The might Victoria falls

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It was two weeks later alarm rang Kimberly woke up and started praying to God, and upon finishing she went outside and started playing with a dog named tinky, the dog was wonderful and friendly. When Troy saw the daughter playing in the garden with the dog, he was excited and started watching her from a long distance and thought of going on a journey with her somewhere, he tried thinking and remembered what the president of Zambia Mr. Hakainde Hichilema visit his country, Troy phoned his colleagues to find out the most tourist attraction in Zambia until finally, he got the answer that it was Victoria falls the biggest falls in the world, he was shocked cause he never had seeing a bigger fall before. downloaded pictures on the phone and called Kimberly with a loud voice " Kim !" Until she came the father showed her pictures of Victoria's falls, Kimberly replied" I would go but the sickness Dad Troy " honey this is our last moment with us, we will hire a personal doctor for you. Kimberly "but I don't want to go right now, I feel just spending time here in America, not outside the country." The father of Kimberly Mr. Troy looked disturbed, when Kimberly saw this she started crying" I didn't mean to hurt you, dad, we will go I agree. Troy was happy and hugged Kimberly. Kimberly started asking the father tell me about that country ,we are going to visit called Zambia how they environment and way people live there, Troy started answering Zambia is a Christian nation those people that live in this country believe everyone is a family and have 72 tribes with different languages the most spoken language there is Bemba, when there is a funeral every one is invited , this country is believed that fire was discovered first there and have the most intelligent president in Africa named Mr Hakainde Hichilema I have seeing him before, Kimberly " asked I would like also to see that president Dad," Troy"he also told me when I visit Zambia to call him and take me around the might Victoria falls , Kimberly " I can't wait to see the Victoria falls ,God has made many things a m eager to see tourist found in Zambia ,it has surprised me to see the biggest falls in the world,I will enjoy bungee jumping does that sound good Dad Troy" it sounds wonderful honey!"let me tell you a story of a great Farmer who loved God. Every time he was farming he was praying to God and have faith in him , this person was a great Farmer he was having good harvest every year ,one day things plummet he did not have what he expected good harvest ,he cried so much to God and everyone expected he will commit suicide or stop praying to God , but it stunned them,he was constantly doing the same thing and again another year he had loss crops plummet this person named Beecher, never give up on God ,he loved obeying God's commandments , again he planted crops praying until finally God answered him he had huge harvest than ever before had in his entire life now imagine if Beecher would have given up on God , things he wanted wouldn't have happened ,God wanted Beecher to suffer so that he become strong ,if we human experiencing good life without problems the day we would encounter tragedy ,we can even leave God, sometimes God let us suffer so that we draw near to God, just like you my daughter Kimberly if you give up on God that's the waste mistake you can ever make in life cause it's simple you become prey for the devil , God's time is the best you should stop worrying from today cause it never solve anything in life, it only makes the problems worse , you should learn not to handle problems on your own, you have God who said bring me all your worries I handle them just like what you are experiencing right now , you have a tumor you should take that problem to God he knows the way, do I hate you Kimberly ,she nodded and said " no you don't hate me Dad ", Troy" yes since you know that's how God feels for us , how can he hate something made by him us , when God created a human it was perfect , and wants everyone willing to turn him the way and truth. Upon saying that Mr Troy went inside the house , and Kimberly remained playing with the dog Tinky she was shouting " come !" come !" Tinky ,it was evening when Kimberly was about to preach about God the first sang a song in the book hymn number nine Lift up the trumpet, and loud let it ring: Jesus is coming again! Cheer up, ye pilgrims, be joyful and sing: Jesus is coming again! Refrain Coming again, coming again, Jesus is coming again! Echo it, hilltops; proclaim it, ye plains: Jesus is coming again! Coming in glory, the Lamb that was slain; Jesus is coming again! Heavings of earth, tell the vast, wondering throng: Jesus is coming again! Tempests and whirlwinds, the anthem prolong; Jesus is coming again! Nations are angry–by this we do know Jesus is coming again! Knowledge increases; men run to and fro; Jesus is coming again! When they finished singing, it was time for Kimberly to preach she chose to preach about how we can know false prophets ,the only way we can know about false prophets they talk about having money prosperity and fortune not realizing that when you choose to follow Christ you have to endure pain alot would argue with me that , when you follow Jesus Christ only good things will be happening that's a no!" , it means God will be with you during the time of trouble and comfort you , yes God will give us the desires of our heart but God's decision is the best for us.upon finishing preaching Kimberly prayed to God saying " Prayer before bed Lord God, many things have happened today. Some good, some bad, some hard, some joyful. Before we go to sleep, we want to entrust all these things to You. Honestly, there are many things we can't figure out. Many circumstances are confusing. Many situations are just plain hard. Even though we can't figure out how all I in You. we may not know how all things will work out, but You do, and because You are good, we proclaim my trust in You. Amen.
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