MATE???? PT2

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THIS IS THE MATE MEET FROM ALARIC'S POINT OF VIEW. SO IF YOU WANT GO AHEAD AND SKIP IT.  ALARIC POV I entered the main dining room following the she-wolf that had opened the door for me. Inside Alpha Kyle and his Beta...Jordan i believe, welcomed us. I wrinkled my nose in disgust. I f*****g hated them and everything about this damn pack. But i needed their help in the war against roughs. I quickly assessed the room. To my right and left my Beta and Gamma did the same. We needed to make sure they weren't a threat to us.  Alpha Kyle stood near a she-wolf..whom i assumed was his mate, by the way she looked at him. He, however, looked at her with pure remorse. The scars and marks on the she-wolfs arms did not go un-noticed. f*****g bastard.  Beta Jordan stood a little behind Kyle with another man. This man was built with large muscles and tanned skin. He had numerous battle scars on his face and limbs. I assumed he was their lead warrior or possibly the gamma. The house itself was pretty rundown(For an alphas house at least). Like i said we didn't need this packs resources against the rouge war, But rouges were normally spotted near this territory so we need Kyle.  "Ah, Alpha Alaric its a pleasure to host you for dinner tonight" Alpha Kyle stepped forward extending his hand for a handshake. I gripped and looked him in his eye. "Thank you for your generosity Alpha Kyle." "This is my Beta Jordan and my lead warrior Jason" Kyle said pointing to each man. He completely ignored the she-wolf. The she-wolf simply looked down and sighed as if she was used to this type of neglectful behavior. If i didn't hate this f*****g pack so much, I may have even felt sorry for her. I nodded to him and replied "This is my beta Blake and my Gamma Theo". I saw some of the she-wolves who were placing food on the table stare at my men with terror. I smirked, they knew what were capable of and i love the feeling of being in charge. "Shall we eat then" Kyle asked. I nodded, dismissing him. As i started tot urn around, i started to sweat and shiver at the same time. My heart started to pick up its pace and it started to pound in my chest. My wolf started acting up again as he tried to break free. It took all my power not let him free. My wolf started to howl as he clawed his way through my body aching to break free. What the f**k, i cant force shift. XAVIER WHAT THE HELL. HAVE SOME CONTROL. XAVIER(ALARIC'S WOLF)- No something is going to happen. Cant you smell that Human.  I dont care what it is wolf. We cant force shift. we have a bloody reputation to hold up Xavier- No you dont understand human something is going to happen, i can just feel it. Just be on high alert will you stupid human. Hey, who you calling stupid, mutt Xavier- You We are the same person you know. Xavier- whatever just be on the look out.  Yeah okay   I turned around only to have someone to smash into me and spill food all over my suit. I looked up to kill the person that dared spill something on and was met with the most beautiful, unique silver eyes ive ever seen.  "MATE" My wolf howled making me smile worth a hundred photos.  Finally my mate.  I immediately engulfed her in my arms and nearly moaned at the sparks that shot up where our skin made contact. I inhaled her mouth watering scent. Strawberries and rain. After years of searching i was finally holding my mate in my arms. After years of f*****g torture i had found my mate.  I smiled and hugged her harder pulling her closer to me. My mate stayed there without hugging me back, making me frown slightly. She pushed back from my embrace and stared at me with shock.  Instinctively i growled lowly causing Xavier to surge forward and i felt my eyes turn from gold to black. Xavier wanted to hold his mate and question why she didn't want to be in his arms.  My mate noticed my eyes switching color and hey eyes widened with terror, making my heart break.  No  She was not supposed to be afraid of me. I tried reaching for her but she ran out the door. I howled and sprinted after her, my beta and gamma remaining behind in case she came back to the pack house.  My head was spinning. Why was she running away from me? Her mate. Does she not love me? Does she have another man. The last though angered me to no extent. NO. She cant have another man. Shes mine. Ill kill any bastard that so much as looks at her in the wrong way.  Xavier wasn't much help either.  I sprinted and saw her entering the forest. f**k, its dangerous in there, she could get hurt. I ran faster and quickly filled in the space between us. I caught up to her and pulled her into my arms, sparks igniting wherever we touched. My little mate gasped and turned around to look at me and i got my first good look at her.  My heart stopped. She was a goddess. Her silver eyes shone against the full moon, full of curiosity. Her hair was black. Dead straight and looked so silky. Her lips were pouted and pink and god the things i wanted to do to those lips. Her face was flushed and pink. She looked absolutely adorable.  I smirked when i saw her checking me out. "You can stop checking me out now Angel" I whispered in her ear earning a shiver before gently sucking on her ear lope.  "I wasn't checking you out" My mate snapped back. I stared at her in surprise. No one had ever spoken like that to me and lived. Damn my little mate was feisty. I quickly pulled me against me and whispered in her ear again allowing Xavier to surge forward. He wanted to make sure his mate was okay. "If you EVER  and i mean EVER run away from me again Angel i will punish you naughty ass. And trust me you wont like my punishment", Alpha dominance rolled off of me when i said this. Xavier was worried for our mate and i was to.  My mate started to shiver and smelled terror and fear radiating off of her. Immediately i stepped back. f**k. ""Im so so sorry Angel My wolf took control .Im sorry please forgive me. Please. I dont want you to be afraid of me" I said quickly rubbing my neck with nervousness. My mate stared at me and then giggled. It was the most beautiful sound i had ever heard. It was music to my ears.  I swear i will do whatever she wants just to hear that sound again. I gave her a cheeky smile. She looked deep in thought and i thought what she was thinking about. She seemed to come to some resolve because she asked my name. "The names Alaric Angel" "Now come Angel. Lets go to the pack house. I have to talk to you Alpha". I held her hand and smiled at the sparks flying through our hands. God this little she-wolf has no idea what she is doing to me. I just met her and i will already give up my life, Alpha title and so much more for her. I grinned like a mad man when we neared the Pack house, My Beta and Gamma stood outside smiling like crazy to as they bowed down to us. We had found our Luna.  Our Queen. My Mate
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