kimberley's favourite food

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It was morning Kimberly was so happy she knew her best friend was back in her life, she started praying to God saying our dear heavenly father I thank you so much for the gift of life, make me a happy person, and deliver me from this disease called a tumor," My Lord God, I have no idea where I am going. I do not see the road ahead of me. I cannot know for certain where it will end. Nor do I know myself, and the fact that I think I am following Your will does not mean that I am doing so. But I believe that the desire to please You does please you. And I hope I have that desire in all that I am doing. I hope that I will never do anything apart from that desire. And I know that, if I do this, You will lead me by the right road, though I may know nothing about it. Therefore I will trust You always though I may seem to be lost and in the shadow of death. I will not fear, for You are ever with me, and You will never leave me to face my perils alone. Upon finishing praying she called Kendal on the phone and said " you should come home Keke, I m lonely here mum is not around, and dad " Kendal " I will be there, I can't refuse you" Kimberley " don't forget my cookies, if you come without them, I will send you back home she gritted her teeth and she hang out," Kimberly called Melissa and Martha so that they play a game called catch my back but unfortunately they were not in the mood they all refused, Kimberly was distorted changed her mood, and went to sleep immediately Martha and Melissa tried to beg her all in vain she couldn't open the door, Melissa remained banging on the door. I will not go unless you open this door and an m upset with you cause we decided to refuse when we are busy, you can't force us to do everything you say to us until she opened the door. Kimberly, it's not like that a m facing lots of problems right now that's why I always want to stay happy, you are becoming selfish now what's wrong with you, all the sudden you only focusing on yourself Melissa said to her," Kimberley hugged Melissa so tight I will change from now my Melissa you are just like my mom and I respect you so much give me a chance forgive me, I will rectify all my mistakes right now," where is Martha ?" You can find her in the kitchen busy preparing for lunch she said to Kimberly , when she heard this quickly went to the kitchen to apologize to Martha, Kimberly said" an m sorry for the way I reacted recently can you forgive me, Martha replied I forgave you a long time ago, "I know you are going through a lot now, you should learn to control your temper cause it will affect people you love, imagine what if your dad had refused you sometimes people will not accept your decision, you have to learn to accept that, do you know why I had refused you and Melissa we were busy cooking together, you didn't even hear our view, when we refused you went frustrated." Kimberly replied, " I will change from today I promise Martha, don't get upset with me anymore you know I can't take it forgive me please, Martha humbly forgave Kimberly upon doing that, Kendal arrived outside the car was making sound, when Kimberly got outside and hugged her best friend where are my cookies ?" I left your cookies I forgot," Kendal said when this happened Kimberly was not bothered at all, Kimberly said to her as long as you are here I m pleased with it, Kendal reminded her I was just joking and she got the cookies on the car, Kimberly yelled !" an m so happy, you have brought my cookies, let me taste one, she got one and eaten" wow! " I can't stop eating cookies since I was young I continue eating them, Kendal smiled and said my mother taught me how to spicy up cookies at first I didn't like it but as time went on, I started having an interesting look at me now I know how to cook them better than my mom now, Kimberly giggled and invited Kendal in the house, Kendal started asking Kimberly how things have been going when she had this tumor, Kimberly answered " remember the day we had quarreled", Kendal replied "yes!" that's the day I swoon out I was taken to the hospital in Pennsylvania I stayed for a couple of days, and the doctor said to my parents that they can't do anything about my tumor, I was stunned and stopped talking to my parents I just wanted to be alone, it took time for me to recover I used to miss you, "until one day my grandma begged me to start talking to my parents, I started talking to them, my parents ensuring an m not alone but everything is fine now," Kendal asked again " so you are going to leave us, it seems like you are not going to leave us, tell me the truth you are joking I will listen to you, Kimberly an m not joking this is serious let me bring a report, Kendal do not bring a report I was just wondering you know tell me about the journey to Africa, especially the country called Zambia, I will be amazed seeing the animals and what do you think Kimberley I didn't want to go but dad got unhappy so I decided to go with him mom and you now. Kendal today you have enjoyed your cookies a m so happy for you and remember tomorrow no cookies for you, Kimberly " you know an m an addictive to cookies and I won't manage if you don't bring it please please " Kendal no an m not changing my mind this time no cookies for you an m telling your dad to the barn you from cookies, Kimberly 'i won't eat tomorrow " until the day cut the leg off.
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