Chapter 9

1400 Words
(Ethan's POV) My life is amazing.... No! Really I'm serious! Firstly my wife cheated on me. Than she disappeared for eight damn years and when I was searching for her like a pathetic broken i***t, there was not even a single trace of her. And then out of no where she popped back in front of me with three f*****g kids. Come on life give me a break! I was searching for her and she was busy I might add, very very busy in giving birth to some fucker's kids.... I'm so done with every thing. I'm done with her.... whom I'm kidding! I know she's not married because she can't be married to two persons, yeah SURPRISE! I never submitted that damn divorce papers in court because I knew that sooner or later I was going to accept her back in my life or you can say I was damn sure that I was not going to let her find someone else or you can say that if she wasn't loyal to me I was not going to let her live with someone else happily. Come on give me some credit! After all was whipped and I still I'm.... All these things are driving me crazy. I hope that Jerry gather all the information about Annie and that guy named Mark! From my through land I came back to earth by someone's shrill voice. "Where is Sara it's almost time!" That is one of Sara's friends.. Yeah I'm in my sister's engagement party. And I'm not going to take part in any kind of conversation because socializing with anyone in this party will give my mom a green card for hooking me with any girl who in her point of view will be eligible for the position of my future wife. That's why I'm heading towards the pool side. My mon was close to Annie but after that night she didn't even want to hear her name. And my dad he was a father figure to Annie but he's a man full of pride and by cheating on me Annie betrayed his trust and she directly damaged his ego, he was more furious with her than I was because whenever the men of James family are hurt, the hurt transforms into anger and that's when the doors of hell are opened! Because than we're not responsible for our actions. I'm pulled out of my thought when I noticed two figures standing on the edge of pool. They were indulged in a very heated argument. But when I noticed who they were, I was boiling with range. Range that I kept inside for eight f*****g years but before I knocked that bastard Theo out, his words almost knocked me on my ass. "b***h!! what did you thought that I was going to sit in the background and silently watch you start a new life..? After your bastard of a brother destroyed my whole career because of that damn plan of yours." Theo snapped at Sara. "Theo now it's not a time for all this! If anyone from my family saw you here believe me they are going to kill you and why are you fussing over the past. We can't change anything that happened in the past and let me remind you that you were willing to trap Ana! I didn't force you to perform all that fake cheating drama!" Sara spat those word at him. "That was because at that time I didn't knew that you were using me to throw Ana out of your brother's life. I f*****g loved you but you discarded me out of your life, your f*****g brother destroyed my career. I was so blinded by your love that I didn't realized that a girl that is willing to destroy her own brother's life is not capable of loving someone but you know I'm going to fix this! I'm going to tell them the truth." Theo shouted. He was wearing a waiter's uniform. "And what are you going to tell them that I told you to show that fake video of you and Ana having sex... hmm... hm.. tell me what do you think? they are going to stand there and listen to your flashbacks. No one's going to believe you so I suggest you to keep that loud mouth of yours shut and get the hell out of here before I call security! Now get lost!" That was enough for me to know that what was going on. I don't believe my own little sister did this to me! Kat's words ringed in my ears. . . "Mark my words Ethan one day you will regret your words, you'll regret humiliating her in front of everyone. Eight years back, I didn't took a stand for her.. The look of betrayal that she gave me won't let me sleep peacefully. How can you not feel shame for what we all did to her! You know I thought you loved her but guess what she was right you're just like her father but remember, she told you that she's not like her mother. Good night and sorry for wasting your time Mr. Ethan." I remembered Ana begging me to believe her. She told me that she's never going to forgive me I f*****g slapped her in front of everyone, called her slut, whore.... I kicked her out of my house she begged us to believe her that that video was fake but my whole family was blinded with range. We didn't trusted her and know here I'm all alone while she moved on in her life. Kat was right I was going to regret how I treated her but I can't change the past but I'm damn sure that I can fix things up... with that thought I moved towards the party.... "Hello everyone I'm sorry for your inconvenience but due to some problems we can't continue this engagement party. Thanks for coming here but the party's over!" Loud whispers broke among the crowd and all of them started moving towards the door that's when Sara came back. "What's happening! What's wrong? Why's everyone leaving? Mom... Dad..?” My family was still shocked including Sara's fiancée Knight. "Ethan care to explain!" My father said but my eyes were focused on Sara. I started moving towards her. "Why Sara...?" I asked in a cold voice. Confusion was evident on her face as it was on everyone else's face who were present in the room. "Why what Ethan are you out of you mind? You just spoiled my engagement party!" She f*****g destroyed my life and now she's complaining about her damn party... I lost the last drop of patience and slapped her across her face. She fell on the floor from the impact. She was too shocked to react. I was going to slap her again but I was pulled back by Mathew and he punched me in my face. "Are you out of your mind Ethan? How dare you!" Mathew shouted. "Yes I'm out of my f*****g mind! You didn't know what she did she destroyed my life!! My own sister ruined my life... what I ever did to you Sara! You f*****g ruined me..." I didn't realized that I was crying. Everyone was hell shocked to react but fear was evident on Sara's face... I think she pretty much got the idea why I'm acting like this. "What are you talking about Ethan?" My mom's at my side. "Mom she framed Ana!! Ana didn't cheated on me... Sara was behind that video.... she and Theo framed Ana!" Now it was my mom's turn to confront Sara. "SARA James is it true?" mom asked in a shaky voice. "It's true." It was Theo. Everyone turned towards the entrance where Theo was standing. "She asked me to execute her plan and I agreed to help her. I was blinded by her fake love. I know that what I did is unforgivable but still I'm sorry for what I did..." The sound of slap echoed in the room. "How could you do this to Ethan and Ana. Get out of my sight! You are dead to me. Get out of my sight before I kill you!" mom was shaking Sara who was standing with her head low. My vision started to blur damn Mathew! Everything went black..... *****************************
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