Chapter 4: Twin Flames

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Kate’s pov I looked around the restaurant that Daisy asked me to meet her in. She really is a rich girl; I really never can get used to how rich the people around me are at times. “Hello,” she said with a bright smile as she sat down. “Are you okay? You look pale” she said, and I took out a little mirror to see what she meant. Every morning I spend almost hours on my makeup to hide the consequences of chemo. “There is something I want to tell you,” I said, and she frowned and nodded. “I know, you and Maxim got divorced. I am offended that I had to hear it from other people, I thought we were best friends” she said. “We are, believe me, we are best friends, but you and Alec were on a vacation I didn’t want to bother you,” I said, and she shrugged. “It's okay, anyways guess what? Alec and I are trying to conceive” she said jumping up and down. “The doctor said I should get too stressed, so I am trying to be positive. No more bad news okay?” she said, and I nodded. “And I am sorry about your divorce with Maxim, that scumbag” she added while sipping her green tea. She and Alec are trying to have kids, should I burden her with my load? Hell, I didn’t tell my own family. I shouldn’t tell her either if it will affect her health. This is my burden to carry. “it’s okay” I said, and he nodded. “Don’t let him go when it comes to alimony, demand as much money as you can” she said, and I chuckled a bit. All I ever wanted from Maxim was his love and nothing more. So, I can’t take his money no matter what, plus I have a few million saved. I used to do some freelance work when I was married. And since I didn’t need to use my money on anything I would invest all of it and the returns are quite good. I now have my own little wealth saved up for a rainy day. One of these days I will get better and when I do I can look for a job and start working. With my memory I can get any job I want; it won’t even take me long to learn the skills needed. After tea with Daisy, I went back home and found my father and mother talking. “You have grown old Katherine; you won’t be able to take care of me for too long,” my father said as my mother was trying to help him sit on the couch. “I am just fine; I am young enough,” my mother said with a smile before kissing his forehead. “I agree with Dad, Mom you are getting older by the day. I will hire I few people to help around the house, you know someone to cook and clean and also someone to take care of Dad” I said. “Hell no, I will not let you take that boy’s money. You cut ties with him and don’t take anything from him" my mother said making me smile. “My beautiful stubborn mother it's not Maxim’s money. I was raised by both of you, so you know me well. I would never take someone else’s money” I said and then sat down. “I will ask older sister Katherine to start looking for someone,” I said, and my mother nodded. “Fine, I wouldn’t mind a little help,” she said, and my father winked at me. My mother is kind. She is actually the best wife and mother in the world. Even though we didn’t have much we never felt like we lacked anything. They made sure we had something to eat and clothes on our backs. I love my parents, and I dreamt of a relationship like theirs that would last for eternity. I had hoped that Maxim and I would have the same relationship as they did. And for some time. I believed it, he was always there for me and believed in me. He respected me and showed me so much unconditional love. I honestly thought he was my forever. On the day we got married I felt it when he told me “Till death do us part”. I believed it with everything in me. I held on to those words, in sickness and In health. But here I am in sickness. I am scared that I might die but he isn’t even here. We weren’t separated by death; We were separated by dead trees with ink on them. We were separated by mere papers, but all in all. I am glad my parents are still together. Maybe love wasn’t in my destiny, some of us aren’t meant to be the story. We are nothing but the writers of other people’s love stories, as sad as it is. I believe there is a poem on that. I think there is part of it that says something along these lines: Always the poet, never the poem, Always the artist, never the muse Always the angel, never a god Always the photographer but never the picture Always writing but never the story For the next few months. I kept at it, fighting cancer all on my own and finally got surgery and the tumor was removed. “Congratulations, you are officially cancer-free,” the doctor said, and I couldn’t hold back the tears. I am not going to die. I am going to live. “Thank you so much doctor,” I said, and he nodded. “You can be discharged today, get dressed and I will come and get you. There is something you must see” he said, and I nodded. I got dressed, I wore the wig I bought with Grace a few months back. It's been my savior, I am so happy I am relieved. My family didn’t know anything about this. Imagine if I had died and they were told that I have been battling cancer all on my own. They would feel so guilty just knowing that it would have killed them as well. So, I am glad that I survived and because of that, they will never find out. I will keep coming back to the hospital every now and then to see if it's back but other than that we are safe for now. I got dressed and told my parents that I was going on a trip with Daisy to see some spiritual guide who said they could help her get pregnant. It's not a lie, Daisy went there to really seek help since she has been trying to have a kid. When I was done the doctor came in. “Follow me” he said as he led the way. I followed him to the rooftop of the hospital and that’s where I found everyone waiting for me. “Surprise,” they all said the moment the door opened. Everyone was there, the hospital staff that helped me through all of this. The friends I made, the people who would listen to all my sob stories. My family was here, they have been like a family to me. “Congratulations on defeating cancer dear” Grace’s father said giving me flowers. “Thank you so much for this everyone,” I said, and everyone said their parts. Most of them were still fighting with their cancers, they still had their fight waiting for them. But the fact that they were happy that I had won mine made me truly happy. I truly wish that some of them were still alive to see this day. You see some of them died in the past few months. Whenever we heard of the death of one of us our hearts would break. Other than that. I also fear in their eyes, it usually just reminded us that we had cancer and not a fever. Not that we would forget such a detail. “You have done it, I am so happy for us” Grace said with a bright smile. She seemed even worse, and even though I had won it didn’t feel right celebrating. Honestly, Grace is my best friend. I have known her for only a few months, but it feels like I have known her all my life. As if I had known her for a thousand years. I think I have known all of them for a thousand years actually when I think about it. Even the ones that left us and are no longer here. “We did it, we won” I said, and she nodded. Grace called us twin flames, usually because some people think that we look so similar. But also, because she believes that as long as one of us lives on, then we both live on. Honestly looking at Grace is like I am looking at my twin sister. As if we shared a womb, honestly I feel like I have known her since forever. It feels like that with my family as well, even with Maxim it always felt like that. As if I have known him for centuries. Is that how you tell you to love someone?
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