Goodbye my love

693 Words
Kara POV All i could see was darkness. I tried to open my eyes but i couldn't, no matter how hard i tried. I started to panic. Where was i? Where was Alaric? Did he leave me already???  At the last though sadness ripped through my body. I could literally feel my heart plummeting. Would he really eave me? Oh god what if i was dead??? Did the moon goddess finally take pity on me and take me away from the pathetic thing i have called my life? If so why was it all black? Wait. if i am dead shouldn't i be in heaven? Oh god am in hell??? While deep in my own thoughts i heard a voice. It was an angelic voice....but it sounded familiar almost as though i had heard it before.  "Kara" The voice whispered.  I tried to open my eyes again and this time i succeeded. I groaned and peeled my eyes open. I was instantly hit with a blinding white light. I gasped and tried to get a bearing of my surroundings. I was laying down in a poppy field. I could see red poppy's for as far as the eye could see. I gently got up and looked around again. I looked down and saw i was wearing a white flowing dress. I was beautiful, made of pure silk. I had not owned something this nice in a very long time. "Yep im definitely in heaven and definitely dead" I thought to myself. I looked down at my dress again and noticed something strange. My scars and cuts on my wrists.....they were gone. "What the hell?" I thought to myself. I quickly lifted my dress and stared at my bare stomach. The cuts...the whip marks...all gone. "Kara....come to me love" the same voice sounded again. I curiously started to follow the voice. I know the sure of it. I walked a few more steps and gasped when i saw her........................ My mother. My beautiful mother Amanda I choked back a sob and ran up to her. I threw myself into her arms and started crying. "Mom...oh god so sorry..i..i" I started saying in between my wails. She hushed me and simply said  "Follow me my sweet little girl" She grasped my hand and took me to a clearing. I nearly fainted when i saw them. My father Brain and brother Seb. Both standing their with smiles on their faces waiting for me to approach them. I started crying again and ran up to them an hugged them. "Im so sorry. It was all my fault. My fault you all died. They came for me. If you had not taken me in...." Seb immediately pulled away from our hug and looked at me with anger. "DONT EVER SPEAK LIKE THAT AGAIN KARA, you are my little sister. Our little angel. we would gladly give up our lives for you" Tears continued to pour down my face. I didn't deserve them.  "Now listen carefully princess" Brain said speaking softly we don't have much time" "Dad whats going on?" I asked...he seemed very worried. "We know you have been blaming yourself for what happened to us" Amanda said I looked away. Its true. I have. "Know that we in no way blame you Kara. It was NOT your fault. You are destined for such great things my love. You are destined to be the purest of them all." Amanda said while drifting towards Brain and Seb. "We have to go little sis our time has run out" Seb said before turning around "Wait... will i ever see you again??" I asked desperately...i can't lose them again. "We are always with you Kara. In your heart." Brain said smiling at me. "Goodbye my love" AManda whispered before all three of them vanished. I gasped as i felt darkness engulf me once more. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "NO" i screamed as i shot up from the hospital bed. I was instantly hit by another blinding light. I screamed at rushed out of the bed. I was held back by two arms. "Let me go please. I wont run. just dont hurt me" I wailed and begged. "Don't worry Luna i wont hurt you i promise. I just need to make sure your okay" A female voice replied. "Who are you?" "Im Tracy and im a nurse here. please calm down Luna you've been dead for 5 minutes"
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