Last Chance

1587 Words
Narrator---   Alicia realised that there was no escape this time! She has been caught and now that Mrs Cooper thinks that she is a spy, thinking about what the next couple of days will bring upon her, before she would be killed, churned her intestines in fear! No not the fear of torture and death alone! Not the fear of may be being raped by the mafia herd alone! But also the fear of not being able to feel his touch once more! Not being able to hear him call her wild cat! Tears rolled down the corner of her eyes as she remembered how much she wanted only one thing in all these years after she fell in love with Mr Devil! And it was only a simple wish. She wished that before she died, her last memory would be the touch of his soft lips on hers when she takes her last breath! But even after cheating death thrice, this time it was inevitable with no one to save her! Her mobile was in Mathew’s room! Mathew was in fever and won’t even know all that would happen soon! Her brother Neilson won’t know until she is gone! Neither will her best friend Juliana know nor will Sara know! May be they won’t even get a body for the funeral. “Move Mrs Cooper! Let us take care of the b*tch!” Said none other than Carlos! Alicia would never forget his voice! Nor his filthy hands touching her body! That morning after she returned from the beach being almost raped by Carlos, she couldn’t remove the dirty feeling of his hands touching her, even after washing her body with warm water and soap under the shower for five hours! She remembers how Sara had to force her out of the shower and then for days she had to live with that soiled feeling and fear of what would happen if she stepped out of the cottage! It was after so many weeks that Sara pulled her out of the cottage that evening, only to be face to face with death again in the alley! “It has been days that I haven’t f*cked a new c*nt! Hahahaha!” Carlos laughed and few others laughed with him. “Is she a virgin?” Another man asked. “Why don’t you move and let us check Mrs Cooper! We three can check all her three holes and see for ourselves what all she is good at!” Carlos said again. Alicia cringed with horror even hearing those dirty talks! And now as if realisation was dawning on her again about where exactly she was and how dangerous and dirty minded the men were in the castle! In a few moments she could imagine herself being thrown among the wolves and ripped and torn into pieces! Death would have been better! “Mr Devil…..will you not come and save me?” She whispered crying. “I am already teaching her, her lessons! You all go and do your jobs! Shooo now!” Mrs Cooper said in a heavy and rough voice. She couldn’t bring it in her heart to handover a girl with such an innocent look like Alicia to the bastards who probably won’t let a chance of, f*cking any kind of hole go! “That’s so unfair Mrs Cooper! Let us just have a little taste!” Carlos protested in a rough mocking voice!   “Carlos! Keep your itching away from my Kitchen and house staffs! Why don’t you go and f**k your sister?” Mrs Cooper snapped. Carlos narrowed his eyes dangerously and the skin of his forehead folded when he took a step forward with a serious face. He was panting with anger and even Mrs Cooper gulped once! “What are yo…” Mrs Cooper stuttered as Carlos took another step towards her. “Hahahhaaaa!” Then he suddenly broke into a laughter and said, “I would have loved to! But I don’t have a sister Mrs Cooper!” “You filthy bastard! God knew your c**k twitches with a slight movement of a skirt, maybe that’s the reason he didn’t give you one! Now get lost!” Mrs Cooper fake glared and shut the door from inside. She took a deep breath before turning around towards Alicia. Placing her hands on her hips she said in a threatening tone! “You girl! Know this clearly! If I can send them away, I can summon them back! This is only one chance I give you! Come clean with everything that you are hiding! May be I would just let you walk away!” Mrs Cooper said.   “Thank you Mrs Cooper! Thank you for trusting me!” Alicia broke into cry while thanking her! All this while she have been holding her breath and her heart was as if refused to stay in her body! She took a breath of relief which was though temporary was a gift to her! Mrs Cooper smirked and scoffed, “No! I don’t trust you girl! But I would decide what to do with you after I hear whatever story you have to tell! It is only because you are a woman as I am, and nothing more!” Alicia wiped her tears and rose to her feet and quickly walking to the sink at one corner, she splashed some water on her face.  She dried her face with her apron and while pouring some soup in a bowl she said without looking at Mrs Cooper, “I will tell you everything Mrs Cooper! Everything! But first I have to feed him the soup and the medicines. He was having fever last I checked and now it is already past his medicine time!” She put the bowl on a tray with a spoon and hurried to leave when Mrs Cooper extended her hand to block her way. “Do you take me for a fool girl? You think I will let you go and feed this soup to Master Mathew knowing that you have been keeping secrets? What have you mixed in this soup? Poison? Why are you so adamant and in rush to feed the Master?” Mrs Cooper this time wrapped her fingers tightly on Alicia’s throat and she almost chocked. She couldn’t utter a word and only nodded her head left to right. Fresh tears filler her eyes again at the accusation! Mrs Cooper removed her hand from her throat but only after the last warning, “You are not leaving until you talk!” Alicia coughed as she removed her hand and then said in a low voice with tears, “I need to show you something which is in my mobile! And my mobile is in Master’s room!” Then she took a spoonful of soup and ate herself. She kept the spoon in the sink and took a fresh one. “See! There is no poison in this! If you don’t trust me, you may come with me to the Master’s room but believe me I have to give him his medicines! He was burning with fever!” Alicia pleaded and after considering what she said, staring right into her eyes for a long moment, Mrs Cooper said, “Ok. I will come with you!” Mrs Cooper took a sharp knife and said, “Remember one thing girl! I have worked for more than twenty years in the household of a mafia king where everyday I have witnessed murder and what not! If you even think of hurting the Master, I will slit your throat with this very knife!” -- Alicia nodded and walked out of the kitchen and headed to Mathew’s room with Mrs Cooper following her closely. Once inside his room, Alicia closed the door and she frowned seeing Mathew lying on the bed unconscious or asleep. She checked his fever and as thought, his body was burning again. She took out some cold water and dipping a fresh cloth and squeezing out the excess water, she spread the cloth on his head. Mathew moved his head a little in his sleep at the cold touch. “You need to eat the soup!” Alicia said in so very caring voice! Mathew opened his eyes a little but he was still in a trance! He was not completely awake but even in his condition when he saw Alicia’s blurry face, he remembered the girl he saw I his dream! “I have to remember Alicia!” He blabbered. Mrs Cooper was observing Alicia carefully and when she heard Mathew call her name, she was shocked too! The girl might be telling the truth that she knows Master Mathew, if he just uttered her name in his semi-conscious state. “I am right here Mr Devil!” Alicia sat on the bed beside him and lifting his head with her left hand she started feeding him the soup. After feeding a few spoons, Alicia realised that Mrs Cooper was waiting for an explanation and she completely forgot about her and everything else in the world when she found Mathew again. She sighed deeply and said, “My name is Alicia Luna and I am from Manchester! And he is not Mathew! He is my fiancé Damien Shawn whom I have known almost all my life! I lost him in an accident three years ago on our birthday which happens to be on the same day, 15th of January! I will tell you everything but before that, let me show you something so that you may know what I am saying is true!” Saying this Alicia got up and fetched her mobile which was on the side table and took out a picture of her and Damien together, and showed it to Mrs Cooper! Mrs Cooper frowned and said, “Holy Christ! How is it possible!” her words of surprise came in whisper. “Now I will tell you everything Mrs Cooper! Everything!”     
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