life is better with friends

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Kendal was back in Philadelphia and came from a school in Washington DC, she used to live in Philadelphia and all her parents were staying in Queens village, the mother was Anita Brad and the father Cahill Brad, the father was the Bank manager at standard chartered Bank and the wife used to as a nurse in the hospital of Pennsylvania, the parents were hard-working and never had time for their daughter which resulted in her being involved in smoking and drinking alcohol, to release stress she used to smoke and drink after some time passed she remembered what Kimberly said to her to stop this bad habit which could harm her, this was becoming addictive and causing her to do it a couple of times in a day. Kendal thought of going back to Kimberly now she was scared of those awful things she said to her, she tried being strong it was a waste, the courage was distorted, Kendal went to the maid Mama opal that was her name, it was funny calling her this name when Kendal arrived asking Mama opal if they can have a personal chat with her it was a good thing she agreed, Kendal explained everything during university how she started smoking and drinking alcohol, Mama opal was shocked she screamed, Kendal pleaded to her to stay quiet. I have been expecting a lot of problems, my parents are always busy with their jobs, an m I been mean to spend time with my family Kendal said, mama opal started advising Kendal ' I know you have been going through many things right now but you should stop doing things on your own, living a life of Christ just like he did was amazing cause without God we are nothing do you have a Bible ?' Kendal responded " I have it now stopped reading when I had engaged myself in a bad habit lost interest in it," Mama opal answered " you should never put God aside you well know that penalty of sin is death, give me your Bible first I teach you some we break this habit, Kendal gently got the Bible and gave it to Mama opal and she started reading the Bible which says Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, Kendal "wow that's great I love the verse so tell me what should I do about my friend Kimberly." Mama opal replied " you should go and apologize to your best friend, you know life is better with friends cause when we are troubled or experiencing calamity friends are there for us," Kendal " I will pursue her until she forgives me, she knows well I can't live without her, we have been friends for a couple of years for now upon saying that she chuckled. When Mama opal finished teaching her, Kendal dressed up quickly and started telling Mama opal " how do I look? " Mama opal " you look, fantastic dear, I wished you had a boyfriend," Kendal " I will wait for God's time, I don't want to make the same mistake I had made previously, right now an m focused on changing my bad habits, I know I will allow God to use me for reals ." an m leaving now Mamma opal and she went. When she arrived where Kimberly was staying Kendal got nervous, to enter the yard of Her best friend, she decided to stay in the car for a few minutes it kept clicking in her mind life is better with friends, Kendal told the car driver, Mr. Richard, to get in when they reached the gate, The found Frame park and allowed them to get in the yard. Kimberly was sitting on the balcony of the house alone drinking a cup of coffee, she wore white colors everywhere including the cup, Melissa came to Kimberly running where she was upon arriving she didn't know how to tell her, until she had enough courage to tell her saying "your best friend is here Kendal, I have no idea what she wants to cause you had told me you are no longer friends anymore but she had told me she wants to see you right now at the garden," Kimberly " are you sure or just want to play with my mind an m not in a mood to joke with me now, can't you see an m having a cup of coffee and m I inviting you", Melissa replied, "I m not playing games here an m serious, you can ask Martha, I know it may seem difficult for you to believe me but that's the fact." Kimberly "an m coming don't worry you seem serious about this" when Kimberly went to see Kendal in the garden to their surprise she was there Kimberly stopped walking and looked at Kendal at a long distance she started remembering how they quarreled it lingered in her mind for a couple of minutes, Kendal saw Kimberly she was overwhelmed with happiness she ran towards her Kimberly was not happy, Kendal did not care about that she just couldn't afford to lose Kimberly Kendal started saying to her " you know I have missed you so much you don't know, since the day I said those awful things I have been guilty", Kimberly " I know you are just pretending like you did last time, you said an m the one who made you a bad person ', Kendal " it's not like that I was just undermined and influenced by my bad friends at the University, I was refusing at first but after some time, I couldn't," Kimberly replied' what made you e here?" I know you are here to create a commotion but today an m not in a mood now I have changed I was depressed at first but now an m used since childhood we have been friends." Kendal " I have changed now, I don't smoke or drink alcohol I have come here to apologize for what I did," Kimberly "you know ann m did here an m going when you are done playing games tell me I will be waiting, I will be waiting at the balcony of the house Melissa will direct you," Kendal" why can't you believe me and forgive me," Kimberly " you know what stop wasting my time an m doing something busy right now you left me when I needed you most this is even you and me ." Kendal responds " where are you going ?" as far as I know you are my best friend I can't live without you," Kimberly murmured and looked at Kendal and said I m going to die soon I have a tumor you see how much I have been going through after you left me ." Kendal started crying " I didn't know you have been going through this, an m sorry I know I can't fix it but you once told me, that I should believe in God nothing is impossible to God, Kimberly " it's not like that I have only a couple of months I will be more, an m not forgiving you once left me in hard times," Kendal " I know it's hard for you to forgive me for what I did hurt you so much, I hope you can find a place in your heart to forgive me and Kendal kneeled begging for forgiveness Kimberly chuckled hugged Kendal and said to her I have forgiven you a time ago, I have no grudge against you, you will always be my best friend I missed you so much my Keke," Kendal was so happy thank you so much my Kim I had even prepared your favorite ", Kimberly "were are my cookies ?" cause you seem not carrying them. I had given the maid Melissa she didn't hesitate to receive it Kendal replied .' Kimberly " I will taste them, and even anxious to take a little bit. Kendal encouraged her best friend to always be strong and focus on God and bring all her problems unto him. We are going to have lunch together today upon talking to each other, Mr. Troy came with a dog Tinky barking and making a loud sound the type of the was husky category when Mr. Troy arrived he asked:: "where have you been Kendal ?" I have not been seeing you for a couple of months." Kendal " I have been at the University of Washington that's why I was not around, Troy " how are their studies by the way ?" The studies are going fine so far, yet we have more to ensure Kendal replied Mr. Troy started to laugh saying " you guys should enjoy your day ago now "Dad you should not go would like you to tell us a story like you always do Troy giggled " you know I can't refuse you today you are going to hear a story of Adolph Hitler how ruthless he was towards people, they heard a story until the day cut the leg off.
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