. How would I know that I ran into a darkened street? I’m trying to get away from that man.” “You tell me.” The sergeant stared into her eyes with an eyebrow raised. “I have to verify your alibis, señorita. Full name and the place where you stay, please.” “Yulla Smith. I left my bag somewhere. I was in a panic when I heard the gun’s firing. My identifications were in my bag. Oh, my god. I don’t care about the money. I just need my IDs.” She uttered in alarm. She eventually muttered the name of the hotel where she stayed. The sergeant’s questioning halted when another man entered the room. It was the guy who grabbed Yulla and sent her to the emergency room. “That’s my bag!” The man who just came in and the tall woman spoke for a while before the police sergeant went back to her with the handbag. “I would like to ask permission to open your bag, señorita.” “As if my permission matters.” She whispered. “It does but I will question you why you won’t like to open your bag just in case you refused.” The female officer said with a smirk. “Just do what you want. I have nothing to hide.” “Sure.” Yulla watched her pour the content of the bag at the foot of the bed. The tourism flyers, phone, wallet, lipstick, a pen, loss change, and candy made a clutter on top of the sheet. Yulla gathered her knees closer as she watched the female officer inspect her personal belongings. Her left arm stung at a slight movement. The sergeant searched the pockets and found a pair of panties she placed in one compartment. “Planning to have a great night from the bar, señorita?” “None of your business.” She glowered at the woman. “You can also check my phone in case that you wanted to verify my whereabouts. I don’t like it when I’m being doubted, officer.” “I plan to do just that.” The tattooed officer grabbed for the phone. She easily browsed the gadget since Yulla did not place a password. “When did you arrive in Barcelona?” “This morning. Or was it yesterday morning?” “Where did you go?” She was rounding up questions as she looked through the cellphone. “I went to the nearby Spanish restaurant from my hotel. I went back out in the evening to go to the bar. I was harassed there by a rude guy. I ran away only to be shot at.” She responded. The female office yelled a command to the other man in the room. She uttered in rapid Spanish before the man left. “Why would a pretty woman like you visit Barcelona alone?” “I’m mending a broken heart.” “Really, baby girl? From what I gathered from your phone, you have a lot of suitors.” “You read my messages?!” “Of course. Part of the investigation. Which among these guys is your ex? Are you going to meet one of them here? Or are you connected to Martin as plan B?” “Who the hell is Martin?” “Or was it Papi?” “Officer, if you're frustrated with your job and wanted to point fingers, leave me alone. I came here to Spain to leave my worries behind. I wanted to forget that my longtime boyfriend left me for his two-month secretary.” “Rich kid, señorita. Lo siento. My heart is crying for you.” Yulla watched the female officer put her things back in the bag. A wide grin painted her lips when she held the unfolded white panties in her large hand. “Put that back.” Sergeant Dela Vega meets her gaze. A smirk appeared to be a permanent marking on her face. “Of course.” The officer zipped the bag before surrendering it to the owner. “You will be released comes morning. Don’t leave the city.” “Why? I’m supposed to be touring the whole place.” “Give me your number. I’ll be in touch.” With a huff, she muttered the number that Mitos told her to memorize. “Adios, señorita. Get well.” The tall woman made a salute gesture before going to the door. The other guy went out ahead of her. “By the way, I would be happier to see you in that white, little thing.” She glared when she understood what the officer is insinuating. “Get out!” She yelled. She was breathing heavily. She could still hear her chuckle behind the closed door. “Isn’t she cute, hooman?” “What?” “Oh, shut it. I know you find her attractive. You like women.” Yulla huffed at her wolf’s bratty response. “Admit it, Yulla. Our mate is a fine piece of art. She got an oh-so-cute smirk.” “Shut up, Lala.” “Don’t you want to kiss those lips? We finally found the person that Mother blessed us with.” “No, Lala. A mate will pull us down. Didn’t you see what happened to our mother? She chose to die than take care of her own child. What kind of parent do that?” “Our mother is a weak woman. You’re different, Yulla.” “Exactly. A mate will not pull me down.” Lala went silent for a while. Yulla can almost grasp the glum emotion from her wolf. “Are you going to reject her?” “No. She’s human. She didn’t know that she’s our mate. Let’s leave it that way.” “Are you sure? Or you still holding on to your high regard to the alpha.” “Lala, the alpha is mated. The Luna makes her happy.” “I want to be happy, too. Our mate will make us happy.” “This conversation is going nowhere, Lala. We have a mission, remember?” Lala did not respond. She rather retreated to the deeper side of her head. And Yulla never felt so lonely in her life. Not even when her mother left her alone to join her mate in the next life. 
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