Will She Survive?

622 Words
Alaric POV I screamed her name as i saw her collapse onto the floor. I ran up to to her and immediately pulled her into my arms. What the hell is happening?? "THEO GO GET DR KAREN RIGHT NOW" I Roared out orders as i picked up my mate and sprinted to the infirmary. My heart was pounding at a thousand miles an hour. What happened to my little mate?? Is she going to be okay?? We reached the infirmary and i immediately rushed inside fear overwhelming me. I placed her on a bed and saw Dr Karen run in.  Dr Karen tried to reach my mate but i snarled. No one was going to touch her.  "ALPHA YOU NEED TO LEAVE RIGHT NOW. I HAVE TO HELP THE LUNA OR SHE MIGHT DIE". I roared when i heard my little mate could die. I refused to budge and moved my body so that it covered my little mates one. No one will touch her.  I felt my beta and Gamma grab onto my shoulders and pull me out of the infirmary. I snapped my canines at them...but allowed them to lead me out, the logical part of my brain finally agreeing. Once outside, i could not sit still. My head my hurting and i could feel my wolf fighting for control. He needed to see his mate. To make sure she was alright. To make sure she was safe. Im her mate. My job is to keep her safe and yet no less than an hour into my territory she passes out. I growled lowly and punched a wall. I continued to punch the wall and i felt my anger and drain out. "Alpha you need to calm down" My beta Blake said. "SHUT THE f**k UP" I roared alpha dominance rolling out of me."SHES MY MATE. DR KAREN HAS NO AUTHORITY TO TELL ME TO LEAVE. SHE IS MINE. IM THE f*****g ALPHA" I spat out while punching the wall. Blake sighed and went to sit down in one of the chair. What was minutes seemed like hours without my little mate. I needed to know if she was okay. she HAD to be okay.  My pack needed their Luna. After years of suffering we have finally found her. I have finally found her. And i will raise hell on earth if i lose her. The moon goddess was playing dirty. Perhaps this is my punishment. To find the love of my life only to lose. I growled and punched the wall again. "Alpha" I heard a female voice behind me. I spun around and saw Dr Karen "MY MATE IS SHE OKAY????? TELL DOCTOR OR I SWEAR BY GODDESS....." I couldn't even finish the sentence as i turned around and picked up a table sending it flying.  Panting heavily i looked at Dr Karen urging her to go on. "Alpha please sit down for this". I sighed and sat down. "Alpha the Luna is serverly malnourished. It looks like she has not had proper food in years. To make things worse she has internal bleeding due to high dosages of wolfs bane. She has had numerous broken bones including in her ribs, arms and legs. There are also clear indications of torture. She has whip marks on her back and stomach and knife cuts on both her arms. These both look like they were made with silver. Alpha.....she was also........." The doctor stopped mid sentence and closed her eyes, i could see a tear falling. I got up and took a step near her, anger making my body shake "she was what...." "Alpha, there are indications that she was raped numerous times from a young age" The doctor said softly, looking at me with terror. As soon as she uttered those words, the beast withing me lost control.  I shifted as my wolf came into control. The beast was unleashed...................................
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