Chapter 6: Voices

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Kate’s pov I went straight home and found everyone getting ready for dinner. “Where is Brother David?” I asked Katherine my older sister who just shrugged. “Honey, are you okay? For the past few months, we haven’t been seeing you that much” my mother said. “I am perfectly fine mother, and healthy. Just been hanging out with my new friend, the special one I told you about” I said, and she smiled. “You said her name was Grace right? I honestly can’t wait to meet her; I am sure she and I would get along very well” my mother said. “Well don’t bring her here, I am afraid she might like me a little bit too much. Since you know I am the fun one” Katherine said, and everyone smiled at this. My sister is honestly the most boring person on this earth. She doesn’t like talking much and is always too serious at times, but I love her. I looked at her and she seemed so much better that I couldn’t help but smile. “Well how about a game before going to bed?” my father asked, and I nodded. “I have Kate on my team,” Katherine said as fast she could making all of us laugh. “No, that’s not fair, you can’t have the genius on your team. I want her on mine” my mother said, and it just became a debate on whose team I should be on. “Fine I will team up with my handsome husband,” my mother said kissing our father on the cheek. “Not in front of us please,” I said, and she just rolled her eyes. We started playing a game and Emily bought us some juice and snacks to eat while playing. I do feel better now after surgery, but I must say that my appetite is still a little gone. To hide this fact. I drank the juice a little and then poured it into a plant when no one was looking. “I feel sleepy, shall we call it a night?” Katherine said as she got up. “I agree,” my mother said getting help and helping my father. You know even though I didn’t tell them about my cancer they supported me in more ways than they know. Their smiles were the reason I kept wanting to survive. They gave me the will to want to live. I love my beautiful family. “hey honey are you crying?” my father asked. “I just realized how much I love you guys; I love all of you so much,” I said, and they all held back their tears. “We love you too,” they said in unison, and we all came in for a group hug. “Get up early tomorrow so we can go to the police station,” my father said, and I nodded as we said goodnight. I went straight to my room and then got ready for the night and closed my eyes. I fell asleep right away. I guess I must have been really tired the more I think about it. “Come on, make them sit around each other in a circle. This must look like a suicide pact” I heard a female voice say. I know that voice better than anyone, that is Mrs Callas but what does she mean by suicide pact? “How dare they try to mess with us. Imagine a middle-class family threatening the great Callas family” Mr Callas said. What is happening here? why is my body so weak and why can’t I move? Are they trying to kill us? I heard a phone ring. “Yes son, I am taking care of that Kate thing. Don’t worry when I am done her family won't give any of us any problems” Mr Callas said. “Relax Maxim, your dad and I will take care of it,” Mrs Callas said. So, he asked them to do this? He knew that they would come and kill us? I tried to move but my body wouldn’t allow me to. Hell, even my eyelids wouldn’t open. “burn this whole place down” I heard her voice before she started walking away. The sound of her expensive stilettos as she left our house. I could hear it all, the people walking all around doing whatever it is they are doing. “And pay the girl generously will you? After all, she did most of the work” Mr Callas said as he was walking away as well. “Will do so sir, you can trust me. I will make sure this place is nothing but ashes when I am done here” Mr Brown said. Who is Mr Brown? He delivers things like firewood and coal to the Callas mansion. An expect when it comes to fires, he always liked calling himself that. “Thank you so much, Mr Callas,” Emily said. Their voices were clear as day, then everything went silent. I could feel the heat around us; I need to get up, I need to go out and call help. I tried opening my eyes but to no luck, tried screaming at the top of my lungs but no luck. I tried to move my left leg, but my shoulders moved instead. Did they scramble my nervous system? Okay figure it out. When I try to move my shoulders my legs move, okay. I quickly figured it out and opened my eyes, my family was sitting in a small circle of four myself included. There is even a suicide not in the middle, the fire is spreading way too fast. Lord, what do I do? What do I do? “Guys wake up, please wake up,” I said trying to wake them up, but my legs and arms were tired. All I could do was to try and crawl to them, the smoke was overpowering me as well. If I stay here any longer I will faint. I need to get out somehow and ask for help. I need to get help from my family, they can’t die, my family cannot die. Grace’s pov “I am truly sorry Miss Allen, from the looks of it you have maybe 24 hours. Your organs are shutting down quickly” the doctor said. He left the room, and I could see that my father was doing his best to hide away his tears. “Father it’s okay, we both knew this day would come eventually. I am glad I got to spend this much time with you that I did” I said, and he smiled. “Thank you too, you have been the best daughter in the world,” he said kissing my forehead. “There is something I would like to do first. I know it's late but please do it for me” I said, and he nodded. “Drive me to Kate’s home, she told me her biggest fear is not saying goodbye. If I die tonight I want her to at least have closure from me” I said, and he nodded. He helped me on the wheelchair and then went straight to the car and he started driving to Kate’s house. As we were passing by we saw a massive party being held, with fireworks and everything. Such a party in the middle of a Tuesday night like this? That’s weird, as we got closer I noticed that there was smoke. “That smoke seems to be coming in the direction of where we are going,” my father said. I took out my phone so I could call Grace but there was no signal. What the hell? What is this bad feeling in the pit of my stomach? I could see that even my father was getting the same feeling. As we got closer it became even clearer that the smoke was coming from Kate’s home. “Dad try to call 911” I said, and he nodded but then I heard him curse. “I don’t know why but even emergency calls aren’t going through,” he said. He suddenly stopped and that’s when I saw it, a girl staggering in the street calling for help. “Someone please help us,” she said, and I knew that voice. I knew that voice and could recognize it in my sleep. My father got out of the car and then opened the door where I was sitting and then helped Kate inside. “Grace, my family, my home is burning. Please help them” she said, and I looked at my father helplessly. “The house is completely on fire now; I doubt they are still alive. And we tried calling 911 but it’s not working for some reason” my father said. “No, there has to be something we can do. I can’t just let them burn to death. If they are then let me burn with them” she said attempting to leave the car, but my father locked it. “I am sorry Kate, for now let us go somewhere else and try to get you some help. you are badly hurt” he said. I don’t think that she even realizes how badly hurt she is, half of her face is burned. This is not an accident is it? looking around at the situation I am a hundred percent sure that this isn’t an accident but who did this and why?
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