Confusing thoughts.

419 Words
Kara POV Alpha ALaric grabbed my hand and i internally moaned when i felt sparks erupting where our skin me. I glanced at him and saw him smiling warmly. That's odd. Why is he smiling. Is he actually enjoying out touch?  As we were walking towards the pack house i glanced at the god like man that strode next to me. The moon was full and shone brightly in front of us illuminating our path. Its beautiful silver rays shone over the alpha and made him look even more godly. He was perfection.  A living breathing Adonis.  Why would he want me?  A broken, abused, sexually violated maid of a she-wolf?  He was probably going to reject me.  My wolf whimpered at the thought.  Crescent- Dont say that. Mate loves us and only us. He will accept us. I nearly laughed out loud when she said this. Him accepting us? That's the best joke ive ever heard No Crescent he probably has a million woman who he sleeps with all the time. All Alphas are players....just look at Kyle. He definitely has a girlfriend who is probably perfect in every way and can offer more to him than we ever can. My wolf whimpered again hearing these harsh words. I could feel my heart breaking as i imagined him with another she-wolf. As much as i hated it, it hurt me like crazy imaging him rejecting me. But, i had to be practical. He is an alpha that needs a strong Luna. I cant be that. Hell ive never trained in my life and i am a lowly Omega. What kind of Alpha wants an Omega as an mate? Crescent- We are not weak. we are strong and mate will know that. He will love us and protect us because he is mate. Our soul Mate. I was lost in my thoughts arguing with my stubborn ass wolf, When a beautiful voice cut through the silence. "Are you alright my Angel? You look a little pale" Alaric said staring at me a little worried.  "Im fine" I managed to say thanking the goddess my voice wasn't shaky. I stared at Alaric and i could tell he didn't believe me, he looked like he was about to say something back but decided against it. Instead he simply nodded the worried look never leaving his face. He looked in front of us again but i couldn't help but notice that his grip on my hand had become much stronger. I sighed. I was grateful he had not probed me with further questions. I probably would have broken down in tears. 
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