Chapter 10

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(Ana's POV) You know words are so powerful! They can crush a heart, or heal it. They can shame a soul, or liberate it. They can create defenses, or melt them.... His every word has an impact on my soul. Sometimes I feel like I'm numb and think that now he has no power over me, his words will not hurt me but when he called me a w***e it was like having a feeling of hopelessness. The one man I trusted enough to let my guard down with, just see me as a whore.... It was one thing to listen to his words but it was ten times worse to watch him call me a w***e in front of my kids. That was the reason for my panic attack. It was almost same like last time when he insulted me, humiliated me. My so called best friend was standing and watching the show like an audience. But there was a difference, eight years ago there was no one to stand by my side but today I have my kids and Mark. I have friends, money, power everything that makes me feel protected. They help me to escape from the past. They gave me courage, independence. After our marriage Ethan told me to quit my job and as a fool I was back then, quitting my job was not a big deal for me because I trusted him, loved him. And when he kicked me out I was worthless without money.... Love is a weapon that one can use to manipulate you, play you for a fool, take you for granted, I promise myself that I would never let Ethan degrade me in such a way... Do hell with him and his so called love! I'm brought out of my thoughts by Mark. "Hey babes I know I'm handsome but that doesn't mean that you can eye r**e me." I didn't realized that I zoned out while staring at his face. "Don't tell me finally you want a piece of this devilishly handsome man laying in front of your eyes." He said with a smug look on his face. "Eww Shut up Mark! You have to get up we need to go. You know we will be late for function. Come on the nanny's here." I'm going with Mark at gala as his date and nanny will be taking care of my monsters. Its been 3 days when Ethan ruined our little shopping trip and from that day it was like a silent rule in the house to avoid Ethan's name like a plague. The kids don't even want to talk about him according to them he's a bad man who called their mom by bad words and they don't want to talk about him because he hurt me. It feels good to have someone to take a stand for you. "Yup baby let's go." Mark winks at me "Eww Mark! Stop being cheesy." "Hey I was trying to be romantic" Mark pouted. Believe me sometimes he's worse than kids. Oh talking about kids I gave the trio a hug and kisses, without ruining my lipstick and told them not to perform any stunts or experiments and with that I left them with their nanny..... ______________________ (Ethan's POV) After my outburst in front of everyone I was knocked out by Mathew's punch. Hey I'm not weak it's just that he's an ex-army officer. And currently I'm sitting with my family having breakfast with a blue plus black jaw, all thanks to my bro. After my dad confronted Sara, we all know that why she did all this plotting against Ana. All the head turned towards the entrance where a very loud and tense Jerry was standing. "Dude we need to talk." he said but I'm not in a mood of any kind of conversation. "Jerry I think it can wait." I said to him in a bored tone. "Oh hi Jerry how are you? Come join us. We were just having breakfast." my mom said. "Hi aunty and thanks but I need to talk to Ethan it's about Ana." Jerry blurted. That got my attention as well as the attention of everyone present on the table. "Have a seat Jerry I think we all wants to know that what you have to talk about Ana." dad said in a stern voice. I silently cursed Jerry and his loud mouth. Jerry pulled out the seat beside me and started elbowing me but now it's of no use. My dad is not going to leave him until he spill every f*****g thing he knows about Ana. "Tell us J you know dad's not going to leave you alone until he knows everything." I said through gritted teeth. Facing Ana was the last thing on my mind after knowing the truth but now due to Jerry's loud mouth my family is involved in the matter. Besides Mathew and Kat nobody knew about Ana's living in Paris. "Ethan told me to find information about Ana's whereabouts and through my sources I found that Ana is the owner of one of the best fashion house in Paris. She's a billionaire and lives with her three kids in a house and is a single mother. She moved to Paris eight years ago and started her own business with the help of her friend Mark and now she's a successful business women and plus her dating history is zero." Everyone was shocked by the new information. It was one shocked to know that my sister destroyed my life but it was ten times worse to know that Ana has three children of her own. I feel sorry for my own pathetic self. But if she's single maybe there's still a chance for me to get her back in my life.... mom's voice broke my thoughts. "If her dating history is zero than who's the father of the three children?" "Aunty I think he's sitting among us" Jerry said, pointedly looking towards me. "What do you mean?" this time it was my dad. "Uncle when Ethan kicked Ana out of his house she was pregnant with triplets through some digging in the past I found that she had a nervous break down after that night in which she almost lost the babies. Mark her friend, helped her in leaving New York and moving to Paris. Mark Branford is a well-known business tycoon. He helped Ana through the pregnancy but due to stress she started having panic attacks and she still have panic attacks when She's under a lot of stress. She almost died while giving birth to the babies and on the first birthday of her babies she moved into her own house. She has one daughter and two son, Jackson, Christian and Julie with two all time bodyguards always accompany the kids where ever they go. According to the kids bio they are walking trouble." Silence took over the table. No one dare to say anything. It was a lot of information to take in, out of the corner on my eyes I noticed my dad crying. I never in my life saw my dad crying. He was not a man fond of showing his emotions. Hell I still can't wrap my mind around the fact that I'm a freaking father of three children... OMG I called Ana a w***e, shouted on her in front of my own kids, I don't care if it was unintentional! They must hate me. That's when I started crying.... I lost everything my babies, Ana just because I was blinded with jealousy. "Oh God! how I'm going to forgive myself... here we were happy in our lives and Ana... she... all alone in this world busy in talking care our grandchildren Ethan! She's never going to forgive us.... We didn't even knew about them." my mom broke down. Kat was sobbing in Mathew's arms. "How do they look like...? how old are they?" My dad asked Jerry. But I answered him instead of Jerry. "Dad mom do you remember when we went to the mall and the three children who save Ginny from a kid. And when they exited the mall while the little girl was crying?" "The kids with a lady and bodyguards..?" My dad asked confused. "Yes dad they are my kids" I said with a pride in my voice. Dad and mom's eyes brightened with realization. Suddenly Jerry's mobile started ringing. "Hello! what...? How? okay send me the address. I'll be there." "What happened?" "Dude told you those kids are trouble! They are currently in police custody along with their nanny and bodyguards...." "What!! Why are they in police custody?" Mom asked frantically. "It's nothing for them aunty... It's not there first time in police custody." "What do you mean" I asked "Dude looks could be deceiving! Those three little demons are dangerous and I might add that they love to perform stunts. I have a whole file of their stunts. Lets find what they did this time!" ____________________
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