
423 Words
Alaric POV As soon as she uttered those words, the beast within me lost control I shifted as my wolf came into control. The beast was unleashed............................... I ran past the doors and ran straight into the forest. Anger, rage and pure fury was rolling off of me. HOW DARE THEY TOUCH HER??? SHE WAS MINE!!!! MINE ONLY!!!! I could feel Xavier's pain and anger. He was enraged. Enraged what our little mate had been through all because of my stupid mistakes. Enraged that we were to late to protect what was our's. Enraged that someone had laid their dirty paws on her.   I ran as fast as my legs could carry me. Tears starting to blur my eyes. I hadn't cried in years. Not since my family died. Yet today i couldn't stop the tears from falling. I ran and ran and ran until i reached the cave. A place no one else in the pack knew about. When i wanted to get away i would come here. I knew it was selfish. I knew i should be back at the hospital. Back with her. But i couldn't face it.  I groaned as i slowly willed Xavier to give me control. He reluctantly did so and retreated to the back of my head whining. He has never in his existence once whined in pain. Our little Angel was changing us. I sighed and sat down on the cave floor. Naked. I felt tears creeping up on me again I closed my eyes and sighed in pain. This is was fault. My fault that she was in this condition. You see.... A wolf finds his mate when he is 18. I searched as soon i turned 18. I was so damn excited to find my mate. But, i never found her. So, i gave up looking. I threw myself into pack work and building up a reputation as a the fearless alpha i am today. If i had just listened to Xavier and searched harder, maybe our little mate would never have been harmed. If only i had got to her earlier, she would be in my arms right now. Instead of the f*****g hospital bed. I Roared in anger and started to punch the cave walls. I was beyond mad. I was going to kill EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THOSE FUCKING BASTARDS. They thought they could hurt the beasts mate and get away with it? I will hunt them down. I will avenge my little mate and give her life she deserves. This i promise. I shifted into my wolf again and howled loudly. "This is for you my angel" I thought before running back to the hospital.
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