Chapter 7: I’ve lived

1344 Words
Grace’s pov “Doctor, how is she?” I asked him, and he looked at Kate. “She has suffered severe burns, but I managed to calm her down, and she will wake up in an hour or so.” He said, and I nodded. “Dad, did you call the emergency service?” I asked him, and he also nodded. “The fire should be out by now, but you do know that they are dead right?” he asked me, and I nodded. There is no way they could have survived that, hell it’s a miracle that even Kate survived that. “It wasn’t an accident. Someone targeted her family on purpose.” I said and my father looked at me. “What makes you think that?” he asked, and everything started coming together. “The huge party, that party was around her neighborhood, and it seemed like everyone went there. The houses were dark, which meant they were empty. Then, there were excessive fireworks as if to hide the fire. Then the jammed signal, that we couldn’t even make any emergency calls.” I said. “But who would do such a thing?” My father asked, but only one name came to mind. “People with enough power and influence, the Callas family did this.” I said, and he shook his head. “Isn’t that the family she was married into? Why would they do that?” He asked. I started telling him everything Kate told me about the fraud and embezzling her father found. “That’s not possible. They did something this brutal just to hide their sins?” he asked, and I nodded. “I can bet on my life that it's them.” I said. “It's them alright, I heard their voices.” Kate said. Why is she awake already? “How is my family? Are they okay?” she asked still looking somewhat shocked and scared. When we didn’t say anything, she just started sobbing. “They are dead, aren’t they? Why did the Callas family do this to us?” she asked. “They are rich people. They would do anything to get their way. And they are bad people too, bad people always do bad things for no reason.” I said. That didn’t stop her from crying. Her screams and whimpers broke my heart. This girl lost everything. How do I even say goodbye to her now? “Father, can we talk for a minute?” I asked him, and he nodded. “If my guess is correct, then the emergency people are not there yet.” I said, and he seemed confused. “The Callas would have made sure that help arrived late when everything had turned to complete ashes. That way no one survives, which means they will come after Kate.” I said, and he understood. “You care about her, don’t you? I can see how worried you are.” He said, and I nodded. “I love her father, a lot, she is like the sister I never had.” I said, and he nodded. “First, promise me you will do whatever I tell you, promise me.” I said, and he nodded. “And then get me a pen and paper.” I said, and he took some just from his desk since we were in his office. “I am going to die soon. I can feel it, get someone who can burn my body to a crisp and put my dead body in that house” I said, and he got up all confused. “What the hell are you saying?” He asked me, and I held both his hands. “I am dying dead. Kate should get a chance to fight back, but she won’t if they find out she is alive. I want to buy her as much time as I can. I am your dying daughter's father. Won't you listen to my last wish?” I asked him. “I don’t like where this is going at all. How can I agree?” He asked. “So, a girl who lost everything could get justice for her family. Now they will think that I am Kate, since I have the same eye color, build, and everything. They won’t have people to perform an autopsy.” I said. “Because then they will try to bury everything as much as they can. But what about Kate?” He asked me. This time I squeezed his hand even more. I want him to say yes to this. I want to know that after I die, they will both have someone to take care of them. “Give her my identity, I will die as Kate, and she will live as Grace.” I said, and he shook his head. “That Is not happening. I listened to this nonsense long enough. You will be buried as my daughter Grace, stop uttering nonsense.” He said shaking his head. He wouldn’t let me have a word in. “She is my twin flame, as long as she lives on so will I.” I said. This made him stop and look at me this time. “Father, please. You have the money and influence to help her. Alone she will die, Kate can't die, Kate isn’t meant to die. She survived a fire and came out of it alive. I want her to live.” I said. He wiped away his tears. “You seem so determined. Fine, let’s say I agree with this crazy idea of yours. Will she agree?” He asked me. “Leave Kate to me, do as I say.” I said, and he nodded. He then pushed me back to Kate’s room. She was still sobbing on her bed, and I held her hand. “Kate, do you know what my favourite memory of you is? When you danced in the rain, you always looked so beautiful and alive.” I said, and she looked at me. Her eyes were red and puffy from all the crying. “So, I want to see you dance in the rain again with that smile on your face. So make me a promise me. Promise me something.” I said, and she looked at me. “What?” She asked. I could she was in pain, and it pained me to add to her sorrows. “That you will fulfill my last wish no matter what.” I said, and she looked at me confused. “Last wish no matter what?” she asked me, and I could feel it. I could feel the darkness waiting for me at the corner of my eyes. Is this death calling my name? First, I need to say my goodbyes. “I am dying, Kate. This will be our final goodbye. So, thank you for everything you have done for me. I am so sorry I am leaving you in such a state. I will pray on the heavens that you find peace once again.” I said and she started sobbing even more. “What? Why do you mean?” She looked at my father who nodded. “Don’t worry about me at all. I will be fine. You know I am strong. Just rest up, okay? Follow the light and find peace. Your dad and I will be safe. I am so glad that I got to know you.” She kissed my forehead. “I love you both so much, take care of each other okay?” I said and felt my father hold my hand. “Rest easy my little princess.” He said. “Yes, Grace, may your graceful heart be filled with love in the afterlife.” Kate said, and I could feel the darkness. What are these flashes? These memories coming back all at once like some slideshow. My life in this world might have been brief, but I lived. I truly lived…
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