Chapter 5: Goodbye

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Kate’s pov “What is your biggest fear?” Grace asked me and I thought about it. “Not saying goodbye” I replied, and she looked at me confused. “My father got into a car accident when I was a teenager. I remember how scared we were. We didn’t know his condition and all I prayed for was that we got a chance to say goodbye. Even if it's one last time to hear his voice” I explained, and she smiled. “You are a deep person; I was going to say my biggest fear is snakes,” Grace said making me chuckle. “Be honest, what is your biggest fear?” I asked her and she thought about it. “Being forgotten” she said and then paused; I could tell she was going to explain further. “I was mostly home-schooled because of cancer, so when I went back to school most kids didn’t remember. I hardly went anywhere, so when I did people didn’t remember me” she said. She then looked at me and gave me her brightest smile. “So I don’t want to be forgotten. I want Grace Allen to be remembered everywhere” she added. “Well, I could never forget you, you will always live on in here,” I said pointing at my heart. “And you will also live on here as well, inside Grace’s graceful heart,” she said making me smile. “Grace’s graceful heart huh? I like that” I said and took a sip of water. “Thank you, I never had a best friend nor a sister. Somehow you made me feel what it is like to have both” she said, and I looked at her. I held her hand, it was now even more fragile than before and it broke my heart as I kissed it. I couldn’t stop the tear that fell. “Thank you for being so great Grace. You truly are amazing, and I love you” I said, and she smiled. “I love you too Kate,” she said. After the party, I went straight home to rest. I woke up from my nap and then as I was going to the kitchen I heard voices from my father’s office. They were screaming and shouting, I opened the door and found my father and Mr Callas. “I will not let this slide, I told you, Mr Callas, that my work is my everything. Confess your mistakes, or I will go to the police” my father. “How dare you Mark? That company has fed you and your family for years. Hell, even my son did your daughter a favor and married her. You dare threaten me, I am Dawn Callas, and you shouldn’t mess with me” I heard Mr Callas say. “Take your filthy money and get out of my house, you have 48 hours, or I will spill everything I know,” my father said. “Mark don’t test me,” Mr Callas said to my father. “I said get the hell out now” my father screamed at the top of his lungs. “Didn’t you hear my father Mr Callas? Leave this house immediately” I said, and he turned around. He just noticed my presence; I went to my father’s office desk and found the documents on the table. Undeniable proof that the Callas family has been embezzling money and committing fraud. “Everything is now in here,” I said pointing at my brain because he knows exactly what I am capable of. “Now Mr Callas get out,” I said, and he scoffed. “It’s a good thing my son left this useless daughter of yours. Is that why you are so bitter? Because you are no longer in-laws with a rich family?” a female voice said. I looked at the door and standing there was Mrs Callas. “Is that it then, this is your revenge?” Mr Callas asked my father and I stood in front of my father. “You did a crime, one which you should pay for. Mine and Maxim’s marriage has nothing to do with this. So don’t bring it up, now get the hell out. Both of you, and the 48 hours my father gave you will end now” I said. They both scoffed before leaving the room, my father seemed shaken. So I tried to comfort him. “Why even give them 48 hours? Go to the police right now” I said, and he shook his head. “They are still Maxim’s parents and I know that you still love him despite everything. He can't be all that bad if you fall in love with him” my father said. I picked up my phone and called Emily. She is the help I hired a few months ago to help around the house. She bought my father a glass of water. “thank you, Emily, dad have some water” I said, and he nodded as he took a few sips. When my father was calm I went straight to my room and called Maxim. I know that he and I are divorced but I do know that he cares about right and wrong. He probably doesn’t know what his parents are doing and will be able to help us in this dilemma. My heart was beating like crazy; I was going to hear his voice after so long. That deep voice, the voice that used to send sparks all over my body unleashed something in me. The voice that whispered the most beautiful words of love. The voice I long for even after so many months have passed. “Hello,” said a female voice on the other side. “Hello can I talk to Maxim?” I asked. “And why would you want to talk to my fiancé? Who are you?” the girl asked. “I am Kate, please can I talk to him it’s urgent,” I said, and the girl scoffed. “You are the dump and boring ex-wife. Trust me, Maxim wants nothing to do with you or to even hear from you” she said and then hung up. What? Did she say, fiancé? Has he already moved on? The ink on our divorce papers hasn’t even dried yet so how is that even possible? I tried calling the number again, but I was blocked. This is not a personal call; this is for the best of my family and his. So, I sat down and wrote him an email detailing everything. It used his private email address that only a few people know of, that way he will be able to get the email. I still can’t believe that he moved on so fast, was he there when she answered the phone? Was he laughing as she spoke to me like that and called me boring? The next morning, I went to the hospital to see Grace who was more than happy to see me. She asked me about what was going on and I told her everything. “What? You should hire bodyguards; rich people can be really scary” Grace said, and I shook my head. “I sent Maxim an email, I am sure he will look into it,” I said, and she looked at me. “Maxim? The ex-husband who divorced you for no reason? their son?” she asked. I mean I know Maxim; he will always stand with the truth no matter what. But when she says it like that I am also confused as well. “Just be careful okay?” she asked, and I nodded. We talked for some time, read books, and watched a series. “You should go home and rest, I will be fine,” Grace said, and I shook my head. “No, I will stay here with you tonight. I won't leave your sight until you are all better” I said helping sort her blankets. “Come on, you are also still recovering from a major surgery. You need to rest; my dad is coming here tonight and take care of me. you go and rest” she said, and I looked at her. “Are you sure?” I asked and she nodded. I got up and kissed her forehead. I went through my purse and took out chocolate. “Here you go,” I said, and she looked around before hiding it in her blankets. Her father doesn’t let her have sweets much, but he told me that it is okay if I buy her something sweet. “I love you,” I said, and she smiled. “I love you more,” she said. “I love you most,” I said and then headed out for the night. I will come and see her first thing tomorrow morning before going to the police with my father. Should I try to get in contact with Maxim one more time? I know how much he loves his family’s company and I think I should warn him once of what we are going to do. But what if he already knows? What if that fiancé of his answers the phone then what next? Anyways why do I even care about how he would feel? He is not mine anymore, he isn’t mine to love, care for, or even worry about. I am no longer his wife, and we no longer have a connection with one another. When will I get that through my thick skull?
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