Unknown POV

447 Words
Unknown POV A young man walked quickly and quietly towards his fathers palace. His excitement could be sensed a mile away. His blue eyes shone in anticipation to give his news. The news that would change their way of life...he was sure of it. A plague of darkness has descended upon then years ago and now....now everything was going to be okay...he was sure. His power broke into a jog as he saw the palace come into sight. He rushed inside aware of the people surrounding him looking at him with curious eyes. No one had ever seen him this happy. As he passed them the two large guards who stood at attention outside his fathers office bowed to him. "Is he inside" The blue eyed man asked excitement pouring out of him. The guards exchanged confused looks before bowing to him and saying, "Of course he is sire" "Good" The blue eyed boy said before opening the door and letting himself in. The man who sat at the middle of the office looked up at him. "What?" "Shes alive." . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Unknown POV2 On the far side of the earth stood the red eyed man.  His face was set in a death lock as he stared into the crystal ball.  He had searched near and far for her. After years of searching there she was. He finally had a location of his beloved. A beautiful smile erupted from his war ridden face making his scar stretch.  To most he was a demon. The devil incarnated. But those who truly knew him...knew he was much more than that.  He was a king, and abandoned king.  One left to die, yet nature helped him prevail.  Now he was back to claim all that belonged to him. Including HER. "Are you sure it's her?" The red eyed man inquired the pathetic witch that was tied inside his cell. The witch coughed up blood and stared at the devil like man in front of her.  "Y...Y...yes it's her. Im sure of it.....t..t.t.that location is absolute". She said tears evident in her eyes. "Good. Now you have outlasted your use to me in that case" "Please let me go i promise i will be good." The witch said terror evident in her eyes. The red eyed man laughed and replied haughty  "Now i can't have you go and tell anyone im alive, now that im coming for her...now can i? Plus my love you have been a very a naughty girl, you've used dark magic" The witch stared to shake in terror. "Do you know the punishment for Dark magic? Go on do ask me" The witch cried and shook as she whispered "What?"  The red eyed man's lips curled in a cruel smirk and smiled sinisterly.  "Death" He replied before plunging a dagger into the witches chest and laughing at her dying wails.
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