Chapter 5 He Doesn't Believe Her

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With swift reflexes, Joey dodged to the side, but some of the scalding coffee still splashed onto the top of her foot. She winced in pain, inhaling sharply. Just as she was about to argue with Scarlett, she looked up and, in an instant, saw Scarlett hurling herself towards the glass cabinet behind her. Instinctively, she reached out and gave a tug, but Scarlett broke free. The sound of shattering glass echoed. Scarlett's arm shattered the glass. The pieces made a few scratches on her arm with blood flowing down. Joey was stunned at the blood on the floor. "Joey Renfro, what are you doing?" Frederic, towering and intimidating, moved swiftly towards Scarlett. His intense gaze grew more menacing as he drew nearer. "Are you okay?" Scarlett's pallid face was streaked with two lines of hot tears, and her mouth quivered. "Frederic, it's all my fault. I accidentally spilled coffee on Ms. Renfro, making her think it was intentional. That's why she pushed me. Please don't blame her, okay?" Upon hearing these words, Joey's eyes widened instantly. She hadn't expected Scarlett to use such a despicable tactic to frame her. "I didn't push her. She fell on her own," she explained immediately. Frederic's cold and stern gaze quickly swept over Joey, lingering momentarily on the burn on her foot before looking away. "Did she really fall that hard by herself? Joey, I clearly saw you reach out!" Joey shook her head in denial. "Believe it or not, I was just trying to help her!" Scarlett's sob urged Frederic to hold her up in his arms and hurried to the door. Then, he said coldly, "Wait for me here!" Having said that, he hurried out with Scarlett. Joey watched their retreating figures, her face revealing an indescribable pain. This was the man she had loved for seven years. Between her and Scarlett, he never chose to believe her. Joey quickly composed herself. She wouldn't let Scarlett's scheme succeed. Although she had broken up with Frederic and couldn't care less about his attitude towards her, she could never tolerate this kind of framing and manipulation. Immediately, Joey found her colleague, Lesly, asking her to seek help from her boyfriend in the technical department to make a copy of the security camera footage of the incident. She wanted to prove her innocence. After handling that, Joey quickly moved on from the incident, throwing herself into her busy work. With Frederic and Scott both absent, the senior executives were waiting in the conference room. Joey had to lead the morning meeting. She methodically recorded the reports from various departments and also brought up some challenging projects for discussion. The atmosphere in the meeting room became much more relaxed without Frederic. Everyone praised Joey's competence, teasing her about how well she worked with Frederic and joking about whether she would be their boss' wife. Joey responded to everyone's compliments with a faint smile. "We are just colleagues. Please don't speculate. Plus, I'm about to..." Before she could finish her words, someone kicked open the conference room door. Frederic stood at the doorway in a black suit, exuding a cold and sinister aura, like a demon that had walked out of hell. The deep eyes coldly glanced toward Joey. The meeting room, which was peaceful and relaxed moments ago, now felt cramped and suffocating. Everyone stood up and greeted him in unison. "Mr. Adamson." Frederic did not respond, striding over to Joey with his long legs. His chilly, large hand grasped Joey's wrist, his voice even colder and frightening. "Come with me!" Frederic dragged Joey out of the conference room. Lowering his gaze, he saw several noticeable red swellings on the fair and smooth back of her feet. With a displeased tone, he muttered, "You're really foolish." Then, he bent down and lifted Joey into his arms. In the parking lot, he promptly placed her in the passenger seat, then fetched an unopened box of burn ointment from the glove compartment. He looked down, his thin lips tightly pressed together. In his deep eyes, turbulent emotions surged. Frederic opened the tube cap and squeezed the milky white ointment onto his fair and slender fingers. Then, he gently applied the ointment to Joey's foot. There was a hint of an inexplicable expression between his eyebrows. Her delicate features were tautly contorted, her lips turned pallid from clenching too hard, and her fingers were tightly coiled. Seeing this, his movements became gentler, and he soon covered all the swollen areas with the ointment. Then, he raised his eyes, his gaze deep and unclear as he looked at Joey. With an almost imperceptible smile, he said, "With your clumsiness, are you sure you can survive without me?" He straightened up and tossed the ointment into Joey's arms. "Apply it once in the morning and once at night. Avoid getting it wet for the next couple of days, or it'll leave a scar." Joey lowered her eyes, her voice devoid of any emotion. "Whether I can survive or not, we won't know until we try." Frederic looked at her stubborn face and couldn't help but snort in frustration. "Joey, if you want to throw a tantrum, go ahead, but why should Scarlett be involved? Don't you know she has depression? I've told you that she poses no threat to you. Why don't you believe me?" The trace of gratitude that had just ignited in Joey instantly dissipated, her gaze ice-cold as she looked at Frederic. A sarcastic smile appeared on her face. "Frederic, let me say it again. I didn't touch her. She deliberately fell herself just to frame me. If you don't believe it, you can check the surveillance footage." Frederic looked up at her. "I'm not that foolish, but Scarlett has a blood clotting disorder. With her rare blood type, there's no stock in the blood bank. If you go and donate blood for her, I guarantee the Palance family won't come after you. This matter ends here." If the pain in Joey's heart had just been a sharp stab, now it was a tearing, heart-wrenching agony. It was an unbearable pain, one that made her forget to breathe. Frederic was going to take her to donate blood for Scarlett. She had just undergone surgery last week due to her miscarriage. Moreover, during the surgery, she suffered from anemia due to excessive bleeding, and she was still taking medicine for recovery. Joey's eyes stared coldly at Frederic; her tone carried a rare stubbornness. "Frederic Adamson, what if I tell you that my body is not capable of donating blood right now? What are you planning to do, force me to go?" Frederic looked at her with a cold and clear gaze. "Your medical examination report shows no issues. Donating 400cc of blood won't have a significant impact on your body. Besides, Scarlett is the apple of Edward Parlance's eye. Regardless of whether you're at fault or not, if she decides to take action against the Renfro family because of this, even I won't be able to intervene." Joey laughed self-deprecatingly. Frederic only knew that Scarlett was the apple of her father's eye, but what about her? When she had a miscarriage and lost so much blood, he didn't even answer her calls. Scarlett, on the other hand, just scratched herself a little, and he became extremely anxious, even using the Renfro family to threaten her. The difference in treatment was worlds apart. Joey looked at Frederic with a desolate gaze. "Frederic, 400cc won't cause any major harm to my body. But what about 2000cc?"
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